French poll: 61 percent say Islam is incompatible with their society


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
French Poll: 61 Percent Say Islam Is Incompatible With Their Society
77 percent of Frenchmen want the burkini banned in public

A strong majority of French adults say Islam is incompatible with their society.

A new Ipsos poll finds that 61 percent of adults say Islam is incompatible with French society, compared to just 17 percent who say the same about Judaism and 6 percent who believe Catholicism is incompatible with French society.

The number of those who believe Islam is incompatible is trending

They can't even get along with their own people in their own Country , and these idiots in the US can't seem to get that through their pathetic heads. We're talking the open flood gates of those who are radicalized not vetted etc.
Any religion's intervention in France's secular République would be unacceptable to the French.
France should not get the migrants From Angéla i think they show that they don't like German peoples it is the same in France.
People who want to live in European countries should do so because they want to live in the manner of those nations, not as a project to change them. Filtering immigrants should be at least partly based on that. Learn the language, learn the culture, learn the history and integrate. Otherwise, go somewhere that is more in tune with what they want. Helping desperate people survive for a while is kind, but if they are not prepared to live as their hosts do there is no reason to maintain them eternally.

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