Freedom from ME oil.

BC I am pretty sure Hydro doesn't produce CO2.......Beyond that you may have noticed that I advocate for nuclear power and solar panels on your house could in the near future with "super capacitors" to store enough energy to recharge your plug in.
cant damn up rivers, the enviro weenies worry about a snail darter
Well we here in Idaho enjoy some of the lowest power costs in the country due to hydro power.
we could have been a net power exporter here in Maine
but the enviro nuts got maine yankee closed, then they went after the hydro plants and got many of them closed
now we import power from canada
Electric power vehicles (electric only) must be plugged into the power grid, the source of which you seem to be so against. Not to mention the waste products from battery manufacturing are toxic to the extreme, the containment sites make death valley look lush by comparison. By by argument for all electric. Using solar power has limited application, despite the advancements made.
One of the things to watch is the new nuclear fuel (I don't remember off hand what it's called). It can only be used for fuel and the waste is only radioactive for around 100 years as opposed to 10,000 years.
As for wind power I've always advocated turning congress into the worlds largest and most productive wind generator in existence. Heck, we could power NYC for 100 years for every day congress is in session.
I think it is pretty limited on Earth but I guess you don't need a whole bunch of it. I would LOVE to see the US become the world leader in nuclear power.
If I remember the report correctly (it was a week or so ago and I was busy negotiating D.C. traffic at the time) that was one of the great things, very small amounts needed.
I think it is pretty limited on Earth but I guess you don't need a whole bunch of it. I would LOVE to see the US become the world leader in nuclear power.
If I remember the report correctly (it was a week or so ago and I was busy negotiating D.C. traffic at the time) that was one of the great things, very small amounts needed.
are you talking about the hydrate(sp?) that is on the ocean floor?

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