Free Speech Crackdown Extended to Talk Radio

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Free Speech Crackdown Extended to Talk Radio
The awful occurrence at the Capitol on January 6 was possible because people no longer trust the integrity of our elections, or of the liberal-dominated system in general. More censorship will not help:
Cumulus Media, which employs some of the most popular right-leaning talk-radio hosts in the United States, has told its on-air personalities to stop suggesting that the election was stolen from President Donald Trump – or else face termination. …
“We need to help induce national calm NOW,” Brian Philips, executive vice president of content for Cumulus, wrote in an internal memo, which was first reported by Inside Music Media. Cumulus and its program syndication arm, Westwood One, “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths.’ ”
The memo adds: “If you transgress this policy, you can expect to separate from the company immediately.”
Cumulus owns 416 radio stations, many based on the conservative-dominated talk format. Hosts include heavy hitters Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, and Dan Bongino.
Michael Harrison publishes Talkers magazine…
Asked how hosts who have repeatedly promoted Trump’s claims of fraud can now credibly flip to acceptance, Harrison said: “I would hope they put their personal feelings aside and come clean with their listeners.”
“Come clean” means stick to the official narrative. What they actually believe is irrelevant in the sort of country this is turning into.

Nothing fans the flames of paranoia like heavy-handed censorship. Unless the establishment is run by idiots, the objective is not to “induce national calm.” The solution to wrong information is right information. Gags are for suppressing wrongthink and marginalizing alternative points of view. Marginalization does not result in calm; it results in radicalization.

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Oh thank God more censorship to keep everyone safe from the wayciss insuwwectionists.....yea DEMOCWACY!
Thankfully Mark Levin came on and exposed this as totally made up. He never received any such memo and neither did anybody else. No comment from anybody at Cumulus, yet the media runs with the story and claims it’s all true. With no verification. Sad but typical.
Thankfully Mark Levin came on and exposed this as totally made up. He never received any such memo and neither did anybody else. No comment from anybody at Cumulus, yet the media runs with the story and claims it’s all true. With no verification. Sad but typical.

It was a fake ?...ill leave it up anyway
Free Speech Crackdown Extended to Talk Radio
The awful occurrence at the Capitol on January 6 was possible because people no longer trust the integrity of our elections, or of the liberal-dominated system in general. More censorship will not help:
Cumulus Media, which employs some of the most popular right-leaning talk-radio hosts in the United States, has told its on-air personalities to stop suggesting that the election was stolen from President Donald Trump – or else face termination. …
“We need to help induce national calm NOW,” Brian Philips, executive vice president of content for Cumulus, wrote in an internal memo, which was first reported by Inside Music Media. Cumulus and its program syndication arm, Westwood One, “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths.’ ”
The memo adds: “If you transgress this policy, you can expect to separate from the company immediately.”
Cumulus owns 416 radio stations, many based on the conservative-dominated talk format. Hosts include heavy hitters Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, and Dan Bongino.
Michael Harrison publishes Talkers magazine…
Asked how hosts who have repeatedly promoted Trump’s claims of fraud can now credibly flip to acceptance, Harrison said: “I would hope they put their personal feelings aside and come clean with their listeners.”
“Come clean” means stick to the official narrative. What they actually believe is irrelevant in the sort of country this is turning into.

Nothing fans the flames of paranoia like heavy-handed censorship. Unless the establishment is run by idiots, the objective is not to “induce national calm.” The solution to wrong information is right information. Gags are for suppressing wrongthink and marginalizing alternative points of view. Marginalization does not result in calm; it results in radicalization.

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Oh thank God more censorship to keep everyone safe from the wayciss insuwwectionists.....yea DEMOCWACY!
I like how the fact that liberal radio has always failed proves that conservatives love being fed blatant propaganda far more than liberals do
Free Speech Crackdown Extended to Talk Radio
The awful occurrence at the Capitol on January 6 was possible because people no longer trust the integrity of our elections, or of the liberal-dominated system in general. More censorship will not help:
Cumulus Media, which employs some of the most popular right-leaning talk-radio hosts in the United States, has told its on-air personalities to stop suggesting that the election was stolen from President Donald Trump – or else face termination. …
“We need to help induce national calm NOW,” Brian Philips, executive vice president of content for Cumulus, wrote in an internal memo, which was first reported by Inside Music Media. Cumulus and its program syndication arm, Westwood One, “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths.’ ”
The memo adds: “If you transgress this policy, you can expect to separate from the company immediately.”
Cumulus owns 416 radio stations, many based on the conservative-dominated talk format. Hosts include heavy hitters Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, and Dan Bongino.
Michael Harrison publishes Talkers magazine…
Asked how hosts who have repeatedly promoted Trump’s claims of fraud can now credibly flip to acceptance, Harrison said: “I would hope they put their personal feelings aside and come clean with their listeners.”
“Come clean” means stick to the official narrative. What they actually believe is irrelevant in the sort of country this is turning into.

Nothing fans the flames of paranoia like heavy-handed censorship. Unless the establishment is run by idiots, the objective is not to “induce national calm.” The solution to wrong information is right information. Gags are for suppressing wrongthink and marginalizing alternative points of view. Marginalization does not result in calm; it results in radicalization.

All links are highlighted

Oh thank God more censorship to keep everyone safe from the wayciss insuwwectionists.....yea DEMOCWACY!
I like how the fact that liberal radio has always failed proves that conservatives love being fed blatant propaganda far more than liberals do
Thiers always gonna be fan boy fakes that get picked up by the alt media on both sides ...but Jesus youre a fucking idiot
I like how the fact that liberal radio has always failed proves that conservatives love being fed blatant propaganda far more than liberals do

It proves nothing of the sort.

LIbEral talk radio failed, because not enough people wanted to listen to it to make it profitable. The audience that would have listened to it preferred, instead, to watch television.

You can listen to the radio while you drive to work. You can listen the radio while you drive home from work. In many jobs, you can even listen to the radio while you are working.

Television, not so much. Thus, radio has always been, and will always be, more popular among productive, working people, who don't want to listen to some mute donkey telling them that they should be paying more taxes to support the parasites sitting at home watching soap operas.
Thus, radio has always been, and will always be, more popular among productive, working people, who don't want to listen to some mute donkey telling them that they should be paying more taxes to support the parasites sitting at home watching soap operas.
^ this is one of the stupidest statements I've ever seen made on this site
Thus, radio has always been, and will always be, more popular among productive, working people, who don't want to listen to some mute donkey telling them that they should be paying more taxes to support the parasites sitting at home watching soap operas.
^ this is one of the stupidest statements I've ever seen made on this site

Not really yours still is
The Washington post ran with it to
Heres the original source

So much for your original conspiracy-theory that conservatives are more susceptible
Free Speech Crackdown Extended to Talk Radio
The awful occurrence at the Capitol on January 6 was possible because people no longer trust the integrity of our elections, or of the liberal-dominated system in general. More censorship will not help:
Cumulus Media, which employs some of the most popular right-leaning talk-radio hosts in the United States, has told its on-air personalities to stop suggesting that the election was stolen from President Donald Trump – or else face termination. …
“We need to help induce national calm NOW,” Brian Philips, executive vice president of content for Cumulus, wrote in an internal memo, which was first reported by Inside Music Media. Cumulus and its program syndication arm, Westwood One, “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths.’ ”
The memo adds: “If you transgress this policy, you can expect to separate from the company immediately.”
Cumulus owns 416 radio stations, many based on the conservative-dominated talk format. Hosts include heavy hitters Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, and Dan Bongino.
Michael Harrison publishes Talkers magazine…
Asked how hosts who have repeatedly promoted Trump’s claims of fraud can now credibly flip to acceptance, Harrison said: “I would hope they put their personal feelings aside and come clean with their listeners.”
“Come clean” means stick to the official narrative. What they actually believe is irrelevant in the sort of country this is turning into.

Nothing fans the flames of paranoia like heavy-handed censorship. Unless the establishment is run by idiots, the objective is not to “induce national calm.” The solution to wrong information is right information. Gags are for suppressing wrongthink and marginalizing alternative points of view. Marginalization does not result in calm; it results in radicalization.

All links are highlighted

Oh thank God more censorship to keep everyone safe from the wayciss insuwwectionists.....yea DEMOCWACY!

I can see a formation of non PC MTC's springing up to do battle with the PC MTC's. The soon to show up BIG political battles will be for control of the FCC! This of course will drag in the impotent scotus as ever more fuel is thrown on the fire by the oligarchy! As the blindsided left street thugs meet the enraged for vengeance right street thugs curfews & lockdowns will commence. This will see police officers falling in the line of duty like bowling pins scattering upon hard impact! Once the street violence hits the November 1942 Stalingrad level we'll get the national guard involved(hopefully all 50 states!) which will hand our USA(Ununited States of America) the glorious title of the BEST of the banana republics ever! YES, history does repeat itself thanks to good ole human nature & the omnipotent mighty Oligarchy!!!

Free Speech Crackdown Extended to Talk Radio
The awful occurrence at the Capitol on January 6 was possible because people no longer trust the integrity of our elections, or of the liberal-dominated system in general. More censorship will not help:
Cumulus Media, which employs some of the most popular right-leaning talk-radio hosts in the United States, has told its on-air personalities to stop suggesting that the election was stolen from President Donald Trump – or else face termination. …
“We need to help induce national calm NOW,” Brian Philips, executive vice president of content for Cumulus, wrote in an internal memo, which was first reported by Inside Music Media. Cumulus and its program syndication arm, Westwood One, “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths.’ ”
The memo adds: “If you transgress this policy, you can expect to separate from the company immediately.”
Cumulus owns 416 radio stations, many based on the conservative-dominated talk format. Hosts include heavy hitters Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, and Dan Bongino.
Michael Harrison publishes Talkers magazine…
Asked how hosts who have repeatedly promoted Trump’s claims of fraud can now credibly flip to acceptance, Harrison said: “I would hope they put their personal feelings aside and come clean with their listeners.”
“Come clean” means stick to the official narrative. What they actually believe is irrelevant in the sort of country this is turning into.

Nothing fans the flames of paranoia like heavy-handed censorship. Unless the establishment is run by idiots, the objective is not to “induce national calm.” The solution to wrong information is right information. Gags are for suppressing wrongthink and marginalizing alternative points of view. Marginalization does not result in calm; it results in radicalization.

All links are highlighted

Oh thank God more censorship to keep everyone safe from the wayciss insuwwectionists.....yea DEMOCWACY!

I can see a formation of non PC MTC's springing up to do battle with the PC MTC's. The soon to show up BIG political battles will be for control of the FCC! This of course will drag in the impotent scotus as ever more fuel is thrown on the fire by the oligarchy! As the blindsided left street thugs meet the enraged for vengeance right street thugs curfews & lockdowns will commence. This will see police officers falling in the line of duty like bowling pins scattering upon hard impact! Once the street violence hits the November 1942 Stalingrad level we'll get the national guard involved(hopefully all 50 states!) which will hand our USA(Ununited States of America) the glorious title of the BEST of the banana republics ever! YES, history does repeat itself thanks to good ole human nature & the omnipotent mighty Oligarchy!!!

Its gonna get messy

How many cops are gonna fall in line ? I think we're gonna find out soon enough .
They're already persecuting the capital cops who " sided with the rioters "
Make an example of them
The reason left-wing radio talk shows never last is that even left-wingers won't listen to them.

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