Free speach guaranteed by the Constitution


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.

Yet you don't give a rat's rear end about Gov's shutting Churches. How very intelligent of you.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.

Twitter is a private organization. Free speech has nothing to do with it. Free speech limits the government not private companies. There is nothing stopping anyone from setting up their own social media organization.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.

Yet you don't give a rat's rear end about Gov's shutting Churches. How very intelligent of you.

The government did not shut down churches. They shut down in person services. They have not barred on-line services or some other versions.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.
It's spelled "speech" you imbecile, and all Trump is doing is trying to shut down discrimination by scum like you.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.

Twitter is a private organization. Free speech has nothing to do with it. Free speech limits the government not private companies. There is nothing stopping anyone from setting up their own social media organization.
Is that what you call discrimination? Free speech? How commie like.
I voted for the Donald and would be honored to do so again come November.

But I am disappointed by his constantly threatening to do things that he does not have the power to do.

That's why politicians do not fear him. They know that in many cases, he is all hat, no cattle.

A powerful president is reticent. When s/he speaks, other politicians shake in their boots because they know that s/he will implement those words.

I am pretty sure that the executives at Twitter are not shaking in their boots!

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.
Hey, Einstein, you can't even spell "speech" correctly in your thread title. You really ARE a moron.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.
It's spelled "speech" you imbecile, and all Trump is doing is trying to shut down discrimination by scum like you.
I JUST noted the same thing! What an imbecile.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.

Yet you don't give a rat's rear end about Gov's shutting Churches. How very intelligent of you.

The government did not shut down churches. They shut down in person services. They have not barred on-line services or some other versions.
Making a church close in shutting down the service commie.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.

You're letting the bad orange man push your buttons to the point of crying yourself to sleep every night and then dreaming about being carjacked by a 7 ft orange dildo. Get some help son. Drugs... lots of them.
The world is increasingly linked by online interaction, so the rules have to change to reflect this reality, it isn't 1920. I'm sure the federal government and DOJ have a great deal of latititude if abuses are occurring, especially when their decisions are so arbitrary.

Don't believe me, goggle "Online Poker Black Friday". The day online poker died, certainly in the U.S. I went to the usual website to log in and my heart skipped a beat when I saw a big DOJ screen of the now taken over pokerstars domain. The same went with other sites.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.

Yet you don't give a rat's rear end about Gov's shutting Churches. How very intelligent of you.

The government did not shut down churches. They shut down in person services. They have not barred on-line services or some other versions.

You are woefully ill informed.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.
Somebody doesnt understand "free speech". MORON
I voted for the Donald and would be honored to do so again come November.

But I am disappointed by his constantly threatening to do things that he does not have the power to do.

That's why politicians do not fear him. They know that in many cases, he is all hat, no cattle.

A powerful president is reticent. When s/he speaks, other politicians shake in their boots because they know that s/he will implement those words.

I am pretty sure that the executives at Twitter are not shaking in their boots!
I'm afraid his Justice Dept DOES have teeth in this issue.

We've been talking about this long enough. It's time for him to take action

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.

Yet you don't give a rat's rear end about Gov's shutting Churches. How very intelligent of you.

The government did not shut down churches. They shut down in person services. They have not barred on-line services or some other versions.
Again, the Russian/China argument.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.
Factual reporting of Trump by the Marxist media?
According to Schiff, his fellow leftist politicians and the leftist news media: "We have hard evidence of a Trump-Russia collusion."
A thorough investigation, 2800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants and forty million of our taxpayer dollars later...its summation: The Trump administration DID NOT collude with Russia. A logical individual's take from this....fake news and a leftist political attempt at a bloodless coup of a duly elected president.

Somebody please tell Impeached President Trump that he can't regulate free speech. He doesn't need Twitter in the first place; he already has Fox News, who will spew any crap that the Impeached President wants spewed. Trump doesn't like factual reporting about him. That's why he he came up with "fake news," his definition of news media that disagrees with him and fact checks his lies.

I hope he tries. This would be a no brainer for the SCOTUS.
How do the twitter people get away with it then?
The government did not shut down churches. They shut down in person services.

Looks shut down to me ...


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