"Free College Tuition" is NOT a pipe-dream

Why is it that for right wingers the term "taxation" is an anathema???

I mean, you folks pay through the nose on a whole bunch of things you care little for and bitch and moan about. Here is an INVESTMENT that each citizen can make to our country.....and you reject it as if it was tantamount to curbing the sale of an assault weapon.

I don't believe scraping college tuition for the impecunious from the pockets of those who work hard and pay to send their own kids to college is an enumerated power in any federal or state constitution.
Cost keeps out unqualified people? You're even dumber than I thought.

Let's say that Harvard admits you and charges you no tuition, sending the bill to Hortysir instead, as you are proposing.

Now the first time you walk into a statistical probability class, you're done. So what to do? Well, they solved that in secondary education by "dumbing it down."

So Harvard dumbs it down to the point that a drooling retard like you can graduate - so what is the value of a degree once it's all down to the level that people like you can get a degree?

As I said, those who struggled and earned bachelors or better, wad em' up and toss em' out - the leftists are devaluing education again.
I think it's safe to assume that the statistics class is as far as you got.
That bachelors you spent $80,000 earning? Wad it up and throw it down the shitter, because it will be worth no more than the worthless HS Diploma you have, once the leftists devalue it through making it free.

The above well substantiates that YOU never made it through high school.
I think it's safe to assume that the statistics class is as far as you got.

If I need to hire a qualified professional for the finance team, I look for someone with a bachelors in accounting or a related field. It isn't perfect, but it is a pretty good indicator that the person has some knowledge in the field.

But if they start handing morons like YOU a bachelors, then suddenly the degree that indicated a certain level of achievement means nothing. You seek to make a college degree an entitlement - which destroys the purpose.

I need to distinguish between smart and talented people, and those like you.
The above well substantiates that YOU never made it through high school.

You seek to make a college education an entitlement. Once you do so, it will have zero value to anyone.

I know you like to point to Europe, but remember that in Europe only the top few percent of students are allowed to go on to higher education.
Calm down and take the stick out of your ass. College is not for everyone - and shouldn't be for everyone. If you stupid fucks get your way and make it "free" by making others pay, then you'll also have to lower standards to ensure that all the new students can succeed.

Some people try to hide their stupidity....you actually like to flaunt it.

NO ONE said that college is for everyone
NON ONE said that "free tuition" means that everyone should go

Free tuition means that ONLY those with high grades and who major in worthwhile curricula AND who "pay back" to that society that funded the higher education.

Find someone with an 8th grade education to explain the above to you if you're too dumb to comprehend it.
I don't believe scraping college tuition for the impecunious from the pockets of those who work hard and pay to send their own kids to college is an enumerated power in any federal or state constitution.

In other words it is better for that impecunious family to incur a huge student loan debt that can't even be re-negotiated to a lower interest rate.
Actually, free means the government forces you to pay for someone else

How true, back in 2003 I was "forced" to help pay for some cluster bomb to be used in Iraq for a war I did not approve of.....Go figure.
I don't believe scraping college tuition for the impecunious from the pockets of those who work hard and pay to send their own kids to college is an enumerated power in any federal or state constitution.

In other words it is better for that impecunious family to incur a huge student loan debt that can't even be re-negotiated to a lower interest rate.

And if that family wants a car, they are "forced" to pay for that too. It's so unfair!!!!!!!
You seek to make a college education an entitlement. Once you do so, it will have zero value to anyone.

I know you like to point to Europe, but remember that in Europe only the top few percent of students are allowed to go on to higher education.

So EXACTLY when did I state that we should not apply the same standards?

More than once I wrote that free tuition carries caveats and high grades should be a prerequisite.
Some people try to hide their stupidity....you actually like to flaunt it.

I understand that logical fallacy is as close to logic as you will ever get.

NO ONE said that college is for everyone
NON ONE said that "free tuition" means that everyone should go

And what will your criteria be? Race? Of course - the underprivileged will need to be given preference to make up for generational racism. Economic disadvantage? Obviously, those from the inner cities who are on federal aid must be given priority. And of course we must have cultural diversity by ensuring that foreign students from the third world have a dominate role.

You of the left already do these things, the only constraint being that tuition offers qualified students a few slots.

{“Students and families are faced with the overwhelming burden of figuring out how to pay for college,” said Congressman Scott. “America’s College Promise is a step in the right direction to help families gain access to quality, affordable higher education opportunities. For low-income students, this bill creates a pathway to a four-year degree at qualifying Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving institutions (AANAPISIs) and other Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). At a time when families feel like they’re increasingly having to adapt to a changing economy and technology, America’s College Promise creates a way for them to gain the skills they need to compete in a 21st century economy.”}

Press Release Press Releases News Tammy Baldwin U.S. Senator for Wisconsin

Free tuition means that ONLY those with high grades and who major in worthwhile curricula AND who "pay back" to that society that funded the higher education.

Find someone with an 8th grade education to explain the above to you if you're too dumb to comprehend it.

Again, you leftists are attempting to transform higher education from a means of achievement into an entitlement.

Why not simply print up a bachelors to hand to every person with their Social Security card and be done with it?
So EXACTLY when did I state that we should not apply the same standards?

More than once I wrote that free tuition carries caveats and high grades should be a prerequisite.

So you are openly saying that you and the democratic party seek to deny higher education to the majority of Americans?

I think Hillary should make that a campaign slogan.

Seriously, she can't be more hated, so why not?
Didn't expect ANY right winger to agree with my post....

Nobody should, particularly nobody with an understanding of Economics.

Heck, most of them have never set foot on a college campus anyway. LOL

I have an MBA, which I paid for, by the way, because that's what adults do. They accept responsibility as opposed to expecting others to accept it for them.

Heck, not like you have ever tried that anyway. LOL
A gift from Gnat to all who will cast a ballot for Hillary..

So you are openly saying that you and the democratic party seek to deny higher education to the majority of Americans?

I think Hillary should make that a campaign slogan.

Seriously, she can't be more hated, so why not?

If THAT is your conclusion and all you got from this thread, I'd recommend you indulge in a strong enema.
Didn't expect ANY right winger to agree with my post....

Nobody should, particularly nobody with an understanding of Economics.

Heck, most of them have never set foot on a college campus anyway. LOL

I have an MBA, which I paid for, by the way, because that's what adults do. They accept responsibility as opposed to expecting others to accept it for them.

Heck, not like you have ever tried that anyway. LOL

Could you imagine being saddled with some dolt who went through school on free ride, for your thesis (capstone)? I worked with a 4 person team on my MBA thesis, the PhD. has me with a 6 person team. THANKFULLY these are brilliant and hardworking people, who have sacrificed a lot to get to this level. This is part of my disgust at the pandering of Hillary and morons like Gnat. In the quest for votes, they will utterly destroy higher education.

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