Freddie Gray had spine surgery one week BEFORE his arrest by Baltimore cops

I think it is hearsay.

Yup. But finish the phrase. What's the rest of it?

Hearsay Wex Legal Dictionary Encyclopedia LII Legal Information Institute

Broadly, an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of whatever it asserts. Hearsay evidence is often inadmissible at trial. However, many exclusions and exceptions exist. Evidence meeting the broad definition may not actually be hearsay under the court's evidence rules. Even hearsay may be admitted if exceptions are met.
You crazy right wingers will believe any lie that you hear as long as it fits with your preconceived prejudice. The Baltimore Sun already found out that that paperwork that is supposed to prove your false claims is from a lead paint settlement. Is there anything that the right won't lie about?
The truth about Freddie Gray apos s apos pre-existing injury from car accident apos - Baltimore Sun

The Free Republic reported the same thing as The Forth Estate, but has since taken their report down. Why do you think they did that?'s the sad part; It won't matter to many of our thread conservatives.

They didn't use evidence to form their belief. They won't accept evidence to disassemble it. Its a purely emotional argument. If it feels true, they'll gobble.

No questions asked.

The only way they will believe the truth is if fox tells them. How likely do you think it is that that will happen?

Oh come on that's just not true. They will believe WND, Brietphart, and a host of other Yellow journalism sites too!
Claim: Freddie Gray was injured in a car accident and underwent spinal surgery prior to his arrest and death.






Example:[Collected via Facebook, April 2015]

Freddy Gray had a pre-existing spinal and neck injury and had severe damage and scar tissue from an accident that Allstate Insurance was paying him a large structured settlement. Freddy had several unsuccessful spinal fusion surgeries, he most recent spinal/cervical operation was a week and a half before he was arrested. Freddy should have been at home in bed resting and recovering from recent major operation instead of manufacturing and distributing drugs on the streets and resisting arrest. Freddy has a criminal record pages long for manufacturing and distributing controlled dangerous drugs that were cocaine crack heroine etc. along with many assault charges, gun charges, breaking and entering and the list goes on since he was 18 years old. (Juvenile records are sealed.) Look at some of this on www.mdjudiciarycasesearch. You will also see where he was trying to cash in his monthly structured settlement for his spinal injury payments to one lump sum through Peachtree Funding, He could have easily fallen in the paddy wagon from the slippery bench to the floor or twisted his fused spine to reopen his recently fused damaged spine. Also, the police that arrested him were also black, not white. Why are people destroying their own homes and revenue when they don't know the whole story? Mostly because it's a good reason and timing to loot and get new shoes and stolen goods? You got it! None of the police officers that arrested Freddy had a history of police brutality. Freddy was a dangerous career felon with a damaged spine and neck that was supposed to be healing a week and a half after surgery, not running the streets committing felonies and resisting arrest.

Origins: On 28 April 2015, the city of Baltimore was beset by demonstrations (some violent) following the April 2015 death of resident Freddie Gray from spinal injuries while he was in the custody of police. Gray, 25, was the subject of multiple rumors amid the unrest, among them that Gray had an existing spinal injury as the result of earlier car accident (for which he had received a substantial insurance settlement).

That rumor appeared almost simultaneously in three places: The Facebook page of Baltimore-based Fox affilate WBFF, the Conservative Treehouseblog, and the Fourth Estateblog.

Those sites linked to Maryland County court records, but much of the rumor hinged on "allegations" from "sources" and dot-connecting, such as:

CONFIRMED: Court records show Freddie Gray was receiving a structured settlement from Allstate Insurance and attempted to convert it into one lump sum in early March.

EXCLUSIVE: The Fourth Estate has learned that Freddie Gray's life-ending injuries to his spine may have possibly been the result of spinal and neck surgery that he allegedly received a week before he was arrested, not from rough excessively rough treatment or abuse from police.

The Fourth Estate has contacted sources who allege that Freddie Gray received spinal and neck surgery a week before we was arrested, and was allegedly receiving a large structured settlement from Allstate Insurance. The surgery is allegedly related to a car accident in which Gray was involved.

A screenshot appended to the post (taken from the court's records) clearly showed a "Freddie Gray Jr." involved in a civil matter with Peachtree Settlement Funding that included Allstate Life Insurance listed as an interested party:

Read more at Freddie Gray Had Spinal Surgery

This is already enshrined in the Big Book of Rightwing Myths.
So what hospital was the surgery performed at and who was the doctor that operated on him?

And was he prescribed a bike or what Wolverine healing powers does this guy have to ride bikes and run 1 week after such surgery.

That's one of the red flags that made me question the claims. The other being the overwhelming use of the passive voice and no named sources.

Perhaps they should test Gray for adamantium poisoning. As it makes as much sense as the 'spinal surgery' claim.
You crazy right wingers will believe any lie that you hear as long as it fits with your preconceived prejudice. The Baltimore Sun already found out that that paperwork that is supposed to prove your false claims is from a lead paint settlement. Is there anything that the right won't lie about?
The truth about Freddie Gray apos s apos pre-existing injury from car accident apos - Baltimore Sun

The Free Republic reported the same thing as The Forth Estate, but has since taken their report down. Why do you think they did that?'s the sad part; It won't matter to many of our thread conservatives.

They didn't use evidence to form their belief. They won't accept evidence to disassemble it. Its a purely emotional argument. If it feels true, they'll gobble.

No questions asked.

The only way they will believe the truth is if fox tells them. How likely do you think it is that that will happen?

Oh come on that's just not true. They will believe WND, Brietphart, and a host of other Yellow journalism sites too!

The Rightwing Propaganda Machine is the opiate of the rightwing masses.

Reports are now surfacing that Freddie Gray, who died in police custody in Baltimore from spinal injuries (triggering the Baltimore riots), had spinal injuries requiring surgery BEFORE he was ever arrested by the cops.

It hasn't been documented when Gray was injured, or by whom or what. Court records show that he was receiving a structured settlement from his insurance company, suggesting that the injuries occurred weeks or even months before his arrest. But it is more and more clear that he incurred his injuries before the cops ever laid a finger on him.

Has there been ANY object of liberal outrage in recent memory, that hasn't turned out to be falsely reported or outright faked?


BREAKING Freddie Gray Allegedly Had Spine Surgery Just One Week Before Arrest The Fourth Estate

BREAKING: Freddie Gray Allegedly Had Spine Surgery Just One Week Before Arrest

April 28, 2015 · by fourthestate2014 · in U.S.

UPDATE: More information has serviced, and a story will be released at 6 PM EST Wednesday that blows the Freddie Gray settlement/surgery/car accident story WIDE open

CONFIRMED: Court records show Freddie Gray was receiving a structured settlement from Allstate Insurance and attempted to convert it into one lump sum in early March


EXCLUSIVE: The Fourth Estate has been told that Freddie Gray’s life-ending injuries to his spine may have possibly been the result of spinal and neck surgery that he allegedly received a week before he was arrested, not from rough excessively rough treatment or abuse from police.

The Fourth Estate has contacted sources who allege that Freddie Gray received spinal and neck surgery a week before we was arrested, and was allegedly receiving a large structured settlement from Allstate Insurance. The surgery is allegedly related to a car accident in which Gray was involved.

Sources allege that Gray also attempted to refinance his structured settlement into one lump sum payment through Peachtree Funding.

If this is true, then it is possible that Gray’s spinal injury resulting from his encounter with the Baltimore Police was not the result of rough-handling or abuse, but rather a freak accident that occurred when Gray should have been at home resting, not selling drugs.

The structured settlement from Allstate and Gray’s attempt to convert it into one lump sum payment has been confirmed by Howard County Circuit Court Records

Could you give some RWnut posters a chance to embarrass themselves? Quit hogging the stupid.
I think it is hearsay.

Yup. But finish the phrase. What's the rest of it?

Hearsay Wex Legal Dictionary Encyclopedia LII Legal Information Institute

Broadly, an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of whatever it asserts. Hearsay evidence is often inadmissible at trial. However, many exclusions and exceptions exist. Evidence meeting the broad definition may not actually be hearsay under the court's evidence rules. Even hearsay may be admitted if exceptions are met.

And who, pray tell, does the anonymous WordPress Blogger claim to be quoting?

You can't even get to 'hearsay'. You're stuck at 'baseless rumor'.
You do realize that your source is a flagrantly right wing blog. And all of its sources are anonymous.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute a word of it. You caught us liberals in yet another ginned-up "outrage" we can't defend.

I'd like to see a legitimate source before I fall for another rightwing hoax

Those sources are on the way right after they find the sources for all those rapes and murders that happened in the Superdome after Katrina.
Even if this was true, it's irrelevant...'s like the police throwing a suspect into the river and then claiming it was his fault he couldn't swim.
The glee that rightwingers are taking in all this is sickening

Well this is very troubling news if proven to be true.

Riding a bike and running from cops a week after spinal surgery?

That's a narrative that left bullshit stains on my monitor just typing it.
So you're all for burning down the house & looking for the facts later?

WTF is wrong with you people?

Isn't that how Bush found the WMD's?

Oh wait....

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