.... Fraud wasn't the reason, Trump was told...

Moving beyond the silly titfortatting by others, let the rest of us stay focused on the topic of the OP,

Namely, these various researches....a significant number of which, were commissioned and paid by Trump and enablers.....reveal, systematically and professionally, that Trump lost all by himself. No extracurricular fraud required.

We have this reportage from the Washington Post (referring to the author of the opinion the OP focuses on):


"Federal records show the Trump 2020 campaign paid Block’s firm more than $750,000 in six payments. The first, for $390,000, came three days after the election, records show, and the final payment came around Thanksgiving of that year. The payments were labeled “Recount.”

Separately, prosecutors have interviewed multiple employees from the Berkeley Research Group in recent weeks, another Trump-paid firm that produced a 29-page report ultimately undermining many of Trump’s fraud claims, according to three people familiar with the matter. Berkeley’s study contradicted claims made by Trump and his advisers that there were extensive numbers of dead voters and cases of fraud in states such as Georgia and Nevada.

The prosecutors have obtained records from the firm and its employees through subpoenas, two people who worked on the Berkeley project said. They have learned that the firm’s work was given to a number of top Trump aides, and that Trump was briefed on the research himself by Berkeley employees, people familiar with the project said.
Firm employees have told the Justice Department that former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and other top administration and campaign officials were aware of the Berkeley research and findings, the people said.
His last defiant act as the president was not to attend Biden inauguration.

Not only was Trump such a sore loser he did what very few past president had done in the past.

He refused to attend Biden's inauguration.

Just seven presidents in history have failed to attend. The last one to refuse to do so was 17th president Andrew Johnson in 1869.

Such behavior shows that he did not accept the defeat. IF only he could have change the outcome as easily as photo shop of a picture

I guess by running again he has admitted defeat. Now only if he admits he is getting old

Trump is such a narcissistic that he even photo shops his pictures when appropriate


On of the girls is his lawyer Alina Habba



Will the real Donald please stand
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I think the 2020 fraud claim began in April of 2020. Which is also the first time that his job approval rating dropped below 40%. Interestingly enough, Jimmy Carter's approval rating dropped below 40% in April of 1980.

It is the epitome of cognitive dissonance, the Trump supporters continued belief in Trump's fraud claim and yet somehow believing that Trump thought he was going to win. Make no mistake, the Trump camp, starting with his 2016 campaign, took the art of poll taking to new levels. They had the pulse of the American electorate like no other administration in history.

It is also inconceivable that Trump did not know about the "red mirage" or the "blue shift". And when he started discouraging voters from voting early or by mail, he was playing right into that "red mirage".

And that is just it. He played you MAGA idiots like a damn fiddle.
Your gaslighting game is weak, brah. I say you're slap full of shit. :neutral:
I think the 2020 fraud claim began in April of 2020. Which is also the first time that his job approval rating dropped below 40%. Interestingly enough, Jimmy Carter's approval rating dropped below 40% in April of 1980.

It is the epitome of cognitive dissonance, the Trump supporters continued belief in Trump's fraud claim and yet somehow believing that Trump thought he was going to win. Make no mistake, the Trump camp, starting with his 2016 campaign, took the art of poll taking to new levels. They had the pulse of the American electorate like no other administration in history.

It is also inconceivable that Trump did not know about the "red mirage" or the "blue shift". And when he started discouraging voters from voting early or by mail, he was playing right into that "red mirage".

And that is just it. He played you MAGA idiots like a damn fiddle.
The MAGA cult knows that Trump is a liar regarding this but they don't care. If Trump came out & admitted that he's been lying to them they'd still support him.

We've seen this before & it doesn't end well. For either side.

I don't understand that reply whatsoever.
The story was published in a right-leaning web news service, The Hill. The owner of which, is a golfing buddy of Don Trump. The hired investigator, specializes in Republican data searches. He was hired by Republicans. And he reported his findings to Republicans.

And yet, inexplicably, out of the ozone....comes poster Lumpy to attempt to assert "Democrats" into the chain. He need to re-think his purpose. This is, after all, intended to be a responsible adult discussion format.

NOT a handy wall for digital graffiti-scrawlers.

I’m just glad I could help out .. 😉
He keeps pretending there wasn't any voter fraud. We all saw the fraud happen on election night with ballots for Biden mysteriously appeared after midnight.
Thanks for playing. You just demonstrated the foundation of the "red mirage".

Again, why would any candidate, for any public office, discourage their voters to vote by whatever means is most convenient? Honestly, this shit is a no-brainer.
Thanks for playing. You just demonstrated the foundation of the "red mirage".

Again, why would any candidate, for any public office, discourage their voters to vote by whatever means is most convenient? Honestly, this shit is a no-brainer.
Why do Democrats want to cheat elections in America?

That will end up not going well for them; You know.

Not at all.
We have seen multiple reports, experiences, explanations.....by people-in-the-know, who should know....that Don Trump was explicitly informed that he had lost, why he had lost, and that fraudulent votes didn't do it.

We've read on this forum of the 27-page report prepared at Trump's direction on his campaign's dime by his longtime pollster, Tony Fabrizio:

(Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat).
We've seen audit after audit under the authorization of one legal authority or another...including the widely publicized one by the much touted 'Cyber Ninjas'; by the Republican legislature in Michigan; and others.....all coming to the same conclusions...Trump legitimtely lost, fraud didn't do it.

Now, in an opinion piece in USToday we have another guy Don Trump also hired to find out what happened. An professional forensic investigator, a voter data expert.
That guy found out. And he told his boss of those findings: Trump lost. Period.

And now that expert is appalled by the damage Trump has and is doing to America's electoral system, and our faith in it.

Here's a taster of the opinion piece, link provided below:

"Voter data expert hired by Trump campaign says 2020 election was not stolen"

"Ken Block, whom the Trump campaign hired in 2020 to find voter fraud in the election, penned an op-ed Tuesday stating unequivocally that the 2020 presidential election was not stolen and that there was no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the election.

“Can a steady diet of lies and innuendo overcome the truth?” the USA Today op-ed began. “In November 2020, former President Donald Trump asserted that voter fraud had altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The day after the election, his campaign hired an expert in voter data to attempt to prove Trump’s allegations and put him back in the White House.”

Block, who owns Simpatico Software Systems, said his company’s findings were communicated directly to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and transcripts of depositions taken by the Jan. 6 select committee investigating the attack on the Capitol “show that the campaign found no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of any election.”

Block noted in the op-ed that claims of election fraud are not fading, despite an overwhelming amount of evidence proving otherwise.

“And yet, the cries that the election was lost or stolen due to voter fraud continue with no sign of stopping. Whether a stump speech, outrageous lawsuits like the so-called Kraken cases filed by Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani’s lies or the ongoing misguided efforts of people determined to prove the election was stolen, the constant drumbeat hardens people’s hearts and minds to the truth about the 2020 election,” he wrote.

“If voter fraud had impacted the 2020 election, it would already have been proven. Maintaining the lies undermines faith in the foundation of our democracy,” Block wrote.'

So…charge him with insurrection or violations under the 14th amendment…and let’s go!
You got nothing

Says the guy who posted nothing to refute the OP.

Actually, the DOJ has everything. We have the January 6 committee report and all of the depositions and evidence gathered.

There are dozens and dozens of Trump administration, officials, including people who work with him right up to, and including January 6, who are warning the American people of the dangers of reelecting, this criminal con man.

And then we have Donald Trump himself going about the country lying about the election, the 2020 election, lying about the Biden family, lying about the corruption in his own cabinet and administration, basically lying to everyone about everything.

As with the previous two elections, Donald Trump won’t win the popular vote because people won’t vote for Donald Trump. He only won the first time because people stayed home and he squeaked by in the electoral college. The American public isn’t stupid enough to let it happen again.
So…charge him with insurrection or violations under the 14th amendment…and let’s go!

There are no charges under the 14th amendment. There is no need for there to be any conviction of any charges relating to an insurrection.

And Republicans in 22 states have now made application to remove Trump from their ballots.

It’s not the Democrats that are trying to keep Trump off the ballot, idiot. It’s Republicans.
No one on this thread actually believes Trump won. It’s just a defense trolling posture. They know he had his ass handed to him. They just don’t like it. He’ll lose worse this time.

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