Frank Serpico: Incidents like Eric Garner's death drive wedge between police and society


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Cowardly cops living by the 'shoot first, ask questions later' mantra put the good guys in a bad light and threaten the public's right to justice.

Cowardly cops 'don't belong in the uniform', according to retired NYPD Officer Frank Serpico.

Was I surprised by the Staten Island grand jury? Of course not. When was the last time a police officer was indicted?

This is the use of excessive force for no apparent reason on a guy who is selling loosie cigarettes; what is the threat to your well-being? If a police officer's life is in danger, he has every right to use every force in his means to defend himself.

In the old days, they used to put a gun or a knife on somebody after a shooting. Now they don't even bother.

But today, we have cops crying wolf all the time. They testify "I was in fear of my life," the grand jury buys it, the DA winks and nods, and there's no indictment.

I remember a guy I worked with back in the 81st Precinct, an ex-Marine named Murphy. He would not turn out for roll call until his shoes were spit-shined, and his uniform was creased.

One night, he was called to a family dispute. There was a man waiting behind the door, and he came out with a butcher knife and slashed Murphy's face.

Murphy could have emptied his gun in him. Instead, he disarmed the man and put him in cuffs. What's happening today in the performance of some officers can only be described as sheer cowardice. They don't belong in the uniform, and they shouldn't have weapons — whether they're cops or not.

I hear cops saying all the time — and they're proud of it — "shoot first, ask questions later."

They say, "It's my job to get home safe." Yes, but not at the cost of a human being who never posed a threat to you in the first place.

I called for, way back when before the Knapp Commission, for an independent investigative body. When I was testifying about police corruption, I saw very clearly how the DA can lead the grand jury in any direction they so desire.

More: Frank Serpico on Eric Garner: Cops cry wolf all the time - NY Daily News

If you don't know who Frank Serpico is - you should make an effort to find out.
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if you don't know who Frank SeRico is - you should make an effort to find out.

Another thought provoking post by our resident fake indian.
You know I am petty damn sick of you and your ilk creating division in this country. What exactly is your aim? Do you want whites to hate blacks and visa versa? Sure seems that way. If there is a problem in this country it is with you Fakedeindian.
if you don't know who Frank SeRico is - you should make an effort to find out.

Another thought provoking post by our resident fake indian.
1/8th Indian qualifies as redskin. Including mixed nations like some of my cousins who are not legally either Creek or Cherokee but are legally Indian about 1/4 of the population could qualify as native.
Holder and Obama are making race relations worse, inflaming hatred

New York Post ^

Attorney General Eric Holder insisted to MSNBC earlier this month that “we are in a better place than we were before” in race relations since Barack Obama was elected president. The president doubled down in an interview with NPR last week. Asked if race relations were worse since he took office, he said, “No, I actually think that it’s probably in its day-to-day interactions less racially divided.” But that’s not what the American people see. A Pew Research Center poll found that only 40% of Americans approve of the way Obama is handling race relations. Black approval is down to...
Race baiters, like Sharpton, do more to divide people than anyone else. It's the rhetoric and running with false stories that turned this into a war between the rioters and the cops.

From what I can see from polls, the majority of people, of all races, understand that instances like the Garner case are rare and that the rioters are nothing but thugs. The media covers what they see fit and they leave out the fact that many support police and that citizens banded together to stop rioters in their cities.

This is all a contrived battle that benefits people like Sharpton and the liberal media who want minorities afraid and in need of protection from big government. Next the talk about reparations will be in order. It's always the same.

If a couple incidents across the whole country really made people fear police, then dozens of murders on the streets of Chicago must have the liberal media up in arms over the gang problem. Wait, they don't even report it.

We have two incidents where some people are upset with police. The Brown case, which evidence shows was justified, and the Garner case, which could have been handled better, but no evidence of intent to harm. I still want to know why all the officers are vilified except for the black officer in charge. Anyone?

How many dead cops do we have each year across the country? I think that is a major problem, yet the media and Al Sharpton aren't harping about doing something about the cold-blooded criminals killing cops.
As previously mentioned in other threads, now the connection between ALL subversive groups is starting to be investigated!

NY Cop Killer May Have Been Responding to ISIS Fatwa, More Attacks Expected

Threat Journal ^

Despite efforts by the mainstream media to paint the gunman as a disturbed individual deeply troubled by racial tensions and perceived heavy handedness of police towards the black population, investigations by independent media outlets also show cop killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley to be a Muslim, an Arabic speaker, and by his own words sympathetic to jihad. Much can be gleaned from his social media accounts (see this, this and this.) Brinsley was also known to visit the notorious Al-Farooq Mosque in Brooklyn, which itself has a 20+ year history of support for terrorism. This specific mosque played host to al...
if you don't know who Frank SeRico is - you should make an effort to find out.

Another thought provoking post by our resident fake indian.
1/8th Indian qualifies as redskin. Including mixed nations like some of my cousins who are not legally either Creek or Cherokee but are legally Indian about 1/4 of the population could qualify as native.
I am 1/4 Slovenian Gypsy.

You think that cuts ME any shit in Obama's America?

Fuck no.


Because... it's all about that negro, 'bout that negro (no treble)

All about that negro, 'bout that negro (no treble).....
if you don't know who Frank SeRico is - you should make an effort to find out.

Another thought provoking post by our resident fake indian.
1/8th Indian qualifies as redskin. Including mixed nations like some of my cousins who are not legally either Creek or Cherokee but are legally Indian about 1/4 of the population could qualify as native.
I am 1/4 Slovenian Gypsy.

You think that cuts ME any shit in Obama's America?

Fuck no.


Because... it's all about that negro, 'bout that negro (no treble)

All about that negro, 'bout that negro (no treble).....
Total agreement. Obama signed an apology for the trail of tears in the 2010 defense appropriations act and nearly three years later one of the highest ranking Ds in the house had to be informed that the apology had already been passed. Talk about racist, the Ds still celebrate Jackson's birthday despite quietly tagging him as Hitler's mentor.

Seriously if you want real fun google OSU trail of tears, it is a laugh riot.
Race baiters, like Sharpton, do more to divide people than anyone else. It's the rhetoric and running with false stories that turned this into a war between the rioters and the cops.

From what I can see from polls, the majority of people, of all races, understand that instances like the Garner case are rare and that the rioters are nothing but thugs. The media covers what they see fit and they leave out the fact that many support police and that citizens banded together to stop rioters in their cities.

Like they did here? Oh wait...
You know I am petty damn sick of you and your ilk creating division in this country. What exactly is your aim? Do you want whites to hate blacks and visa versa? Sure seems that way. If there is a problem in this country it is with you Fakedeindian.

Like post 2 did in a thread that has diddlysquat to do with "Indians"?

Fucking hypocrites.... SMH

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