France had enough

As an act of rioting is a form of insurrection, expulsing the guilty invitees, who have expressed their contempt for the nation in which they reside, seems logical.
Doesnt look good for boosters next election unless they do a volt face. After they take their citizenship will they boot them out of the country. Needs to happen.

How do you strip CITIZENSHIP from FOREIGN rioters?

If they've got citizenship, they're not foreign, are they?
It's amazing. And this is written by an idiot, who has a country run by Scholz.
Of course, idiocy deserves pity, but after a certain point, it deserves only contempt.

You have enough "contempt" in your torture prisons, Russian. Trillions of tons of contempt. Also in Belarus.
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Aha. "Baron" = a fake-Super-American who is able to find in a Russian video a spoken French sentence which makes not a big sense - except you think France likes to get food from Russia. A very shocking idea for the French, I guess.

Libération* magazine wonders why the French team at the Tour de France cycling race is so "white".
"Lack of infrastructure, weak appeal, lack of will to see the flaws..... Libération quizzed the race on the lack of diversity in the sport ahead of the start on Sunday."
In response to a Libération article asking "Why is the French team at the Tour de France cycling race so 'white,'" French journalist Clément Weil-Reynal* published a photo of Libération staffers asking "How many black journalists are there in the Liberation newsroom?"

* One of the three largest national French newspapers, published since 1973. Owned by media magnate Patrick Drai.

Church in Odessa - bombed down from Nazi-Russians and/or Soviet-Russians for the Russian empire under Tsar Putin.


Celebration of baptism in a German church:

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Kiss my backside , Russian. Even the Vandals did not attack anyone who fled into a temple or church.


You bomb down grain stores, churches, inncocent people you damned Russian cowards. For what? For nothing - you are not able to win anything. Tell me: When will you rebuild this orthdox church which was once builded from the German Sophie Auguste - also called Catherine the Great - who had once the part time job to be tsar in Russia?
... That's a damn shame.

This church was once destroyed from Stalin. It needed a long time to rebuild it. Now came a new Stalin. But when the Russians attack churches and when they attack the Ukraine then they attack only their own roots and cut them down. The Ukrainians saw always allies in the Russians. But Russia is not able to bring to other nations - even to the very few nations who loved them once - anything else than hate on Russia. If this all would not be so damned cruel and terrible I had to laugh about such a perfect stupidity - but it is really sad. The world could be a paradise with nice places everywhere. And what are doing "human" beings? They do not like to accept that they are children of god. They prefer to be bloody assholes. Why?

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