CDZ FRANCE: Bust Up Your No Go Zones


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Just as the US should bust up its no go zone enclaves, full of Muslim non-assimilators, France needs to do the same. Actually, France needs to do it even much more so than the USA. Whereas Muslims are 2% of the US population, in France the constitute 10% of the French population, and that is in a land area only 6% the size of the US (1/16).

This shouldn't really be too big a task for France. Their people mostly support the idea of sending the army in to restore normal French nationalism and break up the no go zones. They should start with Paris, where Islamist Mayor Anne Hidalgo pretended to be all pious and offended by Fox News telling the truth about France and it's no go zones, and she declared an intention to sue them.

Oh, am I offending Uncanny Annie too, right now, by saying this too ? And so will she sue me too ? Well, bring it on babe, anytime you like. And you won't get any apologies or retractions out of me. I don't run a TV network with 24/7 constant deadlines. I don't have to worry about litigation strangling my business operation. I'm free to speak the truth, and if you don't like it, tough.

The French also have a lot of "their" citizens (actually Umma citizens) who have gone to Syria to fight with ISIS. Well, French fighter jets are already bombing those dirtbags anyway. So if they escape the air strikes, and return "home", the French won't be going after anyone they didn't already try to take out in Syria. Go after those Muslim invaders who you foolishly allowed into your country. Now is the time to make up for that mistake. Go get'm Frenchies. Kick butt!
A 120-page research paper entitled "No-Go Zones in the French Republic: Myth or Reality?" documented dozens of French neighborhoods "where police and gendarmerie cannot enforce the Republican order or even enter without risking confrontation, projectiles, or even fatal shootings."

In October 2011, a 2,200-page report, "Banlieue de la République" (Suburbs of the Republic) found that Seine-Saint-Denis and other Parisian suburbs are becoming "separate Islamic societies" cut off from the French state and where Islamic Sharia law is rapidly displacing French civil law.

The report also showed how the problem is being exacerbated by radical Muslim preachers who are promoting the social marginalization of Muslim immigrants in order to create a parallel Muslim society in France that is ruled by Sharia law.
The jihadist attack on the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French magazine known for lampooning Islam, has cast a spotlight on so-called no-go zones in France and other European countries.

No-go zones are Muslim-dominated neighborhoods that are largely off limits to non-Muslims due to a variety of factors, including the lawlessness and insecurity that pervades a great number of these areas. Host-country authorities have effectively lost control over many no-go zones and are often unable or unwilling to provide even basic public aid, such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services, out of fear of being attacked by Muslim youth.

Muslim enclaves in European cities are also breeding grounds for Islamic radicalism and pose a significant threat to Western security.
Europe's no-go zones are the by-product of decades of multicultural policies that have encouraged Muslim immigrants to create parallel societies and remain segregated from — rather than become integrated into — their European host nations.

The problem of no-go zones is well documented, but multiculturalists and their politically correct supporters vehemently deny that they exist. Some are now engaged in a concerted campaign to discredit and even silence those who draw attention to the issue.

Fox News has issued at least four apologies for referring to Muslim no-go zones in Europe, after one commentator erroneously claimed that the entire city of Birmingham, England, was Muslim. Had he simply said that "parts" of Birmingham are Muslim, he would have been correct.

That commentator is none other than Steve Emerson, one of the absolute top counterterrorists and Islamization experts in the world (but we all make some minor errors). Some Islamapologists have opportunized on this (they think) and have been ridiculing Emerson. Most of them probably don't realize that fake "apologies" like this are standard in the Islamization scene, where big media companies care more about keeping production rolling, and not getting sidetracked with litigation, boycotts, smear campaigns, or whatever else Islamists are cooking up these days.

Fact is, Emerson has been exposing Islamists and jihadists for years, if not raking them over coals. Like, when CAIR head honcho, Nihad Awad (known as Jihad Awad to FBI agents) got all uppity when Emerson confronted him with the fact of CAIR facilitating donations to the Holy Land Foundation (then in trouble for funding Hamas) and receiving 1/2 $ Million from them. Awad denied the allegation, saying >> "This is an outright lie. Our organization did not receive any seed money from HLFRD. CAIR raises its own funds, and we challenge Mr. Emerson to provide even a shred of evidence to support his ridiculous claim." Emerson duly produced the canceled check.
Here are just a few of the literally thousands of references to French no-go zones from academic, police, media and government sources that can easily be found on the Internet by doing a simple search on Google.

Fabrice Balanche, a well-known French Islam scholar who teaches at the University of Lyon, recently told Radio Télévision Suisse: "You have territories in France such as Roubaix, such as northern Marseille, where police will not step foot, where the authority of state is completely absent, where mini Islamic states have been formed." writer and political journalist Éric Zemmour recently multiculturalism and the reign of politically correct speech is destroying the country
French politician Franck Guiot wrote that parts of Évry, a township in the southern suburbs of Paris, are no-go zones where police forces cannot go for fear of being attacked. He said that politicians seeking to maintain "social peace" were prohibiting the police from using their weapons to defend themselves.
The newspaper Le Parisien has called parts of Grigny, a township in the southern suburbs of Paris, a "lawless zone" plagued by well-organized Muslim gangs, whose members believe they are "masters of the world." The weekly newsmagazine Le Point reported on the spiraling Muslim lawlessness in the French city of Grenoble.

The French magazine L'Obs (formerly known as Le Nouvel Observateur) has reported on the deteriorating security situation in Roubaix, a city in northern France that is located close to the Belgian border. The magazine reported that local citizens are "exiled within their own country" and want to create their own militia to restore order because police are afraid to confront Muslim gangs.

In August 2014, the French magazine Valeurs Actuelles (Contemporary Values) reported that "France has more than 750 areas of lawlessness" where the law of the French Republic no longer applies. Under the headline "Hell in France," the magazine said that many parts of France are experiencing a "dictatorship of riffraff" where police are "greeted by mortar fire" and are "forced to retreat by projectiles."
The Socialist mayor of Amiens, Gilles Demailly, has referred to the Fafet-Brossolette district of the city as a "no-go zone" where "you can no longer order a pizza or get a doctor to come to the house." Europe 1, one of the leading broadcasters in France, has referred to Marseille as a "no-go zone" after the government was forced to deploy riot police, known as CRS, to confront warring Muslim gangs in the city. The French Interior Ministry said it was trying to "reconquer" 184 square kilometers (71 square miles) of Marseille that have come under the control of Muslim gangs.

The French newspaper Le Figaro has referred to downtown Perpignan as a "veritable no-go zone" where "aggression, antisocial behavior, drug trafficking, Muslim communalism, racial tensions and tribal violence" are forcing non-Muslims to move out. Le Figaro also reported that the Les Izards district of Toulouse was a no-go zone, where Arab drug trafficking gangs rule the streets in a climate of fear.

Separately, Le Figaro reported that large quantities of assault rifles are circulating in French no-go zones. "For a few hundred dollars you can buy Kalashnikovs," political scientist Sebastian Roché said. "The price of an iPhone!"
Valeurs Actuelles reported on the lawlessness in Trappes, a township located in the western suburbs of Paris, where radical Islam and endemic crime go hand in hand. "Criminals are pursued by Islamic fundamentalists to impose an alternative society, breaking links with the French Republic," according to local police commander Mohammed Duhan. It is not advisable to go there, he says, adding, "You will be spotted by so-called chauffeurs (lookouts for drug traffickers) and be stripped and smashed.

"Valeurs Actuelles has also reported on no-go zones in Nantes, Tours and Orléans, which have turned into "battlefields" where the few remaining native French holdouts are confronted with "Muslim communalism, the disappearance of their cultural references and rampant crime."

A graphic 20-minute documentary (in French) about the no-go zone in Clichy Montfermeil, a suburb of Paris, can be viewed here. At around the 3-minute mark, the video shows what happens when French police enter the area
A 1.5 hour documentary (in French) produced by France's TF1 about Muslim gangs in Parisian no-go zones can be viewed .
A four-minute video of the most dangerous neighborhoods of France in 2014 can be viewed .
A Russian television (Russia-1) documentary about no-go zones in Paris can be viewed . The presenter says: "We are in Paris, the Barbès quarter, a few minutes from the famous Montmartre. Finding a European here is almost a mission impossible. Certain Paris streets remind one of an oriental bazaar." He continues: "The Paris banlieues have become criminal ghettoes where even the police dare not enter." Hidden cameras record widespread lawlessness and drug dealing in the area.
Protectionist, spamming the CDZ isn't cool.

Everyone - and I do mean EVERYONE knows that the "no-go zone" story was a hoax.

Thread reported.
Faux "News" is actually being sued over it.

It never happened. France and the UK are outraged over the lie. Faux backpedaled like mad, but it's too little too late.

Why don't you guys keep up with things?
Protectionist, spamming the CDZ isn't cool.

Everyone - and I do mean EVERYONE knows that the "no-go zone" story was a hoax.

Thread reported.
I've seen fairly enough material to know its true, and this is also what's been going in Israel for decades and in fact it happened everywhere around the please cite the reason 'Everyone' knows that is an hoax..
Protectionist, spamming the CDZ isn't cool.

Everyone - and I do mean EVERYONE knows that the "no-go zone" story was a hoax.

Thread reported.
That's a pretty stupid thing to say when the whole first page of this thread is a mountain of proof that the so-called "hoax" itself was a hoax, any you appear to have still fallen for it. :rolleyes-41:
Fox news apologizes for "no go zone":

Fox News corrects apologizes for 8216 no-go zone 8217 remarks - The Washington Post

In its programming last night, Fox News issued two corrections on the matter, one of which acknowledged that “we have made some regrettable errors on air regarding the Muslim population in Europe, particularly with regard to England and France.” That came from Julie Banderas during the Saturday night program “Fox Report.”

She continued: “To be clear, there is no formal designation of these zones in either country and no credible information to support the assertion there are specific areas in these countries that exclude individuals based solely on their religion.”

Later in the evening, Jeanine Pirro, host of “Justice with Judge Jeanine,” presented her own correction for the centerpiece of Fox News’s “no-go zone” week.
And that's why thousands of cars are burnt every year and police wouldn't dare step foot in some of these areas. This is what you call a lie and reportable?
Some people are THAT gullible, or have decided to join in on the scam. Islamists love them.
Faux "News" is actually being sued over it.

It never happened. France and the UK are outraged over the lie. Faux backpedaled like mad, but it's too little too late.

Why don't you guys keep up with things?
Why don't you get your head screwed on straight ?

EARTH TO GRANDMA: The apologies and retractions were all false, the result of routine Islamization litigation pressure. This has been going on for years. Only Islamization-ignorant liberals (whose media doesn't mention Islamization) wouldn't know this.

Fox News is a BUSINESS which operates 24/7. They are under constant pressure to produce shows on very little time. This rush, rush MO is mainly what caused Fox to issue apologies where none were really needed. This is actually a quite common phenomena (par of Islamization) gone on for years, with a long list of media people who have apologized, been fired from jobs (ex. Michael Graham WMAL-AM radio, Major Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon), fired from universities (Thomas Klocek, DePaul Univ., changed plots of movies (ex. Sum of All Fears-Paramount Pictures), etc. Others vilified/smeared are Cal Thomas (columnist), Paul Harvey (radio personality), Brigitte Gabriel (author), Virgil Goode (US Congressman), FOX's TV show 24, etc

The companies are on tight time budgets, are constantly racing to produce shows, and don't have time to fart around with Islamists pushing their agenda and threatening lawsuits, boycotts, smear campaigns, etc Litigation can strangle media shows, and they'll do most anything just to make it go away. Ho hum. Some old thing.

But the people who pick up on these "apologies" and think they have a grain of validity, are the real laughingstocks. Some of them are pretenders pushing hatred of media they don't like (and often fear). Others really are ignorant of Islamization and its methodology, and are oblivious to what's actually happening, the result of lack of education about Islamization, and a complete blackout of it in the liberal media they only view.
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Fox news apologizes for "no go zone":

Fox News corrects apologizes for 8216 no-go zone 8217 remarks - The Washington Post

In its programming last night, Fox News issued two corrections on the matter, one of which acknowledged that “we have made some regrettable errors on air regarding the Muslim population in Europe, particularly with regard to England and France.” That came from Julie Banderas during the Saturday night program “Fox Report.”

She continued: “To be clear, there is no formal designation of these zones in either country and no credible information to support the assertion there are specific areas in these countries that exclude individuals based solely on their religion.”

Later in the evening, Jeanine Pirro, host of “Justice with Judge Jeanine,” presented her own correction for the centerpiece of Fox News’s “no-go zone” week.

Yeah, yeah. we know exactly what they said. YOUR ANSWER is in Post # 19. There should be no more mindless failures to understand what occurred here.

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