Fox's business model vs MSM

Sep 12, 2008
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Say you and a some neighbors are selling Kool aid on neighboring corners. You sell one flavor, the four of them all sell the same different flavor. That means you have a monopoly on customers who like your flavor, and the other four have to divide the market for their flavor by 4. Which market model will make a better profit?

Make this even more cunning on fox's part... Your Kool aid is more popular than theirs. Not by a huge margin, but by enough to be obvious.

Wouldn't it be wiser for one of your competitors to change flavors to get a larger share of a larger market, rather than fight for a small share of a smaller market?
This is a bad metaphor, because we're not talking about kool-aid flavors but about ideological propaganda falsely represented as news in Fox and MSNBC's case, and a mostly straight-up presentation in CNN despite what the right will tell you. Problem is, most of the left and center will watch anything, but the right only wants something that will support their way of thinking while the rest of the media they'll label as "biased." That's why Fox is so successful.

And in my opinion, CNN has the best breaking news coverage by far. Fox has always been behind the ball on covering breaking news and MSNBC has never been on top of anything, especially during weekends. Clearly though, it's not news that people are after.
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