Foxnews’ Judge Napolitano ignores constitutional limits in immigration/refugee debate


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See: Can Governors Legally Block Refugees from Coming to Their States?

”In response to the influx of migrants “from the American invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq,” Congress in 2005 gave President George W. Bush unlimited authority to admit people for humanitarian purposes, noted Judge Napolitano.

And that has since been passed over to President Obama, he added.

“Here, he has the absolute lawful authority – may not like the way he’s exercising it, but he has it,” said the judge. “To admit people for political asylum and humanitarian purposes.”

What Judge Napolitano and Foxnews ignore is, Congress cannot assume powers not granted it by the Constitution. This is basic 101 constitutional law! And there is nothing in the Constitution remotely suggesting our federal government was granted a power to allow tens of thousands or millions of foreigners to enter upon American soil, and then force a State to accept any of them. As a matter of fact the historical evidence establishes Judge Napolitano is flat wrong in his assertion!

Let us recall some historical facts regarding Congress’ delegated power “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization”

Under the Articles of Confederation which was in full force and effect during the writing of our existing Constitution, each State regulated the flow of immigration into their State. Likewise, each State made its own rules by which a foreigner living in their State became a citizen of that State. Keep in mind the above powers are two distinct and separate powers: the former dealing with the flow of foreigners into a state [ a power retained by the States under the Tenth Amendment], while the latter establishes how a foreigner living in a state may become a citizen of that state.

During the Convention of 1787 and the writing of our existing Constitution, the power of a State to make its own rules by which a foreigner became a citizen of that State became a bone of contention, especially considering the new Constitution proposed under Article 4, Section 2.

”The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.”

Thus, if one State’s rules allowed citizenship to foreigners indiscriminately and without assurances the granting of citizenship required loyalty, good character, and that a productive person was being granted citizenship, in addition to other beneficial qualities necessary to promote the State’s general welfare, an undesirable person could be granted citizenship in one State and then move to another State and be entitled to that State’s privileges and immunities without the State’s consent!

And this is why the limited power to set rules by which a foreigner living in a particular State could obtain citizenship was delegated to Congress. It was to prevent one State from granting citizenship to undesirable foreigners allowed into their State, and then forcing these "citizens" upon other States who would then be entitled to that States privileges and immunities.

Chief Justice Taney summarized the very object of allowing the federal government to set the rules for naturalization as follows: “Its sole object was to prevent one State from forcing upon all the others and upon the General Government, persons as citizens whom they were unwilling to admit as such.” Passenger Cases (1849). And Justice Taney’s statement is in full harmony with the intentions of our forefathers expressed during our nation’s first Rule of Naturalization, Feb. 3rd, 1790!

REPRESENTATIVE SHERMAN, who attended the Constitutional Convention which framed our Constitution points to the intentions for which a power over naturalization was granted to Congress. He says: “that Congress should have the power of naturalization, in order toprevent particular States receiving citizens, and forcing them upon others who would not have received them in any other manner. It was therefore meant to guard against an improper mode of naturalization, rather than foreigners should be received upon easier terms than those adopted by the several States.” see CONGRESSIONAL DEBATES, Rule of Naturalization, Feb. 3rd, 1790 PAGE 1148

In addition, REPRESENTATIVE WHITE while debating the Rule of Naturalization notes the narrow limits of what “Naturalization” [the power granted to Congress] means, and he ”doubted whether the constitution authorized Congress to say on what terms aliens or citizens should hold lands in the respective States; the power vested by the Constitution in Congress, respecting the subject now before the House, extend to nothing more than making a uniform rule of naturalization. After a person has once become a citizen, the power of congress ceases to operate upon him; the rights and privileges of citizens in the several States belong to those States; but a citizen of one State is entitled to all the privileges and immunities of the citizens in the several States…..all, therefore, that the House have to do on this subject, is to confine themselves to an uniform rule of naturalization and not to a general definition of what constitutes the rights of citizenship in the several States.” see: Rule of Naturalization, Feb. 3rd, 1790, page 1152

And finally, REPRESENTATIVE STONEconcluded that the laws and constitutions of the States, and the constitution of the United States; would trace out the steps by which they should acquire certain degrees of citizenship [page 1156]. Congress may point out a uniform rule of naturalization; but cannot say what shall be the effect of that naturalization, as it respects the particular States. Congress cannot say that foreigners, naturalized, under a general law, shall be entitled to privileges which the States withhold from native citizens. See: Rule of Naturalization, Feb. 3rd, 1790, pages 1156 and 1157

Finally, let us recall what Representative BURKE says during our Nations` first debate on a RULE OF NATURALIZATION, FEB. 3RD, 1790

Mr. BURKE thought it of importance to fill the country with useful men, such as farmers, mechanics, and manufacturers, and, therefore, would hold out every encouragement to them to emigrate to America. This class he would receive on liberal terms; and he was satisfied there would be room enough for them, and for their posterity, for five hundred years to come. There was another class of men, whom he did not think useful, and he did not care what impediments were thrown in their way; such as your European merchants, and factors of merchants, who come with a view of remaining so long as will enable them to acquire a fortune, and then they will leave the country, and carry off all their property with them. These people injure us more than they do us good, and, except in this last sentiment, I can compare them to nothing but leeches. They stick to us until they get their fill of our best blood, and then they fall off and leave us. I look upon the privilege of an American citizen to be an honorable one, and it ought not to be thrown away upon such people. There is another class also that I would interdict, that is, the convicts and criminals which they pour out of British jails. I wish sincerely some mode could be adopted to prevent the importation of such; but that, perhaps, is not in our power; the introduction of them ought to be considered as a high misdemeanor.

So, as it turns out Judge Napolitano is flat wrong in his assertion regarding Obama’s power. In addition, the kind of immigrants Obama is attempting to force upon the states from Mexico, Central America and now Syria ___ the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, and/or destitute populations of other countries ____ ought to be viewed as a “high misdemeanor” which happens to be an impeachable offense!

Perhaps someday we will at least find one big media source which supports and defends our written Constitution and its documented legislative intent.


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.
johnwk is not a constitutional scholar, and he is a poor interpreter if not a plagiarizer as well.

In fact, he does not grasp that we live not in 1790.
You seem to forget that we live in a post-constitutional America. The supreme court has nullified 90% of the restrictions on the feds provided in the Constitution. The only solution now is an Article 5 convention where the States can put all 3 branches back in their respective boxes.
You seem to forget that we live in a post-constitutional America. The supreme court has nullified 90% of the restrictions on the feds provided in the Constitution. The only solution now is an Article 5 convention where the States can put all 3 branches back in their respective boxes.

You have been listening too much to Mark Levin. Our Constitution is still the law of the land. Apparently Mr. Levin wants a convention to make constitutional that which is now unconstitutional, instead of working to enforce our existing Constitution.

You seem to forget that we live in a post-constitutional America. The supreme court has nullified 90% of the restrictions on the feds provided in the Constitution. The only solution now is an Article 5 convention where the States can put all 3 branches back in their respective boxes.

You have been listening too much to Mark Levin. Our Constitution is still the law of the land. Apparently Mr. Levin wants a convention to make constitutional that which is now unconstitutional, instead of working to enforce our existing Constitution.


Really, show me where the Constitution gives congress the power to regulate how much water can pass through your shower head.
You seem to forget that we live in a post-constitutional America. The supreme court has nullified 90% of the restrictions on the feds provided in the Constitution. The only solution now is an Article 5 convention where the States can put all 3 branches back in their respective boxes.

You have been listening too much to Mark Levin. Our Constitution is still the law of the land. Apparently Mr. Levin wants a convention to make constitutional that which is now unconstitutional, instead of working to enforce our existing Constitution.


Really, show me where the Constitution gives congress the power to regulate how much water can pass through your shower head.
You seem to forget that we live in a post-constitutional America. The supreme court has nullified 90% of the restrictions on the feds provided in the Constitution. The only solution now is an Article 5 convention where the States can put all 3 branches back in their respective boxes.

You have been listening too much to Mark Levin. Our Constitution is still the law of the land. Apparently Mr. Levin wants a convention to make constitutional that which is now unconstitutional, instead of working to enforce our existing Constitution.


Really, show me where the Constitution gives congress the power to regulate how much water can pass through your shower head.

Hey fool, show me where I even mentioned libertarianism? Your senility is showing up a bit early today isn't it?
Says Mr. Senile. Your stupid philosophical musings are nonsense. You and Levin and the rest of the bull shit far right and libertarian wings don't mean shit when it comes to constitutional interpretation. Your opinions are all, every last one of them, meaningless. You folks have no power.
Wrong question, bub.

Right question: why have you failed to take a class on, and to study, the Constitution?
Are Foxnews personalities delinquent in their fair and balanced reporting?

I wonder why Judge Napolitano was not asked by a Foxnews personality to point to the wording in our Constitution under which the federal government was granted a power to allow tens of thousands or millions of foreigners to enter upon American soil, and then allows the federal government to force a State to accept any of them.

Where is the fair and balanced reporting on Foxnews with regard to this issue? It appears that Foxnews repeatedly asserts our federal government has exclusive power over "immigration", but constantly fails to establish the wording in our Constitution granting this power to our federal government. WHY?


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.
You seem to forget that we live in a post-constitutional America. The supreme court has nullified 90% of the restrictions on the feds provided in the Constitution. The only solution now is an Article 5 convention where the States can put all 3 branches back in their respective boxes.

You have been listening too much to Mark Levin. Our Constitution is still the law of the land. Apparently Mr. Levin wants a convention to make constitutional that which is now unconstitutional, instead of working to enforce our existing Constitution.


Really, show me where the Constitution gives congress the power to regulate how much water can pass through your shower head.

How about agreeing with me that no such power allows the federal government to regulate how much water can pass through my shower head, and any attempt to do so violates the defined and limited powers granted to the federal government?


“He has erected a multitude of new offices , and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substance” ___Declaration of Independence

The Civil War settled the issue of state's rights vs the federal government. Federal authority supersedes states rights but what happens when the federal government only enforces certain laws that tend to advance the political power of the administration? We used to depend on public outrage generated by the media to balance the power of the federal government but that ain't gonna happen when the media becomes the propaganda arm of the administration. What do we do about "sanctuary cities" when the radical left administration is unwilling to enforce the law?
The Civil War settled the issue of state's rights vs the federal government. Federal authority supersedes states rights

You are talking about powers reserved by the States. Aside from that, your opinion is noted.

“What Judge Napolitano and Foxnews ignore is, Congress cannot assume powers not granted it by the Constitution. This is basic 101 constitutional law! And there is nothing in the Constitution remotely suggesting our federal government was granted a power to allow tens of thousands or millions of foreigners to enter upon American soil, and then force a State to accept any of them.”


The Constitution affords Congress powers both expressed and implied – that’s basic 101 Constitutional law (see McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)).

Implied powers are necessary and proper, allowing Congress to facilitate the carrying out of expressed powers.

“But that’s not in the Constitution” is a failed and ignorant ‘argument.’

Napolitano is therefore correct.
Jake remind us where the Constitution makes it illegal or grants to the fed the power to make it illegal to have a garden?
“But that’s not in the Constitution” is a failed and ignorant ‘argument.’
So you believe the Federal Government has the right under implied powers to tell people they can not have vegetable gardens at their homes?
"I wonder why Judge Napolitano was not asked by a Foxnews personality to point to the wording in our Constitution under which the federal government was granted a power to allow tens of thousands or millions of foreigners to enter upon American soil, and then allows the federal government to force a State to accept any of them."

Perhaps they knew Napolitano was correct; in any event, had they asked such a question, they’d only be exhibiting their ignorance of the Constitution, as has the thread author.
Screw it! Since the federal government can ignore laws and the constitution at will then the states and everyone else can as well. It just seems kind of equal. It is that thing called equality under the law that so many "liberals" said to justify perverse marriage. This means that if the federal government can ignore the law then so can the states because it really isn't fair for the federal government to ignore the requirement to enforce immigration laws but then tell states that they are not allowed to ignore the same law.

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