Fox/Tea Party - fake photos of Chris Stevens

Which means, per usual, the thread title and OP are just bait//flaming.
Fact: The terrorist attacks and the subsequent deaths occurred under Obama's, Holder's, and Hillary's watch (all Democrats).

Whose watch did 9-11 occur on?

I don't recall the Bush administration going on a Blame Clinton tour when 9/11 happened. Bush dealt with it without any whining and blame throwing. Contrast that with Obama's failure to accept responsibility for anything other than:


Odd....seems Bushs minions have blamed everyone but Bush for 9-11, especially Clinton

Fact, is it was Bush who did not keep us safe
Fact: The terrorist attacks and the subsequent deaths occurred under Obama's, Holder's, and Hillary's watch (all Democrats).

Whose watch did 9-11 occur on?
W's, than goodness it wasn't Gore's or else he would still be cowering in a closet. Idiot libtards.

If Gore or anyone else was president, we wouldn't have invaded two countries in response and we would never have engaged in torture
You've seen this horrendous photo of Chris Stevens. It was sent to me and a search shows that its popular with the tee potty folks and fox showed it to their low-info audience.


They like to add captions -

Fox's version -

Benghazi First Criminal Charges Filed Fox News - YouTube

But, it should come as no surprise that Fox is lying and its not Stevens -

It was actually taken in a hell hole called Bagram.

Bagram: A living hell | roger hollander

Anyone wanna bet that some rw's here will keep right on believing the lies?


what lies ? the ones you libercsum constantly tell and retell.?
Whose watch did 9-11 occur on?

Deflection! Apples/oranges. Benghazi occurred in hostile territory and COULD have been prevented. Nobody saw 9/11 coming.

Over the 30 years there have been many attacks on US Embassies where US deaths occurred under different presidencies. In many of the cases the administrations were warned and did nothing. The aftermath did not have multiple investigations.
Prior to the US Marine barracks attack in Lebanon, the Reagan Administrations was repeatedly warned and did nothing. Over 200 troops were killed. Was there multiple investigations? No. Has there ever been multiple investigations of any previous attacks of American Embassies where Americans died? No.

I don't believe that the Executive Branch in the incidences you cite tried to hide critical documents like Obama and Company have done in the Benghazi case. It's my belief that you only hide something when you have something to hide.
Fact: Repubs voted to cut security at Benghazi and other embassies.


Fact: America just sent 50 million to the Ukraine. Would it have cost 50 mil to send a platoon of Marines to Benghazi as requested...twice? Didn't think so.

How much did Hussein's & Michelle's various vacations and spending sprees cost?:

Obama vacations have cost you $18 million — so far

Obama vacations have cost you $18 million -- so far | Allen B. West -

Their trip to Africa alone cost $1 million. WOW! But they couldn't afford to send any aid to an unprotected Embassy. Have fun on your next vacation Obamas. Spend, spend, spend (on yourselves).
Whose watch did 9-11 occur on?
W's, than goodness it wasn't Gore's or else he would still be cowering in a closet. Idiot libtards.

If Gore or anyone else was president, we wouldn't have invaded two countries in response and we would never have engaged in torture

Wouldn't that have been terrific, almost 14 years of unchecked Muslim Terrorist groups getting larger and larger and their killings becoming more and more horrendous because of their unchecked strength.

Do you realize that you are defending our enemies? The very people who want to force Sharia law all around the world. The very laws that oppress women and kills Gay's.
Fact: Repubs voted to cut security at Benghazi and other embassies.


Fact: The terrorist attacks and the subsequent deaths occurred under Obama's, Holder's, and Hillary's watch (all Democrats).

13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush’s Watch Without a Peep from Fox News

Fact: Repubs voted to cut security at Benghazi and other embassies.


Fact: The terrorist attacks and the subsequent deaths occurred under Obama's, Holder's, and Hillary's watch (all Democrats).

13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush’s Watch Without a Peep from Fox News



No American Ambassadors were killed and Bush didn't blame the attacks on some stupid video

Benghazi is about the lie and the coverup
Fact: The terrorist attacks and the subsequent deaths occurred under Obama's, Holder's, and Hillary's watch (all Democrats).

13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush’s Watch Without a Peep from Fox News



No American Ambassadors were killed and Bush didn't blame the attacks on some stupid video

Benghazi is about the lie and the coverup

Except that the attack was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi
So much outrage over a photo that was likely used by mistake. Yet when NBC INTENTIONALLY alters 911 tapes and other various audio files not a fuck is given by the left.

No it isnt. I posted the link elsewhere. Find it.

That is correct.

Chaffetz comment is far worse than Hillary's

Gowdy to Clinton "Did you or did your DoS deny the Ambassador's request to keep the DoD security team in place and the request for additional security at the compound?"

Gowdy to Clinton "Did your DoS have a contingency plan in place for 9-11 for every USEMBASSY on this planet? Especially one in a terrorist haven like Libya?"

Gowdy to Clinton "Did you change the talking points? If not, then who did?"

a. Stevens wasn't in the embassy.

b. Congress refused additional security funding for embassies. According to Republican Chaffetz, 'You Have To Prioritize Things'.

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

'You Have To Prioritize Things'

I just wanted to post that quote again. Hillary didn't say it, did she?

Incredible the security of our ambassadors isn't a "priority" to republicans, isn't it?
Again...the security of our embassies and ambassadors isn't a "PRIORITY" to congress.

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