Fox reporter get smacked by prez

They don't.

So you did answer. Truthfully. And how the fuck does that help bring down the price of gasoline.

This is the position that your party claims. Oil drilled in the USA will somehow bring down the price of gasoline. Don't have enough to "flood the market with cheap oil". Don't have a way to force companies to sell American oil at a reduced rate. But by God drill that oil. Cause it is Obamas fault.

Then why are the Repubs carrying on about this?
The lefties all sound like parrots here?

Why would oil companies want to sell gas at lower prices when they can get more in Europe?

They wouldn't. That's capitalism. Now, what is Obama willing to do to stop that?

Take over Big Oil.

The only other solution is to make gas as expensive here as it is there. But then that defeats the purpose, so it's back to taking over Big Oil. Not this year, but next year. He just hopes Iran doesn't fuck him first.
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The lefties all sound like parrots her?

Why would oil companies want to sell gas at lower prices when they can get more in Europe?

They wouldn't. That's capitalism. Now, what is Obama willing to do to stop that?

Take over Big Oil.

The only other solution is to make gas as expensive here as it is there. But then that defeats the purpose, so it's back to taking over Big Oil. Not this year, but next year. He just hopes Iran doesn't fuck him first.
They don't.

So you did answer. Truthfully. And how the fuck does that help bring down the price of gasoline.

This is the position that your party claims. Oil drilled in the USA will somehow bring down the price of gasoline. Don't have enough to "flood the market with cheap oil". Don't have a way to force companies to sell American oil at a reduced rate. But by God drill that oil. Cause it is Obamas fault.

Then why are the Repubs carrying on about this?

They don't just want them to drill, but make it less costly to do business in the US, while Obama is doing everything in his power to drive up their overhead thus forcing them to sell their product elsewhere.
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oops. Hit the button to fast.

Interesting take. First you admit that the position of the Rethug party of drill baby drill will not result in the decrease of either oil or gas prices in the USA.

But all of a sudden; Obama is going to nationalize the oil industry.

You are just making stuff up now.
oops. Hit the button to fast.

Interesting take. First you admit that the position of the Rethug party of drill baby drill will not result in the decrease of either oil or gas prices in the USA.

But all of a sudden; Obama is going to nationalize the oil industry.

You are just making stuff up now.

Open your eyes.
They don't just want them to drill, but make it less costly to do business in the US, while Obama is doing everything in his power to drive up their overhead thus forcing them to sell their product elsewhere.

What I take away from your position is that you really are not concerned with the effect of high gas prices on consumers. You just want the oil companies to be able to access the oil we have left, with the least possible interference from guvmint, so the oil companies can continue to post record profits. At the expense of the American consumer and economy.

Does that about sum it up?
They don't.

So you did answer. Truthfully. And how the fuck does that help bring down the price of gasoline.

This is the position that your party claims. Oil drilled in the USA will somehow bring down the price of gasoline. Don't have enough to "flood the market with cheap oil". Don't have a way to force companies to sell American oil at a reduced rate. But by God drill that oil. Cause it is Obamas fault.

Then why are the Repubs carrying on about this?

They don't just want them to drill, but make it less costly to do business in the US, while Obama is doing everything in his power to drive up their overhead thus forcing them to sell their product elsewhere.

They don't just want them to drill, but make it less costly to do business in the US, while Obama is doing everything in his power to drive up their overhead thus forcing them to sell their product elsewhere.

What I take away from your position is that you really are not concerned with the effect of high gas prices on consumers. You just want the oil companies to be able to access the oil we have left, with the least possible interference from guvmint, so the oil companies can continue to post record profits. At the expense of the American consumer and economy.

Does that about sum it up?

Who makes more on a gallon of gas, the Government or the oil company?
oops. Hit the button to fast.

Interesting take. First you admit that the position of the Rethug party of drill baby drill will not result in the decrease of either oil or gas prices in the USA.

But all of a sudden; Obama is going to nationalize the oil industry.

You are just making stuff up now.
That's what they said before he took over GM and Chrysler.

What the Repugs say they want to do is drill, but they can't say what else they want to do and give the left something to attack. Decrease Big Oil's costs. Streamline the permit process. On other words help out the oil industry rather than fuck with them.

The left will simply say "Look....they're helping rich oil barons fuck us out of our hard earned cash."

But who's really fucking us now?

The government makes more in gas-taxes than oil producers can make selling their gas here. Why wouldn't they want to sell it elsewhere.

Obama's reply combined annoyance and derision.

“Ed, just from a political perspective, do you think the President of the United States, going into reelection, wants gas prices to go up even higher?" he said. Turning to the room at large, he added, "Is there anybody here who thinks that makes a lot of sense?”


Actually if you look carefully at his "reply",'ll see that he ducked the question put to him...yet still answered it.

It's all about politics and it's all about him "going into reelection". So what would his answer to that same question be if and when he WAS reelected? It's quite clear from his prior statements, his policies since taking office and his choice of Steven Chu as Energy Secretary that he does indeed want higher gas prices.

Yes, his reply combined annoyance and derision. Obama was annoyed that someone brought up his former statements and instead of answering the question he used his friends in the Main Stream Media to turn the exchange into derision of a supposedly stupid question. It's something that Obama can get away with BECAUSE he has the majority of the media in his back pocket.

The fact is...Barack Obama DOES want substantially higher gas and energy prices. It's the only way that his green energy initiatives can ever make sense economically. But you won't ever hear him admit that...not until next November. Until then you'll see him sidestep that question with tactics like he used in that news conference.
Who makes more on a gallon of gas, the Government or the oil company?

Better question. Who reports record profits quarter after quarter and who is seriously in the spending hole?

Who needs income more than the USA? Who keeps giving huge subsidies to the oil industry? The USA.
Who has a seriously fuked up energy policy? The USA.
oops. Hit the button to fast.

Interesting take. First you admit that the position of the Rethug party of drill baby drill will not result in the decrease of either oil or gas prices in the USA.

But all of a sudden; Obama is going to nationalize the oil industry.

You are just making stuff up now.
That's what they said before he took over GM and Chrysler.

What the Repugs say they want to do is drill, but they can't say what else they want to do and give the left something to attack. Decrease Big Oil's costs. Streamline the permit process. On other words help out the oil industry rather than fuck with them.

The left will simply say "Look....they're helping rich oil barons fuck us out of our hard earned cash."

But who's really fucking us now?

The government makes more in gas-taxes than oil producers can make selling their gas here. Why wouldn't they want to sell it elsewhere.

They act like being the World Leader in Refined Fuel is a bad thing. They act like it is not a price stabilizing force. Could one not be more disingenuous???

Net they will tell us Obama is Pro Energy. :lol: :lol: :lol:
What the Repugs say they want to do is drill, but they can't say what else they want to do and give the left something to attack

That is very convenient. Don't want to tell the American people their good plan for energy because the left might attack them. You believe that? You don't think the plan is so good that the American people would embrace it. Don't think the Repubs could use a plan that the American people could get behind?

The government makes more in gas-taxes than oil producers can make selling their gas here.

Same question. Who reports record profits and who is seriously in the hole? Exxon is an American company, reporting record profits. So much for making more elsewhere.
They don't just want them to drill, but make it less costly to do business in the US, while Obama is doing everything in his power to drive up their overhead thus forcing them to sell their product elsewhere.

What I take away from your position is that you really are not concerned with the effect of high gas prices on consumers. You just want the oil companies to be able to access the oil we have left, with the least possible interference from guvmint, so the oil companies can continue to post record profits. At the expense of the American consumer and economy.

Does that about sum it up?


They have record profits because they're selling it outside the US to China and others at ever increasing demand. But if the profit is adjusted to inflation it's not as much as the Obama media claims.

The Dems set this up with their regulations. They wanted it. They hope they can blame it on the GOP. They may even attempt to blame it on Bush.

Most of the oil companies have overseas offices. If Obama tries to take them over they'll leave and take their jobs with them. Eventually we'll have to hire BP or somebody to drill our oil.
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The government makes more in gas-taxes than oil producers can make selling their gas here.

Same question. Who reports record profits and who is seriously in the hole? Exxon is an American company, reporting record profits. So much for making more elsewhere.

The government makes more in gas-taxes than oil producers can make selling their gas here.

Same question. Who reports record profits and who is seriously in the hole? Exxon is an American company, reporting record profits. So much for making more elsewhere.

Exxon is selling their product, like other companies, on the world market.
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On other words help out the oil industry rather than fuck with them.

Good God man, how much more help does the most profitable companies in the history of the world need. They have subsidies, tax breaks and the ability to retail price their product based on speculation in the oil industry.

And they need help? You gotta be kidding.

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