Fox News Washington editor caught on tape gloating about lying on air

Nothing is a lie using your logic...Anyone can say anything. Like Rummy saying he knows where the WMD's are, then in his book admitting he didnt. That's not a lie, it's a slight embellishment, or exaggeation, or he believes it in his mind so it's not a lie, or speculation...Hell, someone give me a thesaurus

Again, what did Sammon say that was a lie? Quote him verbatim.

And while you're at it, quote Rumsfeld verbatim on your claim that he made a statement that "he knows where the WMD's are".

Oh BTW, I can recognize a lie when I see or hear one.
You asked for it: News Transcript: Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks on ABC "This Week with George Stephanopoulos"
MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: Finally, weapons of mass destruction. Key goal of the military campaign is finding those weapons of mass destruction. None have been found yet. There was a raid on the Answar Al-Islam Camp up in the north last night. A lot of people expected to find ricin there. None was found. How big of a problem is that? And is it curious to you that given how much control U.S. and coalition forces now have in the country, they haven't found any weapons of mass destruction?

SEC. RUMSFELD: Not at all. If you think -- let me take that, both pieces -- the area in the south and the west and the north that coalition forces control is substantial. It happens not to be the area where weapons of mass destruction were dispersed. We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.

I remember that well :
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Again, what did Sammon say that was a lie? Quote him verbatim.

And while you're at it, quote Rumsfeld verbatim on your claim that he made a statement that "he knows where the WMD's are".

Oh BTW, I can recognize a lie when I see or hear one.
You asked for it: News Transcript: Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks on ABC "This Week with George Stephanopoulos"
MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: Finally, weapons of mass destruction. Key goal of the military campaign is finding those weapons of mass destruction. None have been found yet. There was a raid on the Answar Al-Islam Camp up in the north last night. A lot of people expected to find ricin there. None was found. How big of a problem is that? And is it curious to you that given how much control U.S. and coalition forces now have in the country, they haven't found any weapons of mass destruction?

SEC. RUMSFELD: Not at all. If you think -- let me take that, both pieces -- the area in the south and the west and the north that coalition forces control is substantial. It happens not to be the area where weapons of mass destruction were dispersed. We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.

I remember that well :

But remember...they too, did not lie.:doubt:
thats interesting.....if i can do Liberals lie?....Individually?....or if they are all in the same room ....does in then become a PACK? in Wash. DC....

They like to keep their lies on the same page.

Like Chucky Schumer saying his caucus told him to paint the Tea Party as extremists. Well, they like everyone saying the same bullshit or it makes them look foolish.

As long as enough people stick to the story it becomes plausible.
Wait just a minute there Slick, the Tea Bag Brotherhood ARE radical Right Wing extremists to the max!!!

Funny how they were silent while Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II ran up $12 Trillion in debt and now suddenly they are pissing and moaning because a Democrat ran up $2 trillion. You can't be any more extreme Right Wing than that!!!

Problem is the Tea Party didn't exist till last year. The Dems have added $5 trillion to the debt since they took over in 07' when the defict was only $169 billion. Now it's around $1.7 trillion. Their primary beef wasn't just how much was being spent, but how fast it was being spent. Another beef they have is the way the Democrats used the TARP and Stimulus trillions. Those two bills alone spent nearly $2 trillion in the first year. The cash that was suppose to go to shovel-ready projects went to unions in a money laundering scheme.

Then there's the way Obama took over GM, and started taking over other parts of the private-sector. Placing ceilings on their pay while he and Michelle live it up in the White House like royalty.

Then he put his people in charge of the Fed, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The way he shoved through his destructive health care legislation using arm-twisting and bribes. The fact that unemployment got worse, not better after the Stimulus. The fact that he constantly lies in his speeches, so much so that journalists have to jump through their asses to spin his misrepresentations just to make them seem palatable to the public.

And let's not forget the trips to Rio, Spain, and Aspen while 3 wars are still ongoing and the budget from last year never made to his desk to sign.

I think we have plenty to be upset about. We've sat back and bitched amongst ourselves and went nowhere, so we decided it was time to put a stop to the lies and the thievery and the outright corruption of this Administration.
They like to keep their lies on the same page.

Like Chucky Schumer saying his caucus told him to paint the Tea Party as extremists. Well, they like everyone saying the same bullshit or it makes them look foolish.

As long as enough people stick to the story it becomes plausible.
Wait just a minute there Slick, the Tea Bag Brotherhood ARE radical Right Wing extremists to the max!!!

Funny how they were silent while Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II ran up $12 Trillion in debt and now suddenly they are pissing and moaning because a Democrat ran up $2 trillion. You can't be any more extreme Right Wing than that!!!

Problem is the Tea Party didn't exist till last year. The Dems have added $5 trillion to the debt since they took over in 07' when the defict was only $169 billion.
Damn Right the Tea Bag Brotherhood didn't care to exist when the GOP ran up $12 trillion in DEBT, Right Wing extremists don't care how much debt the GOP runs up, they just lie about it like you just did. The deficit was not $169 billion before the Dems took congress, it was over half a trillion. The other $350 billion in deficit spending was OFF BUDGET!!!!! Bush kept $4 trillion in deficit spending off budget during his 8 years!!!!! Only the CON$ervative Brotherhood pretends to be stupid enough to believe that off budget DEFICIT spending is NOT DEFICIT SPENDING. :cuckoo:
Remember when FoxNews kept accusing various media sources of "treasonous" behavior during the Bush administration.

How is printing the following story not a direct threat to our national security?

Obama Authorizes Covert Operations in Libya, as U.S. Considers Aiding Rebels, Sources Say -

President Obama has signed a secret presidential finding authorizing covert operations in Libya, a U.S. official told Fox News, although the administration says it still hasn't decided whether to arm rebel forces there.
The presidential findings establish a framework of legal authorities for covert action. They can authorize specific actions, such as arming the rebels, or establish authorities under which future actions might be taken after permissions are given to undertake them.
In other words, covert actions won't start until the president signs off again.
Another senior American official, however, says CIA operatives are already on the ground in Libya and are currently gathering intelligence and aiding rebel forces.

Remember when FoxNews kept accusing various media sources of "treasonous" behavior during the Bush administration.

How is printing the following story not a direct threat to our national security?

Obama Authorizes Covert Operations in Libya, as U.S. Considers Aiding Rebels, Sources Say -

President Obama has signed a secret presidential finding authorizing covert operations in Libya, a U.S. official told Fox News, although the administration says it still hasn't decided whether to arm rebel forces there.
The presidential findings establish a framework of legal authorities for covert action. They can authorize specific actions, such as arming the rebels, or establish authorities under which future actions might be taken after permissions are given to undertake them.
In other words, covert actions won't start until the president signs off again.
Another senior American official, however, says CIA operatives are already on the ground in Libya and are currently gathering intelligence and aiding rebel forces.


You can't condone his lies at the same time you're condemning Bush's so-called lies.

What are the threats to our national security? Something to do with honesty about the mission, which might cause allies to bail on it, and the possibility that we may be arming Taliban and Al Qaeda members. All this does is let everyone in the world know that Obama cannot be trusted. If our press knows you can bet our allies already know this. It also makes him look naive. They cannot trust a leader who makes poor decisions.

Obama was clear that we weren't going to take sides, yet before he said this he had already signed authorization for the CIA to do so 3 weeks ago. He said this was purely a humanitarian mission when in fact arming fighters does nothing but pour gas on the flames.

As with his blunder in Mexico, where they claimed they didn't think drug cartels would ever get guns under his program to arm Mexican Federalists along the border, so will this go. Once you give em the guns there is no control on where they are going. Eventually Qaddaffi's troops will end up with them through battlefield recovery, and you can bet that terrorists will end up with them too, if they already aren't part of the rebel fighting forces.
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Wait just a minute there Slick, the Tea Bag Brotherhood ARE radical Right Wing extremists to the max!!!

Funny how they were silent while Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II ran up $12 Trillion in debt and now suddenly they are pissing and moaning because a Democrat ran up $2 trillion. You can't be any more extreme Right Wing than that!!!
3 trillion in two years ther sport. not less than 8 trillion (12 is wrong) in 20 years.
Not according to the very rules St Ronnie said should be used to calculate each president's debt!!! He said you start with the first FISCAL year for each president, which begins Oct 1, and you include the interest on the debt of each president. He told us that in his first speech as president. As the chart shows, the 8 fiscal years of Reagan plus the 4 fiscal years of Bush I and the 8 years of Bush II debts plus the interest on those debts comes to a little over $12 trillion.


You can blame a President for the debt if Congress is cooperative with him. When did Bush ever have full cooperation from Congress? Bush had spent 4 years trying to balance the budget and nearly had it done when the Dems took over. They took a deficit that was $169 billion and drove it up in two years to $1.7 trillion. Problem is the Dems are in control of Congress yet they've never passed a budget. I don't think they know how. But because of this, nobody knows how much has been spent or where.
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You asked for it: News Transcript: Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks on ABC "This Week with George Stephanopoulos"
MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: Finally, weapons of mass destruction. Key goal of the military campaign is finding those weapons of mass destruction. None have been found yet. There was a raid on the Answar Al-Islam Camp up in the north last night. A lot of people expected to find ricin there. None was found. How big of a problem is that? And is it curious to you that given how much control U.S. and coalition forces now have in the country, they haven't found any weapons of mass destruction?

SEC. RUMSFELD: Not at all. If you think -- let me take that, both pieces -- the area in the south and the west and the north that coalition forces control is substantial. It happens not to be the area where weapons of mass destruction were dispersed. We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.

I remember that well :

But remember...they too, did not lie.:doubt:

Actually they didn't

How long did it take for them to get the go-ahead before they could go in?

I'm sure Saddam had plenty of time to get the shit out of there before we got there. It's not like we jumped into the place or transported there before they could fly or drive it out of the country or failing that bury it in the desert.
Mud, the first trillion+ deficit is on BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHH

Sorry, Congress is in control of the purse-strings. The deficit was not by Executive Order but by an act of Congress.

The Dems had a majority. The blame is not on Bush alone.

I guess you aren't too hot on the U.S. Constitution.

It's amazing how you dip-shits blame every GD thing that happens in the Universe on a Republican President, but nothing that happens while Obama is Prez is ever blamed on him. He slips out the back and plays golf while his people do his dirty work.
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Mud, the first trillion+ deficit is on BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHH

Sorry, Congress is in control of the purse-strings. The deficit was not by Executive Order but by an act of Congress.

The Dems had a majority. The blame is not on Bush alone.

I guess you aren't too hot on the U.S. Constitution.

It's amazing how you dip-shits blame every GD thing that happens in the Universe on a Republican President, but nothing that happens while Obama is Prez is ever blamed on him. He slips out the back and plays golf while his people do his dirty work.

This coming from a guy claiming BOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH was only running a deficit of $169 ... of course ignoring that he was fighting two wars off the books.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHH submitted the first $3 trillion dollar budget and got everything he wanted. Then the bottom fell out (under his watch), revenue plummeted, and the deficit topped a trillion.

I know y'all like to pretend that our economy went to shit after Obama got elected but most everyone else remembers that the shit hit the fan in September of 2008.
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Mud, the first trillion+ deficit is on BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHH
False, The democratic congress refused to send him one and waited for Obama to take office, that budget has Obama's signature on it.

The 2009 Budget was submitted by President BOOOOOOOOOSHHHH and it called for $3.1 trillion in spending. How much more or less was spent?
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Mud, the first trillion+ deficit is on BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHH

Sorry, Congress is in control of the purse-strings. The deficit was not by Executive Order but by an act of Congress.

The Dems had a majority. The blame is not on Bush alone.

I guess you aren't too hot on the U.S. Constitution.

It's amazing how you dip-shits blame every GD thing that happens in the Universe on a Republican President, but nothing that happens while Obama is Prez is ever blamed on him. He slips out the back and plays golf while his people do his dirty work.

This coming from a guy claiming BOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH was only running a deficit of $169 ... of course ignoring that he was fighting two wars off the books.
you do more to prove your ignorance of the facts every time you post, the deficit numbers include both on and off budget numbers and the final budget deficit under a GOP congress while Bush was President was 162B. BTW einstein, the wars are still being paid for with suplemental appropriations (that would be off budget for dummies)

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHH submitted the first $3 trillion dollar budget and got everything he wanted. Then the bottom fell out (under his watch), revenue plummeted, and the deficit topped a trillion.
The budget deficit for the first half of the year (under Bush) was projected to be 468B, the congress democratic congress refused to send him the appropriations bills opting to wait until Obama took office when they could pile on an additional 20%(+) in spending, the deficit projection then balloned to 1.3T and Obama signed the bills.

I know y'all like to pretend that our economy went to shit after Obama got elected but most everyone else remembers that the shit hit the fan in September of 2008.
the bailout under Bush (300B) was loans, most of which have been paid back. The bailout under Obama (300B) was the government taking over auto companies which we'll never be paid back for and extending an unlimitted line of credit to Fannie and freddie, which we'll also never be paid back for. still, thats not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is the complete waste of 1T dollar in the failed stimulus OBAMA put through that put everything out of whack, not the bailout.
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Mud, the first trillion+ deficit is on BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHH
False, The democratic congress refused to send him one and waited for Obama to take office, that budget has Obama's signature on it.

The 2009 Budget was submitted by President BOOOOOOOOOSHHHH and it called for $3.1 trillion in spending. How much more or less was spent?
Do you know the difference between a budget and a deficit? Obviuosly not.
False, The democratic congress refused to send him one and waited for Obama to take office, that budget has Obama's signature on it.

The 2009 Budget was submitted by President BOOOOOOOOOSHHHH and it called for $3.1 trillion in spending. How much more or less was spent?
Do you know the difference between a budget and a deficit? Obviuosly not.

Budget: How your money is being spent

Deficit: the difference between revenue and expenditures

So again ... how much more or less was spent than what BOOOOOOOOOOOSHHH submitted?
Sorry, Congress is in control of the purse-strings. The deficit was not by Executive Order but by an act of Congress.

The Dems had a majority. The blame is not on Bush alone.

I guess you aren't too hot on the U.S. Constitution.

It's amazing how you dip-shits blame every GD thing that happens in the Universe on a Republican President, but nothing that happens while Obama is Prez is ever blamed on him. He slips out the back and plays golf while his people do his dirty work.

This coming from a guy claiming BOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH was only running a deficit of $169 ... of course ignoring that he was fighting two wars off the books.
you do more to prove your ignorance of the facts every time you post, the deficit numbers include both on and off budget numbers and the final budget deficit under a GOP congress while Bush was President was 162B. BTW einstein, the wars are still being paid for with suplemental appropriations (that would be off budget for dummies)

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHH submitted the first $3 trillion dollar budget and got everything he wanted. Then the bottom fell out (under his watch), revenue plummeted, and the deficit topped a trillion.
The budget deficit for the first half of the year (under Bush) was projected to be 468B, the congress democratic congress refused to send him the appropriations bills opting to wait until Obama took office when they could pile on an additional 20%(+) in spending, the deficit projection then balloned to 1.3T and Obama signed the bills.

I know y'all like to pretend that our economy went to shit after Obama got elected but most everyone else remembers that the shit hit the fan in September of 2008.
the bailout under Bush (300B) was loans, most of which have been paid back. The bailout under Obama (300B) was the government taking over auto companies which we'll never be paid back for and extending an unlimitted line of credit to Fannie and freddie, which we'll also never be paid back for. still, thats not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is the complete waste of 1T dollar in the failed stimulus OBAMA put through that put everything out of whack, not the bailout.

Yes, the BOOOOOOOOOOSHHH deficit was a trillion. Thank you.
Mud, the first trillion+ deficit is on BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHH
False, The democratic congress refused to send him one and waited for Obama to take office, that budget has Obama's signature on it.

The 2009 Budget was submitted by President BOOOOOOOOOSHHHH and it called for $3.1 trillion in spending. How much more or less was spent?
and a 407B deficit, how much was it after Obama got done with it?
This coming from a guy claiming BOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH was only running a deficit of $169 ... of course ignoring that he was fighting two wars off the books.
you do more to prove your ignorance of the facts every time you post, the deficit numbers include both on and off budget numbers and the final budget deficit under a GOP congress while Bush was President was 162B. BTW einstein, the wars are still being paid for with suplemental appropriations (that would be off budget for dummies)

The budget deficit for the first half of the year (under Bush) was projected to be 468B, the congress democratic congress refused to send him the appropriations bills opting to wait until Obama took office when they could pile on an additional 20%(+) in spending, the deficit projection then balloned to 1.3T and Obama signed the bills.

I know y'all like to pretend that our economy went to shit after Obama got elected but most everyone else remembers that the shit hit the fan in September of 2008.
the bailout under Bush (300B) was loans, most of which have been paid back. The bailout under Obama (300B) was the government taking over auto companies which we'll never be paid back for and extending an unlimitted line of credit to Fannie and freddie, which we'll also never be paid back for. still, thats not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is the complete waste of 1T dollar in the failed stimulus OBAMA put through that put everything out of whack, not the bailout.

Yes, the BOOOOOOOOOOSHHH deficit was a trillion. Thank you.
False, Obama signed the appropriations bills and added more then 20% in spending to each of them. Nothing you say is going to change that fact. He then added another 800B in stimulous, nothing is going to change that fact.
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