Fox News says we should respond to the January 6 insurrectionists by implementing their anti-voting agenda


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Your thread title is a lie, shocker there. The fact is Dems rushed vote by mail out the door without the proper safeguards so they could take advantage and cram through God knows how many invalid ballots. If you want vote by mail that's fine but first safeguards must be in place. Then there's the left's blatant RIGGING of the election that's a whole other topic.
Your thread title is a lie, shocker there. The fact is Dems rushed vote by mail out the door without the proper safeguards so they could take advantage and cram through God knows how many invalid ballots. If you want vote by mail that's fine but first safeguards must be in place. Then there's the left's blatant RIGGING of the election that's a whole other topic.
It was done in 2019 and voting took place in late 2020 how much longer of a period did we need during a pandemic, the same pandemic Trump has tried to say it is fake and the Dems used it as a way to cheat?
Like I keep posting in response to these racist statements of "mass voter fraud."

What they really mean by "mass voter fraud" is "Black American citizens legally voting their desired candidate out."

See the trail of Fox News's lies and deception here...

Biden's "You ain't black" really resonated with you. Maybe that's a winning strategy for future which democrat candidates?
Your thread title is a lie, shocker there. The fact is Dems rushed vote by mail out the door without the proper safeguards so they could take advantage and cram through God knows how many invalid ballots. If you want vote by mail that's fine but first safeguards must be in place. Then there's the left's blatant RIGGING of the election that's a whole other topic.
We saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears Biden proudly talk about his quid quo pro in getting the Ukranian Prosecutor investing Barisma or they wouldn't get billions in loan guarantees and in another video admitting he has the most extensive voter fraud scheme in place. Yet, here he is rewarded the highest office in the Nation while we must all sit idly by and shut our mouths. Heck, we can't even peacefully protest anymore!
Your thread title is a lie, shocker there. The fact is Dems rushed vote by mail out the door without the proper safeguards so they could take advantage and cram through God knows how many invalid ballots. If you want vote by mail that's fine but first safeguards must be in place. Then there's the left's blatant RIGGING of the election that's a whole other topic.

It's ironic that only the Swing States that you thought Rump had a chance that were run primarily by Republican State Governments had this problem yet the other states that used mail in voting (some for almost 2 decades) didn't.

Then there is the down ballot voting of the mail in voting where, people like me, voted primarily Republican but not for Rumpsters. Hell, many even voted for Rumpsters as well. One would think that those Republicans on the down ballots would have also lost. Hell, we even sent a QAnon Fruitcake Barmaid to the US House (No, I didn't vote for her, even I have limits) but many others did. If the Dems were going to cheat, they aren't very good at it and I am sure the Courts would have found against them. I can't help it that the Reps are so bad at cheating that they can't win when the election is so closely monitored. If the Alabama Election Officials were to try to operate in many of the states like they do, they would never see sunlight except through prison bars.

Yes, I agree, we need to take a good, hard look at the voting methods used in all states. But not just those 5 swing states. Let's look at all of them. Mississippi would break out into cold sweats at the mere mention of that.
Your thread title is a lie, shocker there. The fact is Dems rushed vote by mail out the door without the proper safeguards so they could take advantage and cram through God knows how many invalid ballots. If you want vote by mail that's fine but first safeguards must be in place. Then there's the left's blatant RIGGING of the election that's a whole other topic.
We saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears Biden proudly talk about his quid quo pro in getting the Ukranian Prosecutor investing Barisma or they wouldn't get billions in loan guarantees and in another video admitting he has the most extensive voter fraud scheme in place. Yet, here he is rewarded the highest office in the Nation while we must all sit idly by and shut our mouths. Heck, we can't even peacefully protest anymore!

You must have made a new record. It took you all of seven messages to get me to place your traitoress ass on the ignore.
Your thread title is a lie, shocker there. The fact is Dems rushed vote by mail out the door without the proper safeguards so they could take advantage and cram through God knows how many invalid ballots. If you want vote by mail that's fine but first safeguards must be in place. Then there's the left's blatant RIGGING of the election that's a whole other topic.
It was done in 2019 and voting took place in late 2020 how much longer of a period did we need during a pandemic, the same pandemic Trump has tried to say it is fake and the Dems used it as a way to cheat?
Since safeguards weren't in place--then there should have been no voting by mail. I've been disenfranchised by the cheating that happened in other states so the election will always be invalid.
Like I keep posting in response to these racist statements of "mass voter fraud."

What they really mean by "mass voter fraud" is "Black American citizens legally voting their desired candidate out."

See the trail of Fox News's lies and deception here...

Fox News is News Entertainment like the WWE is Sports Entertainment.

In the WWE, cheating, deception, rule breaking is par for the course. Same in New Entertainment with Fox, MSDNC, CNN, Newsmax, etc.
Your thread title is a lie, shocker there. The fact is Dems rushed vote by mail out the door without the proper safeguards so they could take advantage and cram through God knows how many invalid ballots. If you want vote by mail that's fine but first safeguards must be in place. Then there's the left's blatant RIGGING of the election that's a whole other topic.
It was done in 2019 and voting took place in late 2020 how much longer of a period did we need during a pandemic, the same pandemic Trump has tried to say it is fake and the Dems used it as a way to cheat?
Since safeguards weren't in place--then there should have been no voting by mail. I've been disenfranchised by the cheating that happened in other states so the election will always be invalid.
There were safeguards put into place, the same ones that have always been used for mail in ballots that have been used for decades. The president votes by mail..
Fox News is News Entertainment like the WWE is Sports Entertainment.

In the WWE, cheating, deception, rule breaking is par for the course. Same in New Entertainment with Fox, MSDNC, CNN, Newsmax, etc.
Self-professed Conservatives and other assorted Republicans here on USMB share the exact same sentiments.

Have you expressed your disagreement w/them yet?
Fox News is News Entertainment like the WWE is Sports Entertainment.

In the WWE, cheating, deception, rule breaking is par for the course. Same in New Entertainment with Fox, MSDNC, CNN, Newsmax, etc.
Self-professed Conservatives and other assorted Republicans here on USMB share the exact same sentiments.

Have you expressed your disagreement w/them yet?
All the time. I am not a conservative. You have not seen my fights with Red Curtain, LA Rams fan and their ilk? They are priceless. Along with numerous others.

Unlike you, Marc, I am not a hypocrite. When was the last time you did that to the leftist loons on this forum? Hmmmm....
Your thread title is a lie, shocker there. The fact is Dems rushed vote by mail out the door without the proper safeguards so they could take advantage and cram through God knows how many invalid ballots. If you want vote by mail that's fine but first safeguards must be in place. Then there's the left's blatant RIGGING of the election that's a whole other topic.

It's ironic that only the Swing States that you thought Rump had a chance that were run primarily by Republican State Governments had this problem yet the other states that used mail in voting (some for almost 2 decades) didn't.

Then there is the down ballot voting of the mail in voting where, people like me, voted primarily Republican but not for Rumpsters. Hell, many even voted for Rumpsters as well. One would think that those Republicans on the down ballots would have also lost. Hell, we even sent a QAnon Fruitcake Barmaid to the US House (No, I didn't vote for her, even I have limits) but many others did. If the Dems were going to cheat, they aren't very good at it and I am sure the Courts would have found against them. I can't help it that the Reps are so bad at cheating that they can't win when the election is so closely monitored. If the Alabama Election Officials were to try to operate in many of the states like they do, they would never see sunlight except through prison bars.

Yes, I agree, we need to take a good, hard look at the voting methods used in all states. But not just those 5 swing states. Let's look at all of them. Mississippi would break out into cold sweats at the mere mention of that.
I'm sure the voting irregularities happened in nearly all the States but we may never know. The only reason the irregularities were discovered in the biggest counties in the swing states is because the Dems weren't prepared for
Your thread title is a lie, shocker there. The fact is Dems rushed vote by mail out the door without the proper safeguards so they could take advantage and cram through God knows how many invalid ballots. If you want vote by mail that's fine but first safeguards must be in place. Then there's the left's blatant RIGGING of the election that's a whole other topic.
It was done in 2019 and voting took place in late 2020 how much longer of a period did we need during a pandemic, the same pandemic Trump has tried to say it is fake and the Dems used it as a way to cheat?
Since safeguards weren't in place--then there should have been no voting by mail. I've been disenfranchised by the cheating that happened in other states so the election will always be invalid.
And that's the whole reason Americans are angry enough to protest like they did. Our votes don't matter, then to watch DC Republicans turn their backs on the American Voters so quickly and before even having the facts just shows us they were never really serious about fighting the Electoral Votes to begin with, those that publically said they would were just doing it for show. It's about time each States gets back to using the RECALL more frequently starting now to get these Rhinos out!
Wait, didn't they already do this in November and January?
I want to thank your State for giving us President-Elect Joe Biden.

Thanks for your vote patriot.
I'm just as upset by my State as you are. I did everything I could to voice my views to elected officials here, and in DC. The election was rigged before it started and that includes abandoning the rule of law and the Courts dereliction of duty. It's obvious they were in on it! The problem is where do we go from here? How will be get our Rights back, and how do we survive under an illegitimate President?
Your thread title is a lie, shocker there. The fact is Dems rushed vote by mail out the door without the proper safeguards so they could take advantage and cram through God knows how many invalid ballots. If you want vote by mail that's fine but first safeguards must be in place. Then there's the left's blatant RIGGING of the election that's a whole other topic.
Georgia -- republican controlled state legislature...
Arizona -- republican controlled legislature...
Wisconsin -- Republican controlled legislature....
Michigan -- Republican controlled legislature....
Pennsylvania -- Republican controlled legislature...

In all of the states you cuck ass Trumpers whine the most about -- republicans have control -- those states passed THEIR OWN MAIL IN BALLOT rules and you morons still whine "The Dems did this" -- "The Dems did that" -- why the fuck are you folks wanting to be in power if when you are in power -- you still whine about what the Dems made you do?

Yall are some of the weakest snowflakes in existence...
Your thread title is a lie, shocker there. The fact is Dems rushed vote by mail out the door without the proper safeguards so they could take advantage and cram through God knows how many invalid ballots. If you want vote by mail that's fine but first safeguards must be in place. Then there's the left's blatant RIGGING of the election that's a whole other topic.
My views are similar to BluesLegend
The people who didn't agree to changes to the election rules involving mass mailin ballots in the millions would agree to
NOTARIZED absentee ballots.
We did not all agree to the election rules,
and lawsuits against mailin ballots are
still pending.
We need to agree on how to pay the costs
of accommodating either notarized ballots or in person voting to meet agreed standards and rules.

Otherwise the volume of mailin ballots
cannot guarantee verification and accuracy
to measure narrow margins in close races
and contested states split roughly 50/50.

Thus, the REAL issue is we didn't agree to the same election rules before rushing to meet and follow the scheduled dates for Election Day, Electoral Votes, and Certification by States and by Congress.

We still need to address election rule changes by Constitutional Convention.
Further Note:

With 70-75 million votes each for both Biden and Trump, that is too many people who do NOT agree to be represented by the other Candidate and Party by majority rule. They only consent to representation
by their own Party by majority rule, due to differences in political beliefs about the role of govt. Such faith based beliefs are the right of individuals and cannot be coerced by govt to comply or change.

Therefore, since we need to address contested election rules anyway, we can also address how to expand the use of Electors to ensure equal and proportional representation by Party. We could then agree to divide Executive Duties and Offices into two independent administrations for "Internal/Domestic/Social programs" that are offered nationally and statewide, but managed locally by democratic free choice, and External/Constitutional govt publicly agreed on by terms specified in the Constitution and Amendments.

Currently both parties believe in funding different roles, limits and purpose of govt.
We need to address that as well, which can be done through a Constitutional conference to agree on objectives to focus on, and a Constitutional Convention to implement the agreed changes.
All the time. I am not a conservative. You have not seen my fights with Red Curtain, LA Rams fan and their ilk? They are priceless. Along with numerous others.

Unlike you, Marc, I am not a hypocrite. When was the last time you did that to the leftist loons on this forum? Hmmmm....
Fighting for fighting sake?

What wrong has any of my leftwing comrades committed that you think I need to chastise them for?
All the time. I am not a conservative. You have not seen my fights with Red Curtain, LA Rams fan and their ilk? They are priceless. Along with numerous others.

Unlike you, Marc, I am not a hypocrite. When was the last time you did that to the leftist loons on this forum? Hmmmm....
Fighting for fighting sake?

What wrong has any of my leftwing comrades committed that you think I need to chastise them for?
Dear MarcATL
The whole Democratic Party and progressive movement has pushed faith based political beliefs in "right to health care" through govt while discriminating against equally faith based beliefs in "right to life" not allowed to be imposed through govt. Similar with establishing beliefs in treating LGBT as a born class like race, while treating gender as an internal identity that can change, when all these are faith based choices that belong to individuals not govt to legislate or regulate. But people have been systemically punished, harassed and threatened with damage for their beliefs. Two wrongs don't make this right. If it is wrong to target, harass and bully LGBT for their beliefs, it is wrong to bully Christians for theirs by seeking political punishment. If it is wrong to blame the poor for crime or social welfare without due process, it is wrong to punish wealthier people by higher taxes and blame a whole class based on perceptions of the rich, without due process to prove which wrongdoers were abusing corporate welfare or fraudulent tax breaks at public expense. In general the belief in Statism and using Central govt authority to mandate policies outside Constitutional limits and process violates Constitutional beliefs and principles, and thus Discriminates by Creed against Conservatives, Christians and Constitutionalists being punished and harassed for defending equally valid beliefs. This political harassment and violation of Civil Rights and protections becomes Conspiracy when the entire Party engages and colludes with financial sponsors and solicits donations to fund these campaigns to lobby and abuse govt to establish faith based Statist beliefs.

Conspiracy to violate Civil Rights is a felony.

Until and unless we denounce Discrimination by Creed, we are all parties to the abuses going on.

As a Democrat, I accept responsibility for correcting the causes, problems and costly consequences of political discrimination by creed. It is perfectly legal for parties to elect fund and run their own political platforms based on their beliefs while excluding others. But it is unconstitutional to abuse Govt to establish beliefs that violate, disparage and discriminate against the beliefs and creeds of others.

Thus I call for a separation of Parties from Govt, requiring separate administrations and tax funding where parties disagree and members elect to fund and run their own agenda, and reserving state and federal govt for duties, policies and jurisdiction that all people parties and states agree to delegate to govt authority respectively.

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