FOX NEWS: DON TRUMP to announce today at 11 AM EST

First let me say this: Anyone who runs for president, by definition, has to have a big ego. That goes without saying.

With that said, Trumps ego is MASSIVE!

It's going to be highly entertaining watching him self-destruct. I just don't know if it's going to be death by a thousand cuts, or if he's going to go down in flames like the Hindenburg. But if nothing else is true, it's going to be entertaining. I might just have to buy stock in a company that makes pop corn because it can't help but go up in price.
First let me say this: Anyone who runs for president, by definition, has to have a big ego. That goes without saying.

With that said, Trumps ego is MASSIVE!

It's going to be highly entertaining watching him self-destruct. I just don't know if it's going to be death by a thousand cuts, or if he's going to go down in flames like the Hindenburg. But if nothing else is true, it's going to be entertaining. I might just have to buy stock in a company that makes pop corn because it can't help but go up in price.
Interest in the presidential election is a good thing. If Trump increases voter interest ,more power to him:thup:
America has gone down the drain. At least we can have a lulzy president while it happens. Bonus points for the shitlib tears of a Trump presidency.
First let me say this: Anyone who runs for president, by definition, has to have a big ego. That goes without saying.

With that said, Trumps ego is MASSIVE!

It's going to be highly entertaining watching him self-destruct. I just don't know if it's going to be death by a thousand cuts, or if he's going to go down in flames like the Hindenburg. But if nothing else is true, it's going to be entertaining. I might just have to buy stock in a company that makes pop corn because it can't help but go up in price.
Interest in the presidential election is a good thing. If Trump increases voter interest ,more power to him:thup:

If anything, it will only serve to make people more cynical. I mean, who wants to see the political process turned into a clown show with egomaniacs who have little, if any, public policy expertise and/or experience basking in the glow of adoration from sycophants while important issues are reduced to oversimplified sound bytes meant to pander to the ignorance of their starry-eyed followers? When that happens, serious people who understand that the issues are complicated and complex have a hard time being heard above the din of others who offer easy solutions like political versions of people who offer miracle cures for age-related ailments on late night TV.
Finally someone who's saying the things I want them to say. Trump for President. Maybe Walker will be his vp?
First let me say this: Anyone who runs for president, by definition, has to have a big ego. That goes without saying.

With that said, Trumps ego is MASSIVE!

It's going to be highly entertaining watching him self-destruct. I just don't know if it's going to be death by a thousand cuts, or if he's going to go down in flames like the Hindenburg. But if nothing else is true, it's going to be entertaining. I might just have to buy stock in a company that makes pop corn because it can't help but go up in price.
Interest in the presidential election is a good thing. If Trump increases voter interest ,more power to him:thup:

If anything, it will only serve to make people more cynical. I mean, who wants to see the political process turned into a clown show with egomaniacs who have little, if any, public policy expertise and/or experience basking in the glow of adoration from sycophants while important issues are reduced to oversimplified sound bytes meant to pander to the ignorance of their starry-eyed followers? When that happens, serious people who understand that the issues are complicated and complex have a hard time being heard above the din of others who offer easy solutions like political versions of people who offer miracle cures for age-related ailments on late night TV.
This has already happened, might as well have a funny president who has no filter and zero political correctness.
First let me say this: Anyone who runs for president, by definition, has to have a big ego. That goes without saying.

With that said, Trumps ego is MASSIVE!

It's going to be highly entertaining watching him self-destruct. I just don't know if it's going to be death by a thousand cuts, or if he's going to go down in flames like the Hindenburg. But if nothing else is true, it's going to be entertaining. I might just have to buy stock in a company that makes pop corn because it can't help but go up in price.
Interest in the presidential election is a good thing. If Trump increases voter interest ,more power to him:thup:

If anything, it will only serve to make people more cynical. I mean, who wants to see the political process turned into a clown show with egomaniacs who have little, if any, public policy expertise and/or experience basking in the glow of adoration from sycophants while important issues are reduced to oversimplified sound bytes meant to pander to the ignorance of their starry-eyed followers? When that happens, serious people who understand that the issues are complicated and complex have a hard time being heard above the din of others who offer easy solutions like political versions of people who offer miracle cures for age-related ailments on late night TV.

You're right, and if the right ever comes up with a serious candidate who does understand that the issues are complex, he's going to be screwed. So far, I don't see it as a problem for the current group.
Secure American jobs for Americans.
Dump Truck could start by moving all his foreign factories to America and employing Americans.

Pay attention to the lying POS pretend not to know where his products are manufactured when Letterman asked him!!!!!

Safeguarding one's civil rights is just as important as the economy, if not more so.

You need to learn how to prioritize. Let's take an example.....

What is more important, breathing or heartbeat? If a person has had an accident and needs immediate emergency treatment, which one is more important?

The answer is: Neither. Neither is more important, both are equally important. Without one, the other is useless.

But, that does not preclude the ability to prioritize. In this instance, the first priority is breathing.

One might suggest you need to realize that both parties are totally out to lunch fiscally. We've been promised dynamic leadership on the economy by every candidate for about 3 decades now. One thing that I have learned is that there is only so much a President can do to fix an economy. The rest is up to Congress and frankly a small modicum of luck.

Prioritizing is great. I loved McCain's idea of building more nuke plants. Hated his idea for staying in Iraq come hell or high water. We all do it. However, pinning your priority to what a candidate says he'll do as President when it comes to the economy seems to be a rather inert selection since, in reality, she/he cannot do much on that front.
then you have no idea what affect regulations have on the economy.
Congress has nothing to with regulations set by the EPA and other agencies run by presidential picks.

Congress passed ObamaCare.

Congress passed Frank-Dodd.

Congress passed the Commodities Futures Modernization Act.

Congress passed the Financial Services Modernization Act.

Do you really think those had no great impact on our economy?!?

And who do you think created the EPA? Congress! At Nixon's urging.

If Congress doesn't like the regulations written by the EPA, they can revoke its very existence.

Check and balances.
They can impeach and remove the president too.
How likely is that?
But the truth is it is a lot easier to right a regulation than it is to pass a law to overturn it or rein the agency in. That's just reality.

Hey, aren't you the blithering idiot who claimed that Trump never went bankrupt?

Why, yes, I think you were that idiot....
Twitter is saying a Trump/Palin ticket.
If that happens, I'm gonna dig a hole in my back yard and lay in it for the duration.


You need to learn how to prioritize. Let's take an example.....

What is more important, breathing or heartbeat? If a person has had an accident and needs immediate emergency treatment, which one is more important?

The answer is: Neither. Neither is more important, both are equally important. Without one, the other is useless.

But, that does not preclude the ability to prioritize. In this instance, the first priority is breathing.

One might suggest you need to realize that both parties are totally out to lunch fiscally. We've been promised dynamic leadership on the economy by every candidate for about 3 decades now. One thing that I have learned is that there is only so much a President can do to fix an economy. The rest is up to Congress and frankly a small modicum of luck.

Prioritizing is great. I loved McCain's idea of building more nuke plants. Hated his idea for staying in Iraq come hell or high water. We all do it. However, pinning your priority to what a candidate says he'll do as President when it comes to the economy seems to be a rather inert selection since, in reality, she/he cannot do much on that front.
then you have no idea what affect regulations have on the economy.
Congress has nothing to with regulations set by the EPA and other agencies run by presidential picks.

Congress passed ObamaCare.

Congress passed Frank-Dodd.

Congress passed the Commodities Futures Modernization Act.

Congress passed the Financial Services Modernization Act.

Do you really think those had no great impact on our economy?!?

And who do you think created the EPA? Congress! At Nixon's urging.

If Congress doesn't like the regulations written by the EPA, they can revoke its very existence.

Check and balances.
They can impeach and remove the president too.
How likely is that?
But the truth is it is a lot easier to right a regulation than it is to pass a law to overturn it or rein the agency in. That's just reality.

Hey, aren't you the blithering idiot who claimed that Trump never went bankrupt?

Why, yes, I think you were that idiot....
Trump has never gone bankrupt.
Companies he was in charge of or owned a lot of stock in went bankrupt. It's not the same thing.
One might suggest you need to realize that both parties are totally out to lunch fiscally. We've been promised dynamic leadership on the economy by every candidate for about 3 decades now. One thing that I have learned is that there is only so much a President can do to fix an economy. The rest is up to Congress and frankly a small modicum of luck.

Prioritizing is great. I loved McCain's idea of building more nuke plants. Hated his idea for staying in Iraq come hell or high water. We all do it. However, pinning your priority to what a candidate says he'll do as President when it comes to the economy seems to be a rather inert selection since, in reality, she/he cannot do much on that front.
then you have no idea what affect regulations have on the economy.
Congress has nothing to with regulations set by the EPA and other agencies run by presidential picks.

Congress passed ObamaCare.

Congress passed Frank-Dodd.

Congress passed the Commodities Futures Modernization Act.

Congress passed the Financial Services Modernization Act.

Do you really think those had no great impact on our economy?!?

And who do you think created the EPA? Congress! At Nixon's urging.

If Congress doesn't like the regulations written by the EPA, they can revoke its very existence.

Check and balances.
They can impeach and remove the president too.
How likely is that?
But the truth is it is a lot easier to right a regulation than it is to pass a law to overturn it or rein the agency in. That's just reality.

Hey, aren't you the blithering idiot who claimed that Trump never went bankrupt?

Why, yes, I think you were that idiot....
Trump has never gone bankrupt.
Companies he was in charge of or owned a lot of stock in went bankrupt. It's not the same thing.
Um, that is the whole point of the hustle. Lawyers and loopholes allow the legal crooks to collect funds from investors and operate a kind of ponzi scheme until the front corporation is maxed out and the parties owed funds at the end of the ride get screwed. It is a kind of thievery made legal by moguls and banks with help from politicians.
Maybe that's our solution; bankrupt America. Refuse to give China a penny make all our bonds totally worthless and then only spend what we can afford, no more borrowing.

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