FOX NEWS: DON TRUMP to announce today at 11 AM EST

First let me say this: Anyone who runs for president, by definition, has to have a big ego. That goes without saying.

With that said, Trumps ego is MASSIVE!

It's going to be highly entertaining watching him self-destruct. I just don't know if it's going to be death by a thousand cuts, or if he's going to go down in flames like the Hindenburg. But if nothing else is true, it's going to be entertaining. I might just have to buy stock in a company that makes pop corn because it can't help but go up in price.
Interest in the presidential election is a good thing. If Trump increases voter interest ,more power to him:thup:

If anything, it will only serve to make people more cynical. I mean, who wants to see the political process turned into a clown show with egomaniacs who have little, if any, public policy expertise and/or experience basking in the glow of adoration from sycophants while important issues are reduced to oversimplified sound bytes meant to pander to the ignorance of their starry-eyed followers? When that happens, serious people who understand that the issues are complicated and complex have a hard time being heard above the din of others who offer easy solutions like political versions of people who offer miracle cures for age-related ailments on late night TV.

That couldn't possibly happen. Oh wait, you predicted exactly what happened almost down to the consonant.

Holy Shit.....any info on tonight's Mega Millions Lotto?
First let me say this: Anyone who runs for president, by definition, has to have a big ego. That goes without saying.

With that said, Trumps ego is MASSIVE!

It's going to be highly entertaining watching him self-destruct. I just don't know if it's going to be death by a thousand cuts, or if he's going to go down in flames like the Hindenburg. But if nothing else is true, it's going to be entertaining. I might just have to buy stock in a company that makes pop corn because it can't help but go up in price.
Interest in the presidential election is a good thing. If Trump increases voter interest ,more power to him:thup:

If anything, it will only serve to make people more cynical. I mean, who wants to see the political process turned into a clown show with egomaniacs who have little, if any, public policy expertise and/or experience basking in the glow of adoration from sycophants while important issues are reduced to oversimplified sound bytes meant to pander to the ignorance of their starry-eyed followers? When that happens, serious people who understand that the issues are complicated and complex have a hard time being heard above the din of others who offer easy solutions like political versions of people who offer miracle cures for age-related ailments on late night TV.

Bumping with a total quote...everyone should read it:

If anything, it will only serve to make people more cynical. I mean, who wants to see the political process turned into a clown show with egomaniacs who have little, if any, public policy expertise and/or experience basking in the glow of adoration from sycophants while important issues are reduced to oversimplified sound bytes meant to pander to the ignorance of their starry-eyed followers? When that happens, serious people who understand that the issues are complicated and complex have a hard time being heard above the din of others who offer easy solutions like political versions of people who offer miracle cures for age-related ailments on late night TV.
Rolling Stone?

You would do better to get your information from old Beany & Cecil reruns.
Trump would probably be a good president. He understands how to run a business, how to deal with the Chinese and Russians, and how to balance a budget. He is also not a career politician which gives him more points over lifetime pols like HRC and Jeb.

Trump/Fiorina---------------that ticket would fix the US economy in 6 months.

Both have the distinction of driving businesses into bankruptcy.

Neither have succeeded at much of anything.
Once again are you 12 years old? 9 billion in assets,employs 10th of thousands of people,and he has failed at everything.Priceless coming from a clown on an internet board,priceless.
Trump would probably be a good president. He understands how to run a business, how to deal with the Chinese and Russians, and how to balance a budget. He is also not a career politician which gives him more points over lifetime pols like HRC and Jeb.

Trump/Fiorina---------------that ticket would fix the US economy in 6 months.

Both have the distinction of driving businesses into bankruptcy.

Neither have succeeded at much of anything.
Once again are you 12 years old? 9 billion in assets,employs 10th of thousands of people,and he has failed at everything.Priceless coming from a clown on an internet board,priceless.

Much more than 12, doofus. However, your posts have the qualities of those done by an 8 year old with limited mental abilities.

Trump has the guts to say what a majority of americans are thinking. Illegal immigration is destroying our country, huge debt is destroying our economy, weakness is destroying our international relations, incompetence in DC is the cause.

Trump has succeeded at everything he has gotten involved in. But we get it, liberalism must punish success and reward failure. Liberalism is a mental disease that destroys its host.

America has tried liberal polices and they have failed miserably. Now we must return to sanity, freedom, limited government, and individual rights.

Currently Trump is the only candidate who understands how to do it.

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