fox Lies Commentary: Musings Of An Average Joe: We Need A Cowboy, Not A Community Organizer.”


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
What I find so ironic about this is that they use reagan and the bush boy of examples of what would solve the terrorist problem and Obama as an example of someone who won't solve the problem.

When in reality:

reagan recruited, armed and trained bin laden and his group. reagan told bin laden and his group that they had a just cause and god was on their side. reagan invited bin laden and his group to the white house for a meeting and were friends. reagan named bin laden and his group great freedom fighters. However when an actual terrorist attack was perpetuated on America in Lebanon with Americans being killed, reagan tucked his tale between his legs and ran. He pulled Americans out of Lebanon and did nothing to stop terrorism. reagan created bin laden and his group as terrorists. We have reagan to thank for bin laden and his group for becoming terrorists and all the problems that we've had since.

The bush boy named bin laden as a terrorist. The bush boy said he was going to find bin laden and bring him in "dead or alive." Then the bush boy let bin laden escape at Tora Bora. A few months after 9-11 the bush boy tells the world that he's not looking for bin laden any more that he doesn't even think about him anymore. A while later the bush boy pulls some troops out of Afghanistan and puts them in Iraq. Allowing Afghanistan to deteriorate. Even though no one who was involved with 9-11 was from Afghanistan and 15 of those hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. bin laden has a house build right out in the open in Pakistan for years with no fear of being brought to justice.

Barak Obama becomes president. He hunts bin laden down and has him killed.

reagan and the bush boy were never cowboys. Neither was Obama. It does show that we get better results with the community organizer no matter what hat he wears.

Musings Of An Average Joe: We Need A Cowboy, Not A Community Organizer - Fox Nation
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Yes, Obama has fixed everything.

Now you can go back to sleep... never mind the ME is on fire, 100 million Americans are on some kind of public assistance, $17,000,000,000,000 debt, etc., etc. All hail Obama the mighty fixer of ALL THINGS!!!

if Runnin' Ronnie had done something about the terrorist situation in 82 when 220 of our Marines were bombed, and killed in their sleep, the mid east might be a different story today. He ignored a blatant act of war and did nothing but leave the region with his yellow tail tucked between his butt cheeks.
Yes, Obama has fixed everything.

Now you can go back to sleep... never mind the ME is on fire, 100 million Americans are on some kind of public assistance, $17,000,000,000,000 debt, etc., etc. All hail Obama the mighty fixer of ALL THINGS!!!


Bush and Cheney set the Middle East on fire. And then gave Obama a water pistol to put it out.

I somewhat admire the ability of conservatives to live in the moment however much they sacrifice real history prior to 2009.

The AQ problem could have been handled much like the SEAL operation that went into Islamabad and put a bullet in Bin Laden's bonnet. Targeted, secret attacks. As it stands, AQ morphed into ISIS and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were either killed or displaced.
He has neither the persona nor the personality to lead, govern, administer, direct...

he is an utter total failure.

Really? Tell us how his presidency has hurt you personally. Or someone you know. Or your community. We're all ears.
He has neither the persona nor the personality to lead, govern, administer, direct...

he is an utter total failure.

Really? Tell us how his presidency has hurt you personally. Or someone you know. Or your community. We're all ears.

He raised my taxes, even though he promised no one in the middle class would pay an extra dime. He is nothing but chicago gutter trash and liar.
Musings Of An Average Joe: We Need A Cowboy, Not A Community Organizer - Fox Nation

The article is well written; your commentary not so much. What I find "ironic" is that you don't understand its meaning.
Obama says the 21 who were beheaded were Egyptian citizens. That's not why they were killed you goddam ahole. They were killed because they were christians. Really bad when the Pope has bigger balls than the president of the US. Go away are of no use to us.
Jeebus, the OP becomes more moronic with every post.
Yes, Obama has fixed everything.

Now you can go back to sleep... never mind the ME is on fire, 100 million Americans are on some kind of public assistance, $17,000,000,000,000 debt, etc., etc. All hail Obama the mighty fixer of ALL THINGS!!!


Bush and Cheney set the Middle East on fire. And then gave Obama a water pistol to put it out.

I somewhat admire the ability of conservatives to live in the moment however much they sacrifice real history prior to 2009.

The AQ problem could have been handled much like the SEAL operation that went into Islamabad and put a bullet in Bin Laden's bonnet. Targeted, secret attacks. As it stands, AQ morphed into ISIS and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were either killed or displaced.
What you said.
What I find so ironic about this is that they use reagan and the bush boy of examples of what would solve the terrorist problem and Obama as an example of someone who won't solve the problem.

When in reality:

reagan recruited, armed and trained bin laden and his group. reagan told bin laden and his group that they had a just cause and god was on their side. reagan invited bin laden and his group to the white house for a meeting and were friends. reagan named bin laden and his group great freedom fighters. However when an actual terrorist attack was perpetuated on America in Lebanon with Americans being killed, reagan tucked his tale between his legs and ran. He pulled Americans out of Lebanon and did nothing to stop terrorism. reagan created bin laden and his group as terrorists. We have reagan to thank for bin laden and his group for becoming terrorists and all the problems that we've had since.

The bush boy named bin laden as a terrorist. The bush boy said he was going to find bin laden and bring him in "dead or alive." Then the bush boy let bin laden escape at Tora Bora. A few months after 9-11 the bush boy tells the world that he's not looking for bin laden any more that he doesn't even think about him anymore. A while later the bush boy pulls some troops out of Afghanistan and puts them in Iraq. Allowing Afghanistan to deteriorate. Even though no one who was involved with 9-11 was from Afghanistan and 15 of those hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. bin laden has a house build right out in the open in Pakistan for years with no fear of being brought to justice.

Barak Obama becomes president. He hunts bin laden down and has him killed.

reagan and the bush boy were never cowboys. Neither was Obama. It does show that we get better results with the community organizer no matter what hat he wears.

Musings Of An Average Joe: We Need A Cowboy, Not A Community Organizer - Fox Nation
What I find so ironic about this is that they use reagan and the bush boy of examples of what would solve the terrorist problem and Obama as an example of someone who won't solve the problem.

When in reality:

reagan recruited, armed and trained bin laden and his group. reagan told bin laden and his group that they had a just cause and god was on their side. reagan invited bin laden and his group to the white house for a meeting and were friends. reagan named bin laden and his group great freedom fighters. However when an actual terrorist attack was perpetuated on America in Lebanon with Americans being killed, reagan tucked his tale between his legs and ran. He pulled Americans out of Lebanon and did nothing to stop terrorism. reagan created bin laden and his group as terrorists. We have reagan to thank for bin laden and his group for becoming terrorists and all the problems that we've had since.

The bush boy named bin laden as a terrorist. The bush boy said he was going to find bin laden and bring him in "dead or alive." Then the bush boy let bin laden escape at Tora Bora. A few months after 9-11 the bush boy tells the world that he's not looking for bin laden any more that he doesn't even think about him anymore. A while later the bush boy pulls some troops out of Afghanistan and puts them in Iraq. Allowing Afghanistan to deteriorate. Even though no one who was involved with 9-11 was from Afghanistan and 15 of those hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. bin laden has a house build right out in the open in Pakistan for years with no fear of being brought to justice.

Barak Obama becomes president. He hunts bin laden down and has him killed.

reagan and the bush boy were never cowboys. Neither was Obama. It does show that we get better results with the community organizer no matter what hat he wears.

Musings Of An Average Joe: We Need A Cowboy, Not A Community Organizer - Fox Nation

Yes, Obama has fixed everything.

Now you can go back to sleep... never mind the ME is on fire, 100 million Americans are on some kind of public assistance, $17,000,000,000,000 debt, etc., etc. All hail Obama the mighty fixer of ALL THINGS!!!


Bush and Cheney set the Middle East on fire. And then gave Obama a water pistol to put it out.

I somewhat admire the ability of conservatives to live in the moment however much they sacrifice real history prior to 2009.

The AQ problem could have been handled much like the SEAL operation that went into Islamabad and put a bullet in Bin Laden's bonnet. Targeted, secret attacks. As it stands, AQ morphed into ISIS and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were either killed or displaced.
What you said.

And you're both wrong. Not surprising.
Obama says the 21 who were beheaded were Egyptian citizens. That's not why they were killed you goddam ahole. They were killed because they were christians. Really bad when the Pope has bigger balls than the president of the US. Go away are of no use to us.

Exactly right!

"And Christian victims – chosen specifically for their faith – have nothing to do with Christianity.

Because President Osama can’t call them “Christians.”
Obama says the 21 who were beheaded were Egyptian citizens. That's not why they were killed you goddam ahole. They were killed because they were christians. Really bad when the Pope has bigger balls than the president of the US. Go away are of no use to us.
You fucking tard. Republicans did NOTHING when they invaded Iraq and watched Christians get crucified, murdered and chased from their country. A fucking half million and Republicans, controlling both houses and the presidency and the Supreme Court DID NOTHING.

Suddenly, when they are killed under Obama it's an attack on Christianity. Where were you fuckers when they were being killed and chased from Iraq?????????????????


George W. Bush Killed Christianity in the Middle East. Red River Freethinkers

Obliterating Iraq s Christians OnFaith

Relentless waves of bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, extortions and rapes have triggered a mass exodus of Christians from Iraq over the past seven years. Since 2003, over half of the estimated 1.5 million Iraqi Chaldean Catholics, Assyrian, Syriac Orthodox, and Armenian Christians, as well as some Protestants have fled to Syria, Jordan and farther flung places. While only 3 or 4 percent of Iraq’s pre-2003 population, they account for 40 percent of its refugees, the UN reported.

Republicans did a real number on Middle East Christians. How dare they blame their terrible mess on Obama. Doing such a thing makes them look filthy. First for doing nothing to help Middle Eastern Christians and second from blaming someone else after most of that terrible debacle had already happened.

If you AW's want to blame that on Obama, PROVE IT! But I warn you, you will only look worse because the facts aren't on your side.
Yes, Obama has fixed everything.

Now you can go back to sleep... never mind the ME is on fire, 100 million Americans are on some kind of public assistance, $17,000,000,000,000 debt, etc., etc. All hail Obama the mighty fixer of ALL THINGS!!!


You're ragging on Obama for not fixing every problem the GOP created?

Obama says the 21 who were beheaded were Egyptian citizens. That's not why they were killed you goddam ahole. They were killed because they were christians. Really bad when the Pope has bigger balls than the president of the US. Go away are of no use to us.
You fucking tard. Republicans did NOTHING when they invaded Iraq and watched Christians get crucified, murdered and chased from their country. A fucking half million and Republicans, controlling both houses and the presidency and the Supreme Court DID NOTHING.

Suddenly, when they are killed under Obama it's an attack on Christianity. Where were you fuckers when they were being killed and chased from Iraq?????????????????


George W. Bush Killed Christianity in the Middle East. Red River Freethinkers

Obliterating Iraq s Christians OnFaith

Relentless waves of bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, extortions and rapes have triggered a mass exodus of Christians from Iraq over the past seven years. Since 2003, over half of the estimated 1.5 million Iraqi Chaldean Catholics, Assyrian, Syriac Orthodox, and Armenian Christians, as well as some Protestants have fled to Syria, Jordan and farther flung places. While only 3 or 4 percent of Iraq’s pre-2003 population, they account for 40 percent of its refugees, the UN reported.

Republicans did a real number on Middle East Christians. How dare they blame their terrible mess on Obama. Doing such a thing makes them look filthy. First for doing nothing to help Middle Eastern Christians and second from blaming someone else after most of that terrible debacle had already happened.

If you AW's want to blame that on Obama, PROVE IT! But I warn you, you will only look worse because the facts aren't on your side.
Stay in the here and now, retard. You can't defend your president by pointing at the Crusades....although he tries.

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