Fox crushes MSNBC, again...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
Cable TV ratings for Monday, 11/14.

6 thru 10pm total MSNBC viewers...3,321,000

6 thru 10pm total Fox viewers... 9,465,000 (+ 6,144,000 more than MSNBC)

A solid 3:1 ratio. For you Democrats that means Fox had three times as many viewers as those of Sharpton, Matthews, Schultz, and Maddow combined. Wow, NBC sure leaves a lot of ad revenue on the table with that bunch.

From Drudge:
MON., NOV. 14, 2011

FOXNEWS SHEP 1,969,000
CNN COOPER 565,000
Really, it would matter more if you added up MSNBC and CNN together if you are comparing Left TV to right tv. Your lefty viewer has a wider range of choices than your righty viewer, so left viewership for any one TV show will be lower, all other things being equal.
Actually LWers watch FOX as well.

I turn it to Sharpton occasionally when I want to punish myself. That dude is the polar opposite of the great telepromter reader that resides at 1600. I can usually watch about 3 or 4 minutes of him struggling with the words.
Cable TV ratings for Monday, 11/14.

6 thru 10pm total MSNBC viewers...3,321,000

6 thru 10pm total Fox viewers... 9,465,000 (+ 6,144,000 more than MSNBC)

A solid 3:1 ratio. For you Democrats that means Fox had three times as many viewers as those of Sharpton, Matthews, Schultz, and Maddow combined. Wow, NBC sure leaves a lot of ad revenue on the table with that bunch.

From Drudge:
MON., NOV. 14, 2011

FOXNEWS SHEP 1,969,000
CNN COOPER 565,000

This is very easy to explain.

FOX, while painted by its opponents in the media as being "right wing news" is actually the one news network where you can hear strong conservative and strong liberal voices talk about situations and debate each other.

Television consumers don't want to waste their time with agenda laden MSNBC who only puts up weak republicans vs strong democrats and whos headlines appear biased many times.

It really is that simple, if CNN/MSNBC want more viewer share they have to do better than only representing the 30% of the country that identifies as liberal.
FOX, while painted by its opponents in the media as being "right wing news" is actually the one news network where you can hear strong conservative and strong liberal voices talk about situations and debate each other.

Television consumers don't want to waste their time with agenda laden MSNBC who only puts up weak republicans vs strong democrats and whos headlines appear biased many times.
I disagree. Fox will pit a DNC talking head against an RNC talking head who only spew talking points and cross talk all over each other. Fuck that!

Then in between they show endless "Casey Anthony TMZ" style reports. I hardly ever watch it anymore.
its all just a game to you people huh?

What's the matter, TruthMocker? You mad because your assertion that Fox was bleeding viewers has turned out to be yet more of your fantasy bullshit?


When i said that they were bleeding viewers.

They had to dump people like Beck who were making them look insane

His contract ended. He chose to go instead of extending it. He is, however, contracted to do 'specials' for them so it's actually not factually accurate to say they 'dumped' him.

You said they were bleeding viewers.... what you left out was that they are all bleeding viewers. You lied. And you continued to lie - even when you were provided evidence (from a left wing research center) demonstrating the actual reality. You still lied. You lie and lie and lie. In fact, I would struggle to find one sentence from you that does not contain lies.
its all just a game to you people huh?

What's the matter, TruthMocker? You mad because your assertion that Fox was bleeding viewers has turned out to be yet more of your fantasy bullshit?


When i said that they were bleeding viewers.

They had to dump people like Beck who were making them look insane

Beck is still on the show once in awhile....and he still has a contract with them for specials. So you're wrong again. If you watched a "truthful" news station once in awhile you would know that. But I guess you'd just rather make up stuff.....
FOX, while painted by its opponents in the media as being "right wing news" is actually the one news network where you can hear strong conservative and strong liberal voices talk about situations and debate each other.

Television consumers don't want to waste their time with agenda laden MSNBC who only puts up weak republicans vs strong democrats and whos headlines appear biased many times.
I disagree. Fox will pit a DNC talking head against an RNC talking head who only spew talking points and cross talk all over each other. Fuck that!

Then in between they show endless "Casey Anthony TMZ" style reports. I hardly ever watch it anymore.

Well I only watch the special report show and the last 30-40 minutes where there is a panel of usually a moderate, a liberal, and a conservative plus bret baird.
Really, it would matter more if you added up MSNBC and CNN together if you are comparing Left TV to right tv.

No it wouldn't. Look at those actual numbers. They're pathetic! All that Fox beating MSNBC means is that MSNBC is even MORE pathetic.

Being the "biggest cable news channel" is like being the tallest midget or the giraffe with the loudest voice or the fastest snail.

What this shows us is that liberals are SLIGHTLY less likely to get their news from cable TV than conservatives -- but not that much less likely. Looks like not that many conservatives do, either.
Really, it would matter more if you added up MSNBC and CNN together if you are comparing Left TV to right tv.

No it wouldn't. Look at those actual numbers. They're pathetic! All that Fox beating MSNBC means is that MSNBC is even MORE pathetic.

Being the "biggest cable news channel" is like being the tallest midget or the giraffe with the loudest voice or the fastest snail.

What this shows us is that liberals are SLIGHTLY less likely to get their news from cable TV than conservatives -- but not that much less likely. Looks like not that many conservatives do, either.

Actually, all it really demonstrates is that Americans are generally moving away from cable as a source for 'news'. All the traditional news media are struggling.... but that has more to do with people using more new media technologies for their news than it does with anything else. And there is research from Pew that supports that.
What's the matter, TruthMocker? You mad because your assertion that Fox was bleeding viewers has turned out to be yet more of your fantasy bullshit?


When i said that they were bleeding viewers.

They had to dump people like Beck who were making them look insane

His contract ended. He chose to go instead of extending it. He is, however, contracted to do 'specials' for them so it's actually not factually accurate to say they 'dumped' him.

You said they were bleeding viewers.... what you left out was that they are all bleeding viewers. You lied. And you continued to lie - even when you were provided evidence (from a left wing research center) demonstrating the actual reality. You still lied. You lie and lie and lie. In fact, I would struggle to find one sentence from you that does not contain lies.

Truthiness...lying? Well she is a pathological liar so I guess that would be normal. No?:dunno:
MSNBC is owned by GE. They're a real joke. I mean GE CEO Jefrey Immelt is this current President's "Jobs Czar" for God's sake. And how much Taxes does GE pay? Any self-respecting Journalist would have to consider NBC a joke at this point. Everything they "report" is only in the best interest of GE. They are by far the biggest fraud in Media.
MSNBC is owned by GE. They're a real joke. I mean GE CEO Jefrey Immelt is this current President's "Jobs Czar" for God's sake. And how much Taxes does GE pay? Any self-respecting Journalist would have to consider NBC a joke at this point. Everything they "report" is only in the best interest of GE. They are by far the biggest fraud in Media.

Yeah thats a pretty shady connection, media and govt in the same bed....not good for any american in my opinion.
Fox has it's loyal viewers. It always has. They tune in and watch all night.

The rest of us watch everything else

Fox is still far from the most popular source for news. It pales in comparison to network news

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