Fox breaking news...4 more air strikes today

You need more than surgery when you have 10000 zombies poised to kick your ass.
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I'm sorry, I'm not too impressed by this. The first strike near Imbril was essentially a "save our American assets form death" reaction. How predictable.
everyone on the news that I pay attention to are old retired military generals and they are calling the airstrikes as PINPRICKS Peach . I saw just a couple minite ago 2 pinpricks being carried out as 2 vehicles on a road were destroyed . I know that tommy vitor , marie harf , jan ptsaki and that skinny red headed chick are pretty impressed but I and John Bolton are not impressed . Even that old pirate mccain is unimpressed by these pinpricks .
everyone on the news that I pay attention to are old retired military generals and they are calling the airstrikes as PINPRICKS Peach . I saw just a couple minite ago 2 pinpricks being carried out as 2 vehicles on a road were destroyed . I know that tommy vitor , marie harf , jan ptsaki and that skinny red headed chick are pretty impressed but I and John Bolton are not impressed . Even that old pirate mccain is unimpressed by these pinpricks .

Doesn't look like "pinpricks":

The US military says it has carried out four new air strikes on militants to defend civilians in northern Iraq.

US Central Command said jet fighters and drones had destroyed armoured carriers and a truck that were firing on civilians.

Thousands of civilians fled into mountains after the Islamic State (IS) overran the town of Sinjar a week ago.

This is the third round of US air strikes since they were authorised by President Barack Obama.

The previous strikes targeted IS (formerly known as Isis) forces threatening the Kurdish city of Irbil.

Aid consignments
A US military statement said the latest strikes had been defending members of the Yazidi religious group who were being "indiscriminately attacked" near Sinjar.

It said a mix of fighter jets and drones destroyed an IS armoured personnel carrier (APC) that was firing on Yazidi civilians near Sinjar.

The statement said US aircraft then monitored movement of other APCs and an armed truck and attacked them.

This is the first time US forces have been directly involved in a military operation in Iraq since they withdrew from the country in late 2011.

In recent days US aircraft have also dropped food and water to those trapped in the mountains.

France and Britain have also announced that their aid consignments are imminent.

More coming, disrupting the area near the trapped Yazidis is first, also, the President added in reasons beyond "American personnel". Carpet bombing isn't an option. You can cheer for ISIS, most Americans are not in agreement.
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everyone on the news that I pay attention to are old retired military generals and they are calling the airstrikes as PINPRICKS Peach . I saw just a couple minite ago 2 pinpricks being carried out as 2 vehicles on a road were destroyed . I know that tommy vitor , marie harf , jan ptsaki and that skinny red headed chick are pretty impressed but I and John Bolton are not impressed . Even that old pirate mccain is unimpressed by these pinpricks .

More coming, disrupting the area near the trapped Yazidis is first, also, the President added in reasons beyond "American personnel". Carpet bombing isn't an option. You can cheer for ISIS, most Americans are not in agreement.

So in other words the far left is ok with the illegal actions of Obama in Iraq.
everyone on the news that I pay attention to are old retired military generals and they are calling the airstrikes as PINPRICKS Peach . I saw just a couple minite ago 2 pinpricks being carried out as 2 vehicles on a road were destroyed . I know that tommy vitor , marie harf , jan ptsaki and that skinny red headed chick are pretty impressed but I and John Bolton are not impressed . Even that old pirate mccain is unimpressed by these pinpricks .

More coming, disrupting the area near the trapped Yazidis is first, also, the President added in reasons beyond "American personnel". Carpet bombing isn't an option. You can cheer for ISIS, most Americans are not in agreement.

Nobody is cheering for ISIS peachy...we want them dead sooner and in larger numbers. Planes have machine guns ya know. It doesn't have to be bombs.
WTF are American Soldiers and Marines doing in Afghanistan when the the administration is bragging that the freaking Air Force is making "surgical strikes" on a country that was already liberated? The world is upside down when the media becomes part of the administration.
Those "vehicles" were firing on civilians, keep cheering for ISIS, as for old generals, real ones fade away.
everyone on the news that I pay attention to are old retired military generals and they are calling the airstrikes as PINPRICKS Peach . I saw just a couple minite ago 2 pinpricks being carried out as 2 vehicles on a road were destroyed . I know that tommy vitor , marie harf , jan ptsaki and that skinny red headed chick are pretty impressed but I and John Bolton are not impressed . Even that old pirate mccain is unimpressed by these pinpricks .

More coming, disrupting the area near the trapped Yazidis is first, also, the President added in reasons beyond "American personnel". Carpet bombing isn't an option. You can cheer for ISIS, most Americans are not in agreement.

Nobody is cheering for ISIS peachy...we want them dead sooner and in larger numbers. Planes have machine guns ya know. It doesn't have to be bombs.

They hide within the civilian population now. And to be non-partisan, I wish this had started sooner, but I still see people saying "NOT OUR PROBLEM".
More coming, disrupting the area near the trapped Yazidis is first, also, the President added in reasons beyond "American personnel". Carpet bombing isn't an option. You can cheer for ISIS, most Americans are not in agreement.

Nobody is cheering for ISIS peachy...we want them dead sooner and in larger numbers. Planes have machine guns ya know. It doesn't have to be bombs.

They hide within the civilian population now. And to be non-partisan, I wish this had started sooner, but I still see people saying "NOT OUR PROBLEM".

You are hardly non-partisan there, especially when you post far left lies on other threads.

Going to denounce Obama and be non-partisan?
"Far left, far left, far left"

More well targeted strikes on the way, every day...........
Funny how the far left has changed it's tune on the illegal operation from Obama.

There is no illegal operation from Obama. No TUNE to change. No regime change and US occupation this time with a trillion $ worth of ground fighting along with 4584 dead Americans and ten times that were wounded plus tens of thousands of dead Iraqis based on a lie about the intelligence Bush had.

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