Former Trump Appointees Expected To Lie Under Oath To Attack Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Christopher Miller, the former Pentagon chief who served as acting US Defense Secretary under Republican former President Donald Trump, is expected to blame Trump for inciting the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol when Miller testifies at a Wednesday hearing about the incident. Blaming Trump for the riot that followed, Miller told VICE in mid-March, "Would anybody have marched on the Capitol, and tried to overrun the Capitol, without the president's speech?"

Miller said he wasn't sure whether Trump knew that his speech would incite an insurrection. But Miller said that Trump's speech still incited it nonetheless. The other witnesses for Wednesday's House hearing include Trump's former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee III. The hearing will also discuss the possibility of creating a commission to investigate the events surrounding the insurrection"

Although Trump's ability to hire the best people for everything he does is unmatched in recorded history -- it is still amazing how Dems are able to force Trump's own appointees to betray him time and time again....However, since we know people like Chris Miller and that scheming Jew, Jeff Rosen will lie under oath to hurt Trump -- shouldn't they still be charged for perjury??? If Trump's own Attorney General -- the guy he chose -- is going to claim there was no widespread voter fraud; when we all know China and Biden stole the election with the use of bamboo ballots -- isn't he committing perjury?? Trump will ultimately stop their evil plot; but you would think the GOP in Congress could do something....Biden is a senile weak old man, he isn't that powerful is he?

Pelosi is an old wrinkled whore who can't even tie her own shoes, she isn't that powerful is she? AOC is a slut who can't even spell her own name; how is she more powerful than Speaker McCarthy?? Schumer is weak commie Jew; how is he more powerful than a real American conservative?? Basically; all Dems are a bunch of soyboy cucks -- how are they able to be this powerful?
To exculpate Trump for inciting the January 6th election would a lie and a felony if sworn to in hearings.
He is just another PSYOP agent that is a part of the coup against Pres. Trump.
We all know that this was a set up. Even I have warned that this Stop the steal protest was a PSYOP. But we are not intelligence agents, but he is. And so why is he so blinded? He should have known that there were a active PSYOP against Pres. Trump. But he never investigated it.

Even her PSYOP agents saw what happened.


"Christopher Miller, the former Pentagon chief who served as acting US Defense Secretary under Republican former President Donald Trump, is expected to blame Trump for inciting the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol when Miller testifies at a Wednesday hearing about the incident. Blaming Trump for the riot that followed, Miller told VICE in mid-March, "Would anybody have marched on the Capitol, and tried to overrun the Capitol, without the president's speech?"

Miller said he wasn't sure whether Trump knew that his speech would incite an insurrection. But Miller said that Trump's speech still incited it nonetheless. The other witnesses for Wednesday's House hearing include Trump's former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee III. The hearing will also discuss the possibility of creating a commission to investigate the events surrounding the insurrection"

Although Trump's ability to hire the best people for everything he does is unmatched in recorded history -- it is still amazing how Dems are able to force Trump's own appointees to betray him time and time again....However, since we know people like Chris Miller and that scheming Jew, Jeff Rosen will lie under oath to hurt Trump -- shouldn't they still be charged for perjury??? If Trump's own Attorney General -- the guy he chose -- is going to claim there was no widespread voter fraud; when we all know China and Biden stole the election with the use of bamboo ballots -- isn't he committing perjury?? Trump will ultimately stop their evil plot; but you would think the GOP in Congress could do something....Biden is a senile weak old man, he isn't that powerful is he?

Pelosi is an old wrinkled whore who can't even tie her own shoes, she isn't that powerful is she? AOC is a slut who can't even spell her own name; how is she more powerful than Speaker McCarthy?? Schumer is weak commie Jew; how is he more powerful than a real American conservative?? Basically; all Dems are a bunch of soyboy cucks -- how are they able to be this powerful?
Maybe Garland and the Dem DOJ have photoshoped Miller, Rosen and Contee into pics where they are sodomizing mexican children. That's how they think anyway. We all know of their sexual fantasies of sticking their nasty schlongs in children, in the most disgusting ways imaginable. I won't go into deeper detail.

"Christopher Miller, the former Pentagon chief who served as acting US Defense Secretary under Republican former President Donald Trump, is expected to blame Trump for inciting the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol when Miller testifies at a Wednesday hearing about the incident. Blaming Trump for the riot that followed, Miller told VICE in mid-March, "Would anybody have marched on the Capitol, and tried to overrun the Capitol, without the president's speech?"

Miller said he wasn't sure whether Trump knew that his speech would incite an insurrection. But Miller said that Trump's speech still incited it nonetheless. The other witnesses for Wednesday's House hearing include Trump's former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee III. The hearing will also discuss the possibility of creating a commission to investigate the events surrounding the insurrection"

Although Trump's ability to hire the best people for everything he does is unmatched in recorded history -- it is still amazing how Dems are able to force Trump's own appointees to betray him time and time again....However, since we know people like Chris Miller and that scheming Jew, Jeff Rosen will lie under oath to hurt Trump -- shouldn't they still be charged for perjury??? If Trump's own Attorney General -- the guy he chose -- is going to claim there was no widespread voter fraud; when we all know China and Biden stole the election with the use of bamboo ballots -- isn't he committing perjury?? Trump will ultimately stop their evil plot; but you would think the GOP in Congress could do something....Biden is a senile weak old man, he isn't that powerful is he?

Pelosi is an old wrinkled whore who can't even tie her own shoes, she isn't that powerful is she? AOC is a slut who can't even spell her own name; how is she more powerful than Speaker McCarthy?? Schumer is weak commie Jew; how is he more powerful than a real American conservative?? Basically; all Dems are a bunch of soyboy cucks -- how are they able to be this powerful?

The anti-TRUMP republicans have one thing in common with democrats, they both want to keep the corruption in government for power and money.
:ahole-1:Miller was responsible for the NG who was minutes away taking hours to respond, so yeah he's covering his own weasel ass by blaming TRUMP.

"Christopher Miller, the former Pentagon chief who served as acting US Defense Secretary under Republican former President Donald Trump, is expected to blame Trump for inciting the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol when Miller testifies at a Wednesday hearing about the incident. Blaming Trump for the riot that followed, Miller told VICE in mid-March, "Would anybody have marched on the Capitol, and tried to overrun the Capitol, without the president's speech?"

Miller said he wasn't sure whether Trump knew that his speech would incite an insurrection. But Miller said that Trump's speech still incited it nonetheless. The other witnesses for Wednesday's House hearing include Trump's former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee III. The hearing will also discuss the possibility of creating a commission to investigate the events surrounding the insurrection"

Although Trump's ability to hire the best people for everything he does is unmatched in recorded history -- it is still amazing how Dems are able to force Trump's own appointees to betray him time and time again....However, since we know people like Chris Miller and that scheming Jew, Jeff Rosen will lie under oath to hurt Trump -- shouldn't they still be charged for perjury??? If Trump's own Attorney General -- the guy he chose -- is going to claim there was no widespread voter fraud; when we all know China and Biden stole the election with the use of bamboo ballots -- isn't he committing perjury?? Trump will ultimately stop their evil plot; but you would think the GOP in Congress could do something....Biden is a senile weak old man, he isn't that powerful is he?

Pelosi is an old wrinkled whore who can't even tie her own shoes, she isn't that powerful is she? AOC is a slut who can't even spell her own name; how is she more powerful than Speaker McCarthy?? Schumer is weak commie Jew; how is he more powerful than a real American conservative?? Basically; all Dems are a bunch of soyboy cucks -- how are they able to be this powerful?
There were reasons that unimportant peripheral players like Roger Stone and George Papadopoulos were persecuted.

And you voted for this shit.

"Christopher Miller, the former Pentagon chief who served as acting US Defense Secretary under Republican former President Donald Trump, is expected to blame Trump for inciting the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol when Miller testifies at a Wednesday hearing about the incident. Blaming Trump for the riot that followed, Miller told VICE in mid-March, "Would anybody have marched on the Capitol, and tried to overrun the Capitol, without the president's speech?"

Miller said he wasn't sure whether Trump knew that his speech would incite an insurrection. But Miller said that Trump's speech still incited it nonetheless. The other witnesses for Wednesday's House hearing include Trump's former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee III. The hearing will also discuss the possibility of creating a commission to investigate the events surrounding the insurrection"

Although Trump's ability to hire the best people for everything he does is unmatched in recorded history -- it is still amazing how Dems are able to force Trump's own appointees to betray him time and time again....However, since we know people like Chris Miller and that scheming Jew, Jeff Rosen will lie under oath to hurt Trump -- shouldn't they still be charged for perjury??? If Trump's own Attorney General -- the guy he chose -- is going to claim there was no widespread voter fraud; when we all know China and Biden stole the election with the use of bamboo ballots -- isn't he committing perjury?? Trump will ultimately stop their evil plot; but you would think the GOP in Congress could do something....Biden is a senile weak old man, he isn't that powerful is he?

Pelosi is an old wrinkled whore who can't even tie her own shoes, she isn't that powerful is she? AOC is a slut who can't even spell her own name; how is she more powerful than Speaker McCarthy?? Schumer is weak commie Jew; how is he more powerful than a real American conservative?? Basically; all Dems are a bunch of soyboy cucks -- how are they able to be this powerful?
the quote in Vice is right, but that hardly makes the president responsible.

That’s like saying would Hunter of gotten drunk at Hooters if Hooters wasn’t offering dollar drafts? and then blaming Hooters for him getting drunk

"Christopher Miller, the former Pentagon chief who served as acting US Defense Secretary under Republican former President Donald Trump, is expected to blame Trump for inciting the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol when Miller testifies at a Wednesday hearing about the incident. Blaming Trump for the riot that followed, Miller told VICE in mid-March, "Would anybody have marched on the Capitol, and tried to overrun the Capitol, without the president's speech?"

Miller said he wasn't sure whether Trump knew that his speech would incite an insurrection. But Miller said that Trump's speech still incited it nonetheless. The other witnesses for Wednesday's House hearing include Trump's former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee III. The hearing will also discuss the possibility of creating a commission to investigate the events surrounding the insurrection"

Although Trump's ability to hire the best people for everything he does is unmatched in recorded history -- it is still amazing how Dems are able to force Trump's own appointees to betray him time and time again....However, since we know people like Chris Miller and that scheming Jew, Jeff Rosen will lie under oath to hurt Trump -- shouldn't they still be charged for perjury??? If Trump's own Attorney General -- the guy he chose -- is going to claim there was no widespread voter fraud; when we all know China and Biden stole the election with the use of bamboo ballots -- isn't he committing perjury?? Trump will ultimately stop their evil plot; but you would think the GOP in Congress could do something....Biden is a senile weak old man, he isn't that powerful is he?

Pelosi is an old wrinkled whore who can't even tie her own shoes, she isn't that powerful is she? AOC is a slut who can't even spell her own name; how is she more powerful than Speaker McCarthy?? Schumer is weak commie Jew; how is he more powerful than a real American conservative?? Basically; all Dems are a bunch of soyboy cucks -- how are they able to be this powerful?
Miller blames trump? Really? Who Miller blames means nothing.

"Christopher Miller, the former Pentagon chief who served as acting US Defense Secretary under Republican former President Donald Trump, is expected to blame Trump for inciting the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol when Miller testifies at a Wednesday hearing about the incident. Blaming Trump for the riot that followed, Miller told VICE in mid-March, "Would anybody have marched on the Capitol, and tried to overrun the Capitol, without the president's speech?"

Miller said he wasn't sure whether Trump knew that his speech would incite an insurrection. But Miller said that Trump's speech still incited it nonetheless. The other witnesses for Wednesday's House hearing include Trump's former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee III. The hearing will also discuss the possibility of creating a commission to investigate the events surrounding the insurrection"

Although Trump's ability to hire the best people for everything he does is unmatched in recorded history -- it is still amazing how Dems are able to force Trump's own appointees to betray him time and time again....However, since we know people like Chris Miller and that scheming Jew, Jeff Rosen will lie under oath to hurt Trump -- shouldn't they still be charged for perjury??? If Trump's own Attorney General -- the guy he chose -- is going to claim there was no widespread voter fraud; when we all know China and Biden stole the election with the use of bamboo ballots -- isn't he committing perjury?? Trump will ultimately stop their evil plot; but you would think the GOP in Congress could do something....Biden is a senile weak old man, he isn't that powerful is he?

Pelosi is an old wrinkled whore who can't even tie her own shoes, she isn't that powerful is she? AOC is a slut who can't even spell her own name; how is she more powerful than Speaker McCarthy?? Schumer is weak commie Jew; how is he more powerful than a real American conservative?? Basically; all Dems are a bunch of soyboy cucks -- how are they able to be this powerful?
Miller blames trump? Really? Who Miller blames means nothing.
I agree.....he is just some lame that Trump appointed to be Defense Secretary......he knows nothing....

And on the bright side.....he refused to blame Trump when he testified he is back to being a hero again...

Keep up
The Defense Secretary of Trump said it is an insurgency.

The Trumpalists do not get to redefine terms.
To exculpate Trump for inciting the January 6th election would a lie and a felony if sworn to in hearings.
What I believe of January 6. Citizens should have never gone to a to the White House unarmed knowing it was packed with dirty murdering democRats that way the finished democrats would have been deleted Joe is stripped nude and given his nick name TIny leading to his suicided . Joe is buried 100 feet down cause real deep down even rotten criminals are good people.
To exculpate Trump for inciting the January 6th election would a lie and a felony if sworn to in hearings.
Fuck January 6. It was NOTHING compared to Portland. ALL Goddam Summer. Besides ,it is about time those Ward Heelers saw it up close and personal.

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