Former Fox News reporter warns that Trump team is ‘still colluding’ with the Russians


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
We were warned about Trump in 2016. He's done everything we were warned about. And as he continues to play the galactically stupid taking credit for a economy he did not create, he has decided to move more and more into authoritarian style rule. He has ruined the reputation of this country maybe to a level that cannot be repaired. He has made life less safe for Americans here and abroad. He has now made America responsible for a severe humanitarian crisis. But all he has to do is blame Obama and the racially biased will believe him. In 2020 this nation faces a severe choice. We can boot this asshole from power and begin to rebuild our respect, or give him 4 more years and America dies.

Former Fox News reporter warns that Trump team is ‘still colluding’ with the Russians

Joe Romm

Former Fox News Channel chief political correspondent Carl Cameron has a warning for America: “The Trump team were colluding with the Russians in 2016 – and they are still colluding.”

Cameron is especially worth listening to now that the Justice Department has confirmed in its Friday indictments that senior Russian intelligence officers were behind the massive cyberattack on the 2016 election to help get Trump elected — and that those officers coordinated their messaging with the campaign with the help of long-time Trump confidant Roger Stone.

This is exactly what Cameron had explained to ThinkProgress’s Joe Romm in a series of exclusive interviews months ago — as related in a ThinkProgress post from June 5 and in the new book, “How to Go Viral and Reach Millions: Top Persuasion Secrets from Social Media Superstars, Jesus, Shakespeare, Oprah, and Even Donald Trump.”

“Roger Stone’s success,” as Cameron had put it to ThinkProgress, “was having the connections and creating the opportunities for [Russian intelligence officer] Guccifer2.0 and other Russian groups to really start taking advantage of social media and pounding these negative memes that Hillary’s a crook, etc.”

Cameron not only covered the Trump campaign for Fox News, he has followed Trump and Stone for years. After working in New Hampshire radio and TV starting in 1985, Cameron was one of Fox News’ original hires. He has covered every presidential campaign for them starting in 1996.

In the weeks since the June 5 post, Cameron has told ThinkProgress that the cyberattack isn’t over, warning “the exact same type of Russian cyberattacks on the United States are ongoing.”

Indeed, McClatchy reported last month that “a new Russian influence operation has surfaced that mirrors” the 2016 cyberattack effort to help elect Trump. Just last week, HuffingtonPost reported that “Russian bots appear to be fueling a wave of criticism targeting Democrats” using the hashtag #WalkAway.

We are still at war with the Russians. Or rather, the Russians are asymmetrically at war with us while the President and his allies dismiss the findings of his own Justice Department and intelligence agencies.

Trump continues to promote Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claims that the Kremlin has not been running any such operation—while smearing the intelligence agencies and experts who say otherwise.

“Whenever the President denies the entire idea of Russian interference in U.S. elections — and labels investigations into such interference a hoax or witch hunt,” Cameron told ThinkProgress, “he is enabling the biggest cyberattack in U.S. history.”

The long-time Fox News correspondent agrees with the assessment of former director of national intelligence James Clapper that Russian interference was decisive in electing Trump.

Cameron’s bottom line: “We need a Cabinet-level effort to coordinate an aggressive response to these attacks—not a White House who dismisses and ignores this grave threat to the very heart of our democracy.”

EXCLUSIVE: Former Fox News reporter warns that Trump team is ‘still colluding’ with the Russians

The people elected Hitler in Germany because the economy was good. Life is about more than an economy. Americans either will learn this or the nation will die.
Only idiots believe the ridiculous TrumPutin conspiracy theory. So it's not surprising at all that the stupidest USMB member believes it.
Hey how bout that oh so "credible" Rape Accuser? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I haven't seen Anderson Cooper so embarrassed since Kathy Griffin pretended to go down on him on their New Year's Eve Show..:laugh::laugh2::laughing0301::lmao:
God, these people never give up, over and over and over......:rolleyes:

The stupidest people are the ones that don't believe Trump/Putin have a relationship that hinders America to the benefit of Trump.
Oh my Lord, Russia delusion is still alive and well.

Go get a life IM2, you dumb friggin idiot. Lay off your crackpipe
I don't do drugs maggot. You would be well served to leave fentanyl alone.
This is no conspiracy theory.
The stupidest people are the ones that don't believe Trump/Putin have a relationship that hinders America to the benefit of Trump.

No he hinders flaming faggot socialist libtards, he benefits the working class patriotic Americans

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