Former FBI Agent Confirms Biden Team Was Tipped Off About Plan to Interview Hunter


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Former FBI Agent Confirms Biden Team Was Tipped Off

About Plan to Interview Hunter

14 Aug 2023 ~~ By Wendell Husebo

A former FBI supervisory special agent (SSA) confirmed President Joe Biden’s 2020 transition team was tipped off about its plan to interview Hunter Biden, a newly released congressional transcript shows.
The former FBI agent, who worked for the bureau for 20 years and retired in June 2022, corroborated IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley’s testimony that the Secret Service and the Biden transition team were tipped off about a planned interview of Hunter Biden during United States Attorney for Delaware David Weiss’ investigation.
The former FBI agent first corroborated Shapley’s testimony in July. The House Oversight Committee released the transcript of the FBI agent’s testimony Monday:

The former FBI agent confirmed that both he and Shapley were told in early December 2019 not to approach Hunter Biden and instead wait for Hunter Biden’s call for the interview. Instead of receiving the call, they got a call from Hunter Biden’s attorney and were never granted an interview.
“IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony that Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off is confirmed by a former FBI agent. Shapley and the FBI agent planned to interview Hunter Biden in December 2020, but learned the night before that the Biden transition team was tipped off,” House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) said in a press release.
“They were told to not approach Hunter Biden and wait for his call. That never happened, and they never got to interview Hunter Biden,” Comer continued. “Tipping off the transition team and not being able to interview Hunter Biden as planned are just a couple of examples that reveal the Justice Department’s misconduct in the Biden criminal investigation that occurred under U.S. Attorney Weiss’ watch.”
Among many allegations, they say Hunter Biden was forewarned of any future searches for materials that could be used as evidence.
They also alleged Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf refused to allow investigators to ask about Joe Biden being “the big guy.” Wolf also allegedly cautioned the investigation team from searching Joe Biden’s guest house in Delaware for evidence against Hunter Biden because of “optics.”

Is it SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for the FBI to tip off the parent of a suspect before questioning said suspect? I think not.
Didn`t they also tip off Hunter when they going to search his storage shed.
The FBI concealing Biden family crimes before the election was election interference.
Our FBI makes the FSB look like the Keystone Cops...Can you spell banana Mr. Garland?
The tip-off was a felony. But, of course, there will be no consequences. The fix is in.
Lawmakers and executives continue to show that they do not have the patriotism and leadership skills necessary to find legislative support for effective remedies for unconstitutional government policies.
The definition of insanity is reelecting your beloved career state and federal lawmakers and executives over and over again, expecting those same politicians to find remedies for unconstitutional government policies every time.
Let's not allow ourselves to be fooled for third time in 2024 by the corrupt, constitutionally undefined political parties that have pirated control of state and federal governments.
Under the Biden and Maoist/DSA Democrat regime, JUSTICE IS NO LONGER EQUAL FOR ALL....and this article is proof once AGAIN fact.

Former FBI Agent Confirms Biden Team Was Tipped Off

About Plan to Interview Hunter

14 Aug 2023 ~~ By Wendell Husebo

A former FBI supervisory special agent (SSA) confirmed President Joe Biden’s 2020 transition team was tipped off about its plan to interview Hunter Biden, a newly released congressional transcript shows.
The former FBI agent, who worked for the bureau for 20 years and retired in June 2022, corroborated IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley’s testimony that the Secret Service and the Biden transition team were tipped off about a planned interview of Hunter Biden during United States Attorney for Delaware David Weiss’ investigation.
The former FBI agent first corroborated Shapley’s testimony in July. The House Oversight Committee released the transcript of the FBI agent’s testimony Monday:

The former FBI agent confirmed that both he and Shapley were told in early December 2019 not to approach Hunter Biden and instead wait for Hunter Biden’s call for the interview. Instead of receiving the call, they got a call from Hunter Biden’s attorney and were never granted an interview.
“IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony that Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off is confirmed by a former FBI agent. Shapley and the FBI agent planned to interview Hunter Biden in December 2020, but learned the night before that the Biden transition team was tipped off,” House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) said in a press release.
“They were told to not approach Hunter Biden and wait for his call. That never happened, and they never got to interview Hunter Biden,” Comer continued. “Tipping off the transition team and not being able to interview Hunter Biden as planned are just a couple of examples that reveal the Justice Department’s misconduct in the Biden criminal investigation that occurred under U.S. Attorney Weiss’ watch.”
Among many allegations, they say Hunter Biden was forewarned of any future searches for materials that could be used as evidence.
They also alleged Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf refused to allow investigators to ask about Joe Biden being “the big guy.” Wolf also allegedly cautioned the investigation team from searching Joe Biden’s guest house in Delaware for evidence against Hunter Biden because of “optics.”

Is it SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for the FBI to tip off the parent of a suspect before questioning said suspect? I think not.
Didn`t they also tip off Hunter when they going to search his storage shed.
The FBI concealing Biden family crimes before the election was election interference.
Our FBI makes the FSB look like the Keystone Cops...Can you spell banana Mr. Garland?
The tip-off was a felony. But, of course, there will be no consequences. The fix is in.
Lawmakers and executives continue to show that they do not have the patriotism and leadership skills necessary to find legislative support for effective remedies for unconstitutional government policies.
The definition of insanity is reelecting your beloved career state and federal lawmakers and executives over and over again, expecting those same politicians to find remedies for unconstitutional government policies every time.
Let's not allow ourselves to be fooled for third time in 2024 by the corrupt, constitutionally undefined political parties that have pirated control of state and federal governments.
Under the Biden and Maoist/DSA Democrat regime, JUSTICE IS NO LONGER EQUAL FOR ALL....and this article is proof once AGAIN fact.

I don't know how much Joe Biden was involved in Hunter's business dealings but the big story here is the massive cover up by the Biden Administration and weaponized law enforcement to shush this all up.
I don't know how much Joe Biden was involved in Hunter's business dealings but the big story here is the massive cover up by the Biden Administration and weaponized law enforcement to shush this all up.

No one cares about Hunter.

But EVERYONE should care about the Department of Injustice and the Federal Bureau of Irresponsibility.


FBI supervisor confirms: Hunter got tipped off about investigator interview by FBI, Secret Service

14 Aug 2023 ~~ By Ed Morrissey

The now-retired Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) told his superiors on December 7, 2020 that FBI and IRS investigators would contact Hunter the next day. The notice was necessary, the SSA told the committee, for “de-confliction” arrangements with the Secret Service. That was supposed to happen at the time agents arrived, but instead, the FBI field office tipped off the Secret Service and the Bidens immediately.

``Needless to say, that ended any chance of direct cooperation:
FBI SSA: So the initial plan was to make approaches of multiple witnesses, to include subject Hunter Biden, on December 8th. At the time, we had learned in the days preceding, probably even before December 3rd, that he had received Secret Service protection, as this is ‐‐ I guess the President was President‐elect at the time. …​
At least for the purpose of this, Hunter Biden had armed Secret Service protection providing protection at the direction of whomever. And we knew that we could not just, you know, go to the door, or I certainly believed that we just could not go to the door, so that there would be ‐‐ have to be some notification to Secret Service so they would be aware that we were coming. The initial plan was to have the local field office of the Secret Service be notified the morning of to diminish opportunities for anybody else to be notified. I was working with my management on that, as well as headquarter ‐‐ our FBI headquarters.​
Majority Counsel: Can I stop you there? When you say management, you don’t have to say their name, but can you provide the level of supervisory position that would be?​
FBI SSA: Sure. So my ‐‐ again, it was an assistant special agent in charge who I reported to, who also ‐‐ I personally was in contact and ‐‐ or at least as part of a greater call with the special agent in charge of Baltimore Division. And I know that they were in contact with FBI headquarters personnel, which would be inside the Criminal Investigative Division, at least at the deputy assistant director or section chief level.​

Thanks to that, and to the Bidens’ status after the election, the Secret Service refused to allow investigators to come into the residence where Hunter was staying. Instead, the Secret Service told the FBI that they had to wait a block away for Hunter to decide whether he wanted to talk with the investigators:
This may present the clearest example of a two-tiered system of justice applied to the Bidens. Who else has FBI executives and the Secret Service running interference for targets or subjects of federal tax, firearms, and influence-peddling investigations? That didn’t just happen as a coincidence, either. We need to know who ordered this obstruction and on whose orders they did so.
On another note, an astute reader wonders about Garland’s violation of the special counsel statute by appointing someone inside the DoJ. Could Hunter use that to have charges or convictions tossed out later on appeal — is Garland “poisoning the well, so to speak”? I suspect that wouldn’t work, but it’s worth a thought or two, anyway.

What else is new?
So now what?
Any updates on who dumped that anthill of cocaine in the White House yet?
Didn't think so.
BTW, did the FBI/Stasi similarly tip off the Secret Service before the Mar-A-Lago raid which averted a violent gun battle between the Fed SWAT team and a paltry but dedicated S.S. contingent?
Odd isn`t it how Craig Robertson in Utah didn't get tipped off by someone before the FBI/Stasi showed up with an armored column to assassinate him.
Unfortunately the FBI is no longer the neutral organization it is supposed to be. I no longer recognize its authority as it is just another Maoist/DSA Democrats entity.
If the people at the DoJ and FBI were really concerned about "protecting our democracy," at this point they should go hard against Hunter Biden instead of doing everything possible to cover for him.
Four years ago, I ignored claims that the DoJ was biased and corrupt. Now, you couldn't convince me otherwise. Appointing government insider David Weiss as Special Counsel in clear violation of the statute. It is over-the-top obvious cheating. They're doing far more damage to people's faith in our government than anything Trump ever did.
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Just an aside - it's pretty dickish that you never like anyone else's posts.

Just sayin'.
Honestly it's something I seldom think nor care much about....I guess it's because no other forum I frequented had them.

Look on the bright side though, your post was worthy of a quoted response. Hey, maybe you can hit-up the management to get "points" that way. ;)

FBI supervisor confirms: Hunter got tipped off about investigator interview by FBI, Secret Service

14 Aug 2023 ~~ By Ed Morrissey

The now-retired Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) told his superiors on December 7, 2020 that FBI and IRS investigators would contact Hunter the next day. The notice was necessary, the SSA told the committee, for “de-confliction” arrangements with the Secret Service. That was supposed to happen at the time agents arrived, but instead, the FBI field office tipped off the Secret Service and the Bidens immediately.

``Needless to say, that ended any chance of direct cooperation:
FBI SSA: So the initial plan was to make approaches of multiple witnesses, to include subject Hunter Biden, on December 8th. At the time, we had learned in the days preceding, probably even before December 3rd, that he had received Secret Service protection, as this is ‐‐ I guess the President was President‐elect at the time. …​
At least for the purpose of this, Hunter Biden had armed Secret Service protection providing protection at the direction of whomever. And we knew that we could not just, you know, go to the door, or I certainly believed that we just could not go to the door, so that there would be ‐‐ have to be some notification to Secret Service so they would be aware that we were coming. The initial plan was to have the local field office of the Secret Service be notified the morning of to diminish opportunities for anybody else to be notified. I was working with my management on that, as well as headquarter ‐‐ our FBI headquarters.​
Majority Counsel: Can I stop you there? When you say management, you don’t have to say their name, but can you provide the level of supervisory position that would be?​
FBI SSA: Sure. So my ‐‐ again, it was an assistant special agent in charge who I reported to, who also ‐‐ I personally was in contact and ‐‐ or at least as part of a greater call with the special agent in charge of Baltimore Division. And I know that they were in contact with FBI headquarters personnel, which would be inside the Criminal Investigative Division, at least at the deputy assistant director or section chief level.​

Thanks to that, and to the Bidens’ status after the election, the Secret Service refused to allow investigators to come into the residence where Hunter was staying. Instead, the Secret Service told the FBI that they had to wait a block away for Hunter to decide whether he wanted to talk with the investigators:
This may present the clearest example of a two-tiered system of justice applied to the Bidens. Who else has FBI executives and the Secret Service running interference for targets or subjects of federal tax, firearms, and influence-peddling investigations? That didn’t just happen as a coincidence, either. We need to know who ordered this obstruction and on whose orders they did so.
On another note, an astute reader wonders about Garland’s violation of the special counsel statute by appointing someone inside the DoJ. Could Hunter use that to have charges or convictions tossed out later on appeal — is Garland “poisoning the well, so to speak”? I suspect that wouldn’t work, but it’s worth a thought or two, anyway.

What else is new?
So now what?
Any updates on who dumped that anthill of cocaine in the White House yet?
Didn't think so.
BTW, did the FBI/Stasi similarly tip off the Secret Service before the Mar-A-Lago raid which averted a violent gun battle between the Fed SWAT team and a paltry but dedicated S.S. contingent?
Odd isn`t it how Craig Robertson in Utah didn't get tipped off by someone before the FBI/Stasi showed up with an armored column to assassinate him.
Unfortunately the FBI is no longer the neutral organization it is supposed to be. I no longer recognize its authority as it is just another Maoist/DSA Democrats entity.
If the people at the DoJ and FBI were really concerned about "protecting our democracy," at this point they should go hard against Hunter Biden instead of doing everything possible to cover for him.
Four years ago, I ignored claims that the DoJ was biased and corrupt. Now, you couldn't convince me otherwise. Appointing government insider David Weiss as Special Counsel in clear violation of the statute. It is over-the-top obvious cheating. They're doing far more damage to people's faith in our government than anything Trump ever did.
Man...its a wonder you haven't been arrested and sent to some CIA black site yet. You've obviously cracked the case! LOL

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