For The Record, It Was The Republicans That Started This Precedent

One thing that has changed today is the power of social media on reality. Whatever reality may be. Consider that George W. Bush and Deferment Dick were both draft dodgers, and yet John Kerry, who actually served during Vietnam was crucified by a kind of hatred that is hard to fathom. Figure that out.

Here's another, Hillary Clinton was the devil incarnate during the Clinton administration, but oddly today highly admired my most people of all political persuasions. Like Linda Blair the devil was cast out? Figure that out next.

So what is the point? Maybe the point is the power of media to manage the minds of the weak, and the money behind that media power only wants control no matter how it is gotten. Nor whether anything is truthful so long as it serves their purposes. BS has great power.

"It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit." Harry Frankfurt

I am a Vietnam veteran and I loathe John Kerry. I wouldn't stand in the same room with that SOB simply because of the LIES that he spread about Vietnam Veterans. He threw his medals over the White House fence. I'd like to pound mine up his ass. The man crafted a bunch of lies and got a bunch of left-wing air heads to buy into it. Then he rode those coat tails to the Senate. I hope the ladies excuse my language, but John Kerry is a whore.

Hillary Clinton was the FIRST LADY. I didn't vote for Bill but her running the health care thing just sent me into a tail spin. If you want a job, apply for it and then do it. Don't stand there all "I am woman hear me roar" like and then ride your hubbie's coat tails into power. Now she's been a Senator and she's the Secretary of State. I don't agree with her politics, but she's paid her dues and she's not too bad at it. I still wouldn't vote for her, but I like her more than Barry.

Calling GWB and Dick Cheney draft dodgers??? And you got out at what rank? I got no problem with those who didn't serve. I did because every male in my family has served since the Spanish-American war. It was expected and I felt that I owed my country. GWB was in the guard and flew F-106's. Cool aircraft for their time.

If you can't tell what the issue is with Kerry and Hillary's coat tail riding, then no wonder you think Barry is all that...
They will lie about anything.

they lie about James Madisons interpitation of the contitution that he fucking wrote.

They lie about FDR and the New Deal.

They lie about consumer confidence and anything else the outs their historically failed ideas

And you are so honest.



James Madison's Veto Messages by Gene Garman

June 3, 1811

I have recd. fellow Citizens your address, approving my Objection to the Bill contain[in]g a grant of public land, to the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House Missippi Terry. Having always regarded the practical distinction between Religion & Civil Govt as essential to the purity of both, and as guaranteed by the Constn: of the U.S. I could not have otherwise discharged my duty on the occasion which presented itself. Among the various religious Societies in our Country, none have been more vigilant or constant in maintain[in]g that distinction, than the Society of which you make a part, and it is an honourable proof of your sincerity & integrity, that you are as ready to do so, in a case favoring the interest of your brethren, as in other cases. It is but just, at the same time, to the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House, to remark that their application to the Natl. Legislature does not appear to have contemplated a grant of the Land in question, but on terms that might be equitable to the public as well as to themselves. Accept my friendly respects


President Madison's letter as quoted above is located in The Papers of James Madison: Presidential Series, 3:323-324.

This proves what exactly?
Because of their blood-lust and savage hatred for Clinton, the Republicans went gunning for blood. They pulled all the stops to get at Clinton. Gnawing and clawing at the law and morals to get at it.

I mean, you had the biggest hypocrite in Newt Gingrich, who was simultaneously publicly condemning Clinton for his affair while in the throws of his own affairs. In fact, multiple Republicans were, at the time, involved in affairs, as we later came to find out, while publicly attacking Clinton.

The Republicans opened the floodgates of this issue of using personal relationships, especially of the sexual nature to attack one's political opponents. This had never been done, to such a degree before. The precedent has been set, and I'm afraid there's no turning back.

Which brings us to Herman Cain, where these same Republicans are now seemingly wanting to forget that precedent and act as if sexual relationships are totally off limits. How does that work?

Absolutely. :thup:

You chime in with "absolutely" to a post that has been discredited, debunked, and disproven six ways to Sunday? Way to read the thread before replying, Swallow.

Listen little girl..there's no swallow for matter how much you beg..deary.
And you are so honest.



James Madison's Veto Messages by Gene Garman

June 3, 1811

I have recd. fellow Citizens your address, approving my Objection to the Bill contain[in]g a grant of public land, to the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House Missippi Terry. Having always regarded the practical distinction between Religion & Civil Govt as essential to the purity of both, and as guaranteed by the Constn: of the U.S. I could not have otherwise discharged my duty on the occasion which presented itself. Among the various religious Societies in our Country, none have been more vigilant or constant in maintain[in]g that distinction, than the Society of which you make a part, and it is an honourable proof of your sincerity & integrity, that you are as ready to do so, in a case favoring the interest of your brethren, as in other cases. It is but just, at the same time, to the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House, to remark that their application to the Natl. Legislature does not appear to have contemplated a grant of the Land in question, but on terms that might be equitable to the public as well as to themselves. Accept my friendly respects


President Madison's letter as quoted above is located in The Papers of James Madison: Presidential Series, 3:323-324.

This proves what exactly?

It is the man known as the father of our constitution ( the guy who is credited by the other founders with having written the vast majority of the document) stating clearly that separation of church and state are in the constitution.
so Clinton set a precedent that perjurers and adulterers are capable of being President. What's the problem?

Better yet... only Democrat adulterers can be President...

See Herman Cain.


1992 presidential primaries... clinton was accused of having an affair with gennifer flowers, which both clinton and flowers denied at the time.......

not quite the same as herman cains current issues........

How is Clinton being accused of having an affairdifferent than Cain being accused of having an affair?
Partisan hacks like you will excuse ANYTHING if it suits your agenda. You have no character and dishonesty is the same as honesty in your amoral worldview.

Do your fingers catch fire from the irony when you make posts like this? Little girl?


Stop begging, Swallow. It's not going to improve your business.

Sallow is a seriously fucked up individual.. most of have it on "ignore".
Because of their blood-lust and savage hatred for Clinton, the Republicans went gunning for blood. They pulled all the stops to get at Clinton. Gnawing and clawing at the law and morals to get at it.

I mean, you had the biggest hypocrite in Newt Gingrich, who was simultaneously publicly condemning Clinton for his affair while in the throws of his own affairs. In fact, multiple Republicans were, at the time, involved in affairs, as we later came to find out, while publicly attacking Clinton.

The Republicans opened the floodgates of this issue of using personal relationships, especially of the sexual nature to attack one's political opponents. This had never been done, to such a degree before. The precedent has been set, and I'm afraid there's no turning back.

Which brings us to Herman Cain, where these same Republicans are now seemingly wanting to forget that precedent and act as if sexual relationships are totally off limits. How does that work?
Forgot about Reagan and Nixon, eh?

Nixon just broke into Muskie's office and let everyone know that he was seeing a shrink. Reagan let Lee Atwater have a field day with that Horton ad..

But Gingrich took it to a new level with the very very personal stuff. Like affairs.
Moron. Bush ran the Willie Horton ad which effectively and correctly destroyed Dimwit Dukakis's career.

It's nice to see that the excuses keep rolling to justify the behavior and pretend to be totally innocent.

I also remember what you guys did to Miguel Estrada and Robert Bork.
FDR has always ranked amoung the greatest presidents on both historians lists and American peoples list.

You see him as shameful because your head is full of partisan ballyhoo
Yeah, we'll see how much longer THAT fantasy lasts.
Because of their blood-lust and savage hatred for Clinton, the Republicans went gunning for blood. They pulled all the stops to get at Clinton. Gnawing and clawing at the law and morals to get at it.

I mean, you had the biggest hypocrite in Newt Gingrich, who was simultaneously publicly condemning Clinton for his affair while in the throws of his own affairs. In fact, multiple Republicans were, at the time, involved in affairs, as we later came to find out, while publicly attacking Clinton.

The Republicans opened the floodgates of this issue of using personal relationships, especially of the sexual nature to attack one's political opponents. This had never been done, to such a degree before. The precedent has been set, and I'm afraid there's no turning back.

Which brings us to Herman Cain, where these same Republicans are now seemingly wanting to forget that precedent and act as if sexual relationships are totally off limits. How does that work?

son, history didn't start in the 1990's, and dirty tricks didn't start with the republicans.

edumicate yourself; this shit's been going on for centuries.

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