For the moron's who think Terry Schaivo can't recover

ReillyT said:
I don't see how you get to killing all the disabled from fulfilling the wishes of this woman.

In exactly the same way your side has deducted that, because Congress has tried to step in and save an innocent woman from being put to death, we all need to fear that the government is going to be getting in our personal lives in the future. You know darn good and well that people--including those on this board who are defending Terri's right to live--would never stand for that, so stop this fear mongering and nonsensical drivel.

As to "fulfilling the wishes of this woman"--who knows what her wishes were? There is no living will on file. The three people who testified that Terri had said she did not want to live in a vegetative state were family/friends of Michael. Don't you find it strange that Terri's family and friends who had spent far more time with Terri during her life than Michael's family/friends had never heard any comments from her like that?
Jimmyeatworld said:
That's not true. There has been more than one.

Yes, you are right. On Joe Scarborough's or Hannity and Colmes's programs this week, it was mentioned that it is on record that as many as 33 different doctors do not concur with Dr. Cranford's conclusion about Terri's condition. Yet the courts are sticking with Dr. Cranford's evaluation, which did not include an MRI or PET scan and was based on his time with her for 45 minutes.
Adam's Apple said:
Yes, you are right. On Joe Scarborough's or Hannity and Colmes's programs this week, it was mentioned that it is on record that as many as 33 different doctors do not concur with Dr. Cranford's conclusion about Terri's condition. Yet the courts are sticking with Dr. Cranford's evaluation, which did not include an MRI or PET scan and was based on his time with her for 45 minutes.
Even IF Dr.s found a sign of brain activity she would still be starved because the key point here is not her condition but her wish to die. First her husband ignored these wishes for 8 years. Then her parents fought it in the courts for 7 years. Her wish to die ( although completey ignored for 8 years) are all of the sudden important now and is being upheld by the judicial system. Her condition now is TOTALLY MOOT.
She's been off her feeding tube now for 7 days. She'll be dead shortly after Easter. :(
Adam's Apple said:
In exactly the same way your side has deducted that, because Congress has tried to step in and save an innocent woman from being put to death, we all need to fear that the government is going to be getting in our personal lives in the future. You know darn good and well that people--including those on this board who are defending Terri's right to live--would never stand for that, so stop this fear mongering and nonsensical drivel.

As to "fulfilling the wishes of this woman"--who knows what her wishes were? There is no living will on file. The three people who testified that Terri had said she did not want to live in a vegetative state were family/friends of Michael. Don't you find it strange that Terri's family and friends who had spent far more time with Terri during her life than Michael's family/friends had never heard any comments from her like that?

Michael's friends and family in this case were also Terri's friends and family, because they were married. Some of my closest friends are my wife's brother and some of her friends.

I have never said that we should expect Congress to get involved in all of our personal decisions. I do, however, feel that it was inappropriate (although proper) for Congress to get involved.
Adam's Apple said:
Yes, you are right. On Joe Scarborough's or Hannity and Colmes's programs this week, it was mentioned that it is on record that as many as 33 different doctors do not concur with Dr. Cranford's conclusion about Terri's condition. Yet the courts are sticking with Dr. Cranford's evaluation, which did not include an MRI or PET scan and was based on his time with her for 45 minutes.

I don't know what record they are talking about. I have read the trial record and it is not there. I am guessing these are doctors that Scarborough or Hannity called up personally.
ReillyT said:
Michael's friends and family in this case were also Terri's friends and family, because they were married. Some of my closest friends are my wife's brother and some of her friends.

I have never said that we should expect Congress to get involved in all of our personal decisions. I do, however, feel that it was inappropriate (although proper) for Congress to get involved.

That's *really* grasping.. Just because they were Michaels family/friends, doesn't mean they were Terri's.

TERRI'S family/friends seem to think a good deal differently than MICHAEL'S.

I wonder why that is.
I don't know if there is anything more to be said on this thread. I appreciate the discussion that I have had with all of you. Thank you very much. May Terri's passing be peaceful and gentle.
Shattered said:
That's *really* grasping.. Just because they were Michaels family/friends, doesn't mean they were Terri's.

TERRI'S family/friends seem to think a good deal differently than MICHAEL'S.

I wonder why that is.

Im just amazed at how easily other doctors, legal scholars, lawyers, and family/friends are just dismissed by these judges. True some may have an agenda but so what if they have facts as well, can they all be completely wrong???
ReillyT said:
I don't know if there is anything more to be said on this thread. I appreciate the discussion that I have had with all of you. Thank you very much. May Terri's passing be peaceful and gentle.

Would your starving to death be peaceful and gentle? :(
MissileMan said:
According to her husband, who I have no reason to doubt, Terry said she didn't want to be maintained in this manner. Is it possible that he's lying? Yeah. Is it possible that her parents are making up the stories about abuse? Yeah. The bottom line is this. I believe Michael is doing what he believes is in Terry's best interest.

Have you paid any attention at all to what that asswipe is about ? If it would have been my sister , that "husband" would have been sucking dirt a long time before he would have had a chance to do what he did . He is a control Nazi that's obviously responsible for the condition that she is in . If you had paid any attention to the many interviews with others that had nothing to gain , you would know that he is a self serving asshole that systematically got rid of Terri's friends and controlled every aspect of her life . That may be your definition of a husband but it isn't mine . I heard that there was still 700,000 dollars left in a trust fund for her treatment , if he can get her dead as soon as possible , he gets it as her husband . Why do you think he has remained married to her even though he has moved on with another relationship . Are you really naive enough to think that he had a serious discussion about life support wishes with someone in her twenties ? He was married to her for a few years before he badgered her into a diet that caused the heart attack in the first place , do you really think that he knew her better than her parents ?
Did you hear the interviews with the nurses that had worked with her in the past ? How about the story the nurse told about the insulin vial found in the trash after her "husband" had left the room ? She claimed that after he had come to see Terri , she was very upset . . . she found an empty vial of insulin in the trash and puncture wounds under Terri's breast , arms , and groin .She also testified that the "husband" would come in the place Terri was staying and ask "is bitch dead yet" and "when is that bitch going to die?".
I don't see anything that the nurse will gain by lying about this . . . others have stated the same about him . Her friends told about bruises on her upper arm and thighs. She had broken bones in xrays taken when she came in with the heart attack .
What about the insistance to burn her body immediately after her death , no autopsy. He is soooo obviously hiding the truth it's a joke . And you think he is just a caring ,loving husband who is just trying to fulfill her wishes . . . . sure .
ReillyT said:
I doubt it, but thankfully, from what I have seen, her passing probably will be.

You are an ass , you don't give a shit about what she may or may not be feeling . This is nothing more than a Demcrat versus Republican game to you and you know it . If she is as bad off as you say and doesn't feel or understand anything(after seeing the brain scans I wouldn't doubt it) , why not allow her parents the pleasure of taking care of their daughter if that is what they would like to do ?
It is just more important to try to be the progressive dildo than a compassionate human . Your side isn't doing anything for that poor woman but you're definetly destroying her parents life . Again , you are an ass .
sitarro said:
Have you paid any attention at all to what that asswipe is about ? If it would have been my sister , that "husband" would have been sucking dirt a long time before he would have had a chance to do what he did . He is a control Nazi that's obviously responsible for the condition that she is in . If you had paid any attention to the many interviews with others that had nothing to gain , you would know that he is a self serving asshole that systematically got rid of Terri's friends and controlled every aspect of her life . That may be your definition of a husband but it isn't mine . I heard that there was still 700,000 dollars left in a trust fund for her treatment , if he can get her dead as soon as possible , he gets it as her husband . Why do you think he has remained married to her even though he has moved on with another relationship . Are you really naive enough to think that he had a serious discussion about life support wishes with someone in her twenties ? He was married to her for a few years before he badgered her into a diet that caused the heart attack in the first place , do you really think that he knew her better than her parents ?
Did you hear the interviews with the nurses that had worked with her in the past ? How about the story the nurse told about the insulin vial found in the trash after her "husband" had left the room ? She claimed that after he had come to see Terri , she was very upset . . . she found an empty vial of insulin in the trash and puncture wounds under Terri's breast , arms , and groin .She also testified that the "husband" would come in the place Terri was staying and ask "is bitch dead yet" and "when is that bitch going to die?".
I don't see anything that the nurse will gain by lying about this . . . others have stated the same about him . Her friends told about bruises on her upper arm and thighs. She had broken bones in xrays taken when she came in with the heart attack .
What about the insistance to burn her body immediately after her death , no autopsy. He is soooo obviously hiding the truth it's a joke . And you think he is just a caring ,loving husband who is just trying to fulfill her wishes . . . . sure .

I don't want to rehash all the facts... again.

However, I have had discussions with my wife about this and my wishes in the event I should be in a brain damaged state (pre-Schiavo conversations), and I am still in my twenties.

At least one of your claims is questionable (I am too tired of this conversation to deal with the others). Terri began her diet with the help of her mother when she was 18 and 250 pounds. She was 150 pounds when she married her husband and 120 pounds when she collapsed (if you want, I will get the cite from the independent guardian's report that discusses this). He obviously wasn't the impetus for her dieting. I otherwise have no opinion on whether he was a controlling husband.
sitarro said:
You are an ass , you don't give a shit about what she may or may not be feeling . This is nothing more than a Demcrat versus Republican game to you and you know it . If she is as bad off as you say and doesn't feel or understand anything(after seeing the brain scans I wouldn't doubt it) , why not allow her parents the pleasure of taking care of their daughter if that is what they would like to do ?
It is just more important to try to be the progressive dildo than a compassionate human . Your side isn't doing anything for that poor woman but you're definetly destroying her parents life . Again , you are an ass .

I won't go over the case again. I have done that enough the last couple of days. If you want my opinions (which I doubt), read the rest of the threads. Otherwise, thank you for your thoughtful and respectful posts.
ReillyT said:
I don't know what record they are talking about. I have read the trial record and it is not there. I am guessing these are doctors that Scarborough or Hannity called up personally.

Oh please. First, don't you think Alan Colmes would throw a fit if Sean Hannity started bringing in doctors. Second, it wasn't the doctors that were even on, at least not the Hannity and Colmes I was watching, it was Terri's brother and sister talking about the doctors.

I don't know where you're reading the trial records, but these doctors are well recorded.
ReillyT said:
I won't go over the case again. I have done that enough the last couple of days. If you want my opinions (which I doubt), read the rest of the threads. Otherwise, thank you for your thoughtful and respectful posts.

I repectfully think you are an ass. :fu2:
If Terri was a homo, black, hispanic or any other minority, the ACLU would be all over this case - sueing the crap out of those judges and the state of Florida..

Alas - because she's white, she's been sentenced to die slowly....

And where the hell are the republicans in FL? What a bunch of candy-asses..
ReillyT said:
I doubt it, but thankfully, from what I have seen, her passing probably will be.

Essentially what is going to happen is she will die of kidney failure. I've seen someone die of kidney failure, and it's anything but gentle.

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