For the moron's who think Terry Schaivo can't recover

Avatar4321 said:
It wasn't very fun. i did lose like forty lbs. I dont recomend doing it that way though.

What crime has she committed that she has had due process for and been convicted of? As long as she is innocent of any crime the government doesn't have a right to order her life taken. She does have an inalianable right to life. Its a natural right and the court has no right to take it.

Considering how many facts there are that the court hasnt even looked at i done know how you could claim she has had due process anyway.

She has committed no crime.

Florida has passed laws to protect the rights of persons to choose not to continue to live in the state she is in. There are safeguards in place to make sure that the wishes of an incapacitate person are adequately protected under the law. Those safeguards have been utilized in this case (court-appointed doctors and guardians, a full appeals process, etc.)

The process that was due was the process necessary to make sure that her wishes are followed. That process was carried out with meticulous care.

I am not aware that the court has refused to look at any facts. The court heard new witnesses as recently as 2001-2002 and it didn't change the court's mind.
ReillyT said:
No. We have to let her die because that was her wish.
I think we're finally really getting down to it here, dude. and we're killing her on heresay evidence that this really was her wish. I find it mighty fishy that we didn't hear about this wish for about 8 years.
dilloduck said:
I think we're finally really getting down to it here, dude. and we're killing her on heresay evidence that this really was her wish. I find it mighty fishy that we didn't hear about this wish for about 8 years.

The courts are in place to make decisions about what her wishes were based on the available evidence. The courts looked at this evidence. It is in the court records. The court made a determination just like it was supposed to do.

Do I think it would be better to have a higher standard than "clear and convincing evidence" to make this decision? Yes. I do. However, the state of Florida has only given this standard to be used in these cases. Don't blame the judges if you think we should be more sure than we are as to her wishes. Blame the legislature of the state of Florida, which even after this, retains the same standard of proof.
ReillyT said:
The courts are in place to make decisions about what her wishes were based on the available evidence. The courts looked at this evidence. It is in the court records. The court made a determination just like it was supposed to do.

Do I think it would be better to have a higher standard than "clear and convincing evidence" to make this decision? Yes. I do. However, the state of Florida has only given this standard to be used in these cases. Don't blame the judges if you think we should be more sure than we are as to her wishes. Blame the legislature of the state of Florida, which even after this, retains the same standard of proof.

Her wish has been destroyed by giving her assistance to stay alive---gone--poof--does not exist !!! I have no idea what the juducial system is trying to protect here but it's own reputation. If it hands are tied by law to change this crazy law, why would it be inappropriate of another branch to step in. I am concerned about the only wishes that matter anymore--her parents !
dilloduck said:
Her wish has been destroyed by giving her assistance to stay alive---gone--poof--does not exist !!!

No. Her wishes have not been "destroyed." Even if the system and her husband are slow in carrying her wishes out. They are still her wishes and she has a Constitutional right to have those wishes followed, later rather than never.

dilloduck said:
I have no idea what the juducial system is trying to protect here but it's own reputation. If it hands are tied by law to change this crazy law, why would it be inappropriate of another branch to step in. I am concerned about the only wishes that matter anymore--her parents !

The law is not crazy. It is what the representatives of the people of Florida has passed. It is the law. Another branch can only step in if it does so in accordance with the law and the Constitution. No branch has stepped into this in a constitutional manner except, I believe, the U.S. Congress. However, they just asked the federal courts to hear anew any due process claims. The federal courts looked at those claims and found they were not even substantial enough to warrant an injunction.

The system worked. Some people just don't like the result. That's fine, but don't blame the judges for carrying out their responsibility.
ReillyT said:
Because the courts have determined it was her wish. Even if it would have been better if the feeding tube had never been given to her (and I don't think that would have been better), late in this case is better than never.

Than another month won't matter either so she can finally have her case completely reviewed by someon other than judge death!!
Bonnie said:
Than another month won't matter either so she can finally have her case completely reviewed by someon other than judge death!!

There is a system in place for cases like these. Parties just don't get to keep going back to the court insisting another month won't mattter. There has to be finality at some stage. A system has been put in place through the legislature and Constitution to establish this finality. This case has been fully adjudicated. You only get so many bites at the apple. You don't get to keep having your cases reheard because you don't like the result you get.
ReillyT said:
There is a system in place for cases like these. Parties just don't get to keep going back to the court insisting another month won't mattter. There has to be finality at some stage. A system has been put in place through the legislature and Constitution to establish this finality. This case has been fully adjudicated. You only get so many bites at the apple. You don't get to keep having your cases reheard because you don't like the result you get.

np the courts have done their job-----oooops theres a woman starving to death over here-----pay no attention.
dilloduck said:
np the courts have done their job-----oooops theres a woman starving to death over here-----pay no attention.

No. Please pay attention. It is a very sad situation. Prepare yourself so that such a situation doesn't befall you and your family, but don't criticize the courts in this instance for doing exactly what they were supposed to do.
ReillyT said:
No. Please pay attention. It is a very sad situation. Prepare yourself so that such a situation doesn't befall you and your family, but don't criticize the courts in this instance for doing exactly what they were supposed to do.

Agreed---etched in stone and the lady just slips though the crack-god forbid we should admit the system is wrong
dilloduck said:
Agreed---etched in stone and the lady just slips though the crack-god forbid we should admit the system is wrong

Change the system. I for one thing a higher standard of proof is appropriate in this situation, something close to "beyond a reasonable doubt." Contact your legislature.
ReillyT said:
The courts are in place to make decisions about what her wishes were based on the available evidence. The courts looked at this evidence. It is in the court records. The court made a determination just like it was supposed to do.

Since when can the court determine when people who have not committed a crime can be put to death? She didn't make the choice. There is no evidence that she made the choice. the Court doesn't have the right to make that choice for her. Even her husband admitted that no one knows what Terri's Choice would be. When we give the courts the right to determine whether we live or die we are beginning to give them power to oppress us. How long before the Courts determine that handicap people should be killed? They've already determined that people can kill their children. This is a sad day for our Republic.
ReillyT said:
Change the system. I for one thing a higher standard of proof is appropriate in this situation, something close to "beyond a reasonable doubt." Contact your legislature.

and just pitched out this woman like a sacrficial lamb while there is still time ?

mighty easy for you to say----things can be done right now and no one has the balls to do it because it doesn't fit into our messed up maze of laws.
Avatar4321 said:
Since when can the court determine when people who have not committed a crime can be put to death? She didn't make the choice. There is no evidence that she made the choice. the Court doesn't have the right to make that choice for her. Even her husband admitted that no one knows what Terri's Choice would be. When we give the courts the right to determine whether we live or die we are beginning to give them power to oppress us. How long before the Courts determine that handicap people should be killed? They've already determined that people can kill their children. This is a sad day for our Republic.

They are not putting her to death. They are letting her die.

There is evidence (3 witnesses who heard Terri's comments in context) even if you refuse to acknowledge it. The courts merely determined, according to the law of the State of Florida, what her wishes were, and has since sought to have her wishes carried out.

That slippery slope argument is silly. Almost all decisions fall in the middle of the extremes of possible action, you just don't like where these types of decisions fall. I don't see how you get to killing all the disabled from fulfilling the wishes of this woman.
dilloduck said:
and just pitched out this woman like a sacrficial lamb while there is still time ?

mighty easy for you to say----things can be done right now and no one has the balls to do it because it doesn't fit into our messed up maze of laws.

The laws have developed for good reason (even if not every law is a good one) and reflect the will of the people through their elected representatives. That is democracy - messy though it sometimes works out to be. Would you rather we not be a nation of laws?
I agree with ReillyT. I do wish they would have given her a MRI to see how badly her brain is. However, from the many docotrs that have examined her in person say she's gone. I also wish to say to the people backing the Parents please dont do anything stupid. There was a man on the Radio saying people should form a mob and rush in. This is a very emtional case, lets not let this turn into a riot.
Bosox21 said:
I agree with ReillyT. I do wish they would have given her a MRI to see how badly her brain is. However, from the many docotrs that have examined her in person say she's gone. I also wish to say to the people backing the Parents please dont do anything stupid. There was a man on the Radio saying people should form a mob and rush in. This is a very emtional case, lets not let this turn into a riot.

I agree that there should be no stone unturned when talking about human life. I really want to beleive that is the case here with these judges, because I would feel a little better about this tragedy. Problem is, aside from Terri's parents there are a lot of very credible people, lawyers, legal scholars, doctors, nurses, friends of Terri's that think she has not had her due process, are all these people nuts, or stupid? Doubtful. And as long as there is a whisper of doubt, then what's the harm in taking one more look at the whole case not the one being used for that last eight years. I truly believe that's all the family really wants. Any parent would want that for their child. Death is forever at least on this earth.
MissileMan said:
This simply isn't true. She has been examined by doctors from his side, her parents' side, and an independent doctor appointed by the court. Testimony from all of the doctors was admitted into evidence and considered. All of the doctors agreed on the severity of the damage. There was only the one who thinks she can be rehab'd and the judge found his reasoning lacking.

That's not true. There has been more than one. I'm watching Hannity and Colmes as I type this and Terri's brother and sister are talking about it right now.

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