For the last Time, "skeptics," the SUN is NOT the cause of climate change, and "solar cycle" was put out by the fraud

Why is carbon significant? ... 37% of nothing is still nothing ... the increase is 150 ppm ... that's not intuitively significant, not without a reason ...

A change of 37% in the span of a human lifetime is significant, I think. Even more significant is the methane change. The rate at which we are pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is shocking. Moreover, we know that this is backward looking information. That data's from the pre-8 billion population world. We're going to add another 2 billion people in the next 20-25 years, which is still well within most of our lifetimes as we're reading this. The demand for fuel - carbon or otherwise - is going to be even more massive than it has already been.
Oh you don’t trust them for climate science but you do trust them for Medicare. bullshit..
Deniers can’t answer this one question. If you go to Johns Hopkins or Mass General or Cornel for truthful science information in a cancer treatment, why do deniers think those same trusted people aren’t to be trusted over made up shit from conservative rags on climate change. Geesus, you don’t go to Fix News for medical science
Now what makes you think I trust them over medical issues? Just goes to show how well you don't know my stance on that.
Covid is bullshit along with the pseudoscience injections, big pharma is just in for the money, that's why everyone is still sick, and they paddle in the same creek of shit as the climate science bullshitters.
I'm not in the mood to fetch the data for you, but oceans are rising for sure.

Been asking for months, none of you Co2 fraud fans can...


NO OCEAN RISE, because your side was LYING all along about Antarctic ice growth...

and in the British Court.

90% of Earth ice has been growing every year since Algore first blabbered...

which is why there is NO OCEAN RISE, and your side is FUDGING THE DATA...

"The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some....

What would you like me to explain?

WHY is there ice on Greenland almost a mile thick south of Arctic Circle while Alaska has green trees and no such glaciers north of Arctic Circle?

CO2 didn't free Greenland. Not sure where you're coming up with this stuff.


2 million years ago top of Northern Greenland GREEN...

Center of Greenland goes from forest to ice age 400-800k years ago

Viking history = Vikings farmed Southern tip of Greenland until 1400s when frozen off by advancing ice age glaciers. Vikings first found Greenland southern tip almost entirely green which is why they called it GREEN land...

North America 1 million years ago


During the past 2 million, 1 million, 20k years


How did Co2 do that, and how does this data not eliminate atmosphere (and SUN) as a suspect...???
NO OCEAN RISE, because your side was LYING all along about Antarctic ice growth...

And this is where I stop taking you seriously and giving a shit what you post going forward.

Already established science.
Many Republicans who watch Fox "News" think the Sun is the source of climate change on Earth. They parrot every single piece of this BS they can.

The Data - during the past million years, GREENLAND FROZE WHILE NORTH AMERICA THAWED

The SUN did NOT do that.

Earth climate change is not about the entire planet warming or cooling. It is about the position of land near the poles...

That is the DATA...


This is what North America looked like 1 million years ago, but the map is WRONG because it has Greenland frozen, and Greenland was not frozen...

Here’s Why We’re Not Living in an Ice Age (And Why That Matters for the Future) | Smart News ...

So please, you are not helping the cause of destroying Algore's fraud by parroting Fox and the "solar cycle."

"Solar cycle" is debunked the same way co2 is, by THE ACTUAL DATA....
Correct, the sun is not the sole cause, it's one part of various factors that effect the earth's climate.
And this is where I stop taking you seriously and giving a shit what you post going forward.

Already established science.


FUDGE is not "established science." It is FRAUD. You cannot show one single photo of a landmark sinking.

90% of Earth ice on Antarctica has been growing every year. Has for tens of millions of years. Kinda hard to have an ongoing net ice melt with 90% of the ice growing...


Correct, the sun is not the sole cause, it's one part of various factors that effect the earth's climate.

CONSTANT. The subject is climate CHANGE. Not what warms the planet every day, every year, with the exact same energy and angles...
Correct, the sun is not the sole cause, it's one part of various factors that effect the earth's climate.
CONSTANT. The subject is climate CHANGE. Not what warms the planet every day, every year, with the exact same energy and angles...
Please forgive me for coming in late, but I'm unable to see how the sun could be just one of many factors that affect climate.

W/o the sun there would be no climate. Sure, there are other things that can modify the earth's climate as presented by the sun, things like earth's orbit and rotation, but virtually everything else is regional (ocean currents, angle of earth's axis, cloud cover, etc.). Perhaps everyone's thinking about a massive change in the nature of the atmosphere --say, replacing the oxygen/nitrogen w/ mercury. That's a fantasy tho.

Am I missing something?
Please forgive me for coming in late, but I'm unable to see how the sun could be just one of many factors that affect climate.

W/o the sun there would be no climate. Sure, there are other things that can modify the earth's climate as presented by the sun, things like earth's orbit and rotation, but virtually everything else is regional (ocean currents, angle of earth's axis, cloud cover, etc.). Perhaps everyone's thinking about a massive change in the nature of the atmosphere --say, replacing the oxygen/nitrogen w/ mercury. That's a fantasy tho.

Am I missing something?

Right above, Greenland froze while North America thawed...

Co2 and Sun would both be ruled out as cause. What did cause Greenland to freeze while North America thawed?
Please forgive me for coming in late, but I'm unable to see how the sun could be just one of many factors that affect climate.

W/o the sun there would be no climate. Sure, there are other things that can modify the earth's climate as presented by the sun, things like earth's orbit and rotation, but virtually everything else is regional (ocean currents, angle of earth's axis, cloud cover, etc.). Perhaps everyone's thinking about a massive change in the nature of the atmosphere --say, replacing the oxygen/nitrogen w/ mercury. That's a fantasy tho.

Am I missing something?
Climate - sun, milankovitch orbital cycles, agriculture, soot particles, earthquakes, magnetic field, greenhouse gases, reflective ice and solar panels, volcanoes, isostatic rebound, ruminants, ocean and air currents, etc.. affect climate
Climate - sun, milankovitch orbital cycles, agriculture, soot particles, earthquakes, magnetic field, greenhouse gases, reflective ice and solar panels, volcanoes, isostatic rebound, ruminants, ocean and air currents, etc.. affect climate

Ice dictates climate. How much ice the planet has controls

Ocean level
Atmospheric thickness

= climate

the rest is noise and BS, with "milankovitch" claiming 2.5 mile thick glaciers on Chicago recently were only 75k years old. Laughable, and all about deflecting attention away from ice.

WHERE IS THE ICE - two land masses closest to the poles

90% on Antarctica
7% on Greenland


FUDGE is not "established science." It is FRAUD. You cannot show one single photo of a landmark sinking.

90% of Earth ice on Antarctica has been growing every year. Has for tens of millions of years. Kinda hard to have an ongoing net ice melt with 90% of the ice growing...



Nah, not sure where you get your "news" from. Polar ice is in full decline.

WHY is there ice on Greenland almost a mile thick south of Arctic Circle while Alaska has green trees and no such glaciers north of Arctic Circle?

Haven't really thought about it, but what's your point?

During the past 2 million, 1 million, 20k years


How did Co2 do that, and how does this data not eliminate atmosphere (and SUN) as a suspect...???

Atmospheric carbon was also higher 2 million years ago - or more accurately stated, it was higher 2 million years ago (around 400 ppm) than it was for most of our history as a species. We just crossed the 400 ppm threshold in 2014-15 years ago. As carbon declined and stabilized, the earth's atmosphere entered a cooling phase.

There may be other factors to explain climate change events as well. One fairly convincing hypothesis/theory about the end of the most recent ice age is that the earth tilted ever so slightly toward the sun in the Northern Hemisphere, causing ice to melt more rapidly. There could be other factors not yet understood.

But one thing that is clearly understood and established science is that adding massive amounts of carbon to the atmosphere is disaster in the making. The paleo record proves it, and we're proving right now as we live and work in rapidly deteriorating biosphere.
Co2 is also absorbing EM at the low/weak end of the spectrum, which is why it is not warming anything...

Which is why scientists use light curves based on energy, and photons aren't included in our conservation of mass equations ... lower energy per photon, we just emit more photons ... thus the integral gives total irradiance ... what we use for SB ...

But if you have a station that doesn't follow the NOAA trace, please tell us ... if you're right, then I'll be eating crow for a week ... wouldn't that be fun to watch? ...
A change of 37% in the span of a human lifetime is significant, I think.

Who's lived 250 years, since the beginning of the industrial revolution? ... a human lifetime is less than 100 years ... less than our minimum time interval for calculating climate averages ... we're not expected to even see any changes to climate for another 75 years ...

Temperature was only 1ºC cooler 100 years ago ... did you notice? ... what makes you think anyone will notice the 1ºC increase 100 years from now ... using the RPC4.5 scenario ... you never answered why we should use the RPC8.5 scenarion instead ... noting most scientists aren't wasting money on the RCP6.2 scenario, too far off what's actually possible ... and RPC8.5 is just for headlines and clickbait ...

Even more significant is the methane change. The rate at which we are pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is shocking. Moreover, we know that this is backward looking information. That data's from the pre-8 billion population world. We're going to add another 2 billion people in the next 20-25 years, which is still well within most of our lifetimes as we're reading this. The demand for fuel - carbon or otherwise - is going to be even more massive than it has already been.

Methane decomposes in the presence of oxygen ... like in our atmosphere ... it only has a half-life of about 15 years ... and today is effect as a GHG is below instrumentation, same with Earth's internal heat escaping ... both together are well below 0.5 W/m^2 as measured from low Earth orbit ...

Again .. why is 0.015% shocking? ... we lost 0.3% of the USA population due to COVID in just a couple years ...

Do you understand you're using statistics deceptively ... specifically you're reducing your sample pool to increase your percentages ... the "37%" statistic is only against carbon dioxide, rather than all GHGs ... or against all species ...


To be clear ... I'm focusing on you as you seem to have one of the best understandings of AGW Theory ... I respect that, and I respect your ability to stay within the science of this matter ... I may disagree, but together we make for good scientific discussion ...

Methane leaks like a son-of-a-bitch ... up to 12% of wellhead volume is lost en route to our homes ... and blows up our homes ... PG&E murdered people in San Bruno with methane, I don't want to be next ... what happens with methane in 100 years is less important than killing people today ...


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