For the last Time, "skeptics," the SUN is NOT the cause of climate change, and "solar cycle" was put out by the fraud

Ahh, but that's the rub, my friend. We're causing this 'climate cycle'

And climate isn't necessarily a cycle in the sense that you might think. It's more a matter of chance, fortune, randomness.
To be accurate, we are increasing the rate of change within the cycle.
And in none of these cycles during the time man has been on earth has the rate of change been so rapid as during our industrial revolution.

What is that rate? ... 1ºC per 140 years? ... how did you measure this before 1880? ...

"In about 1654, Ferdinando II de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1610–1670) did produce such an instrument, the first modern-style thermometer, dependent on the expansion of a liquid and independent of air pressure." -- Wikipedia "Thermometer"
Temperature was only 1ºC cooler 100 years ago ... did you notice? ... what makes you think anyone will notice the 1ºC increase 100 years from now

To be more accurate, the global mean temperature is said to be above 1C now, and it is also rapidly increasing.

1C doesn't seem like much, but on a global scale, it takes a massive amount of energy to raise global temperatures by even 1 degree C. The oceans store 90% of the carbon but there comes a point at which its ability to absorb it (and the excess heat storage) becomes inefficient and it is no longer able to do so. The (likely) result is rapid intensification of climate change -- rapid warming in our case.
To be accurate, we are increasing the rate of change within the cycle.

Well, I would agree that we're increasing the rate of change; I just don't know if I would refer to warming/cooling as a cycle per se. Maybe it's just me getting hung up on semantics but when I think of a cycle I tend to think of it as some sort of predictable series of events or process, and climate isn't necessarily like that.

Past climate change has gone through periods of stability, during which there have been oscillations of atmospheric gases and temperatures that appear cyclical. The last million years, for example, has produced a generally stable climate, and particularly the last 10,000 years - before the Industrial Revolution, that is.

At the same time, though, there have been events that break these cycles - things like plate tectonics, volcanic activity, asteroid/comet impacts, and possibly other less understood or documented phenomena, including solar phenomena. Right now, however, it's humans who are doing all the breaking, lol.
To be more accurate, the global mean temperature is said to be above 1C now, and it is also rapidly increasing.

1C doesn't seem like much, but on a global scale, it takes a massive amount of energy to raise global temperatures by even 1 degree C. The oceans store 90% of the carbon but there comes a point at which its ability to absorb it (and the excess heat storage) becomes inefficient and it is no longer able to do so. The (likely) result is rapid intensification of climate change -- rapid warming in our case.

NOAA reports 0.8ºC over the 20th Century average {Cite} ... how are you defining "rapid" ... I ask because the rate of increase was greatest between 1910 and 1940 ... and decreased during WWII and the carbon-intensive reconstruction of the all of Europe and Far East ... not sure how you're extending the Keeling Curve back in time, but this all seems inconsistent with the extra carbon dioxide ALONE causing these temperature fluctuations ...

We're twice as many as we were just 50 years ago ... that means twice the asphalt ... and it's easy to prove the Urban Heat Island portion of AGW Theory ... that alone could cause this 1ºC temperature rise ... color-coded for weasel ...

I'll help push EVs ... please help me push Urban Forestry ... and I'll always claim my idea is more beautiful than yours ...
Well, I would agree that we're increasing the rate of change; I just don't know if I would refer to warming/cooling as a cycle per se. Maybe it's just me getting hung up on semantics but when I think of a cycle I tend to think of it as some sort of predictable series of events or process, and climate isn't necessarily like that.

Past climate change has gone through periods of stability, during which there have been oscillations of atmospheric gases and temperatures that appear cyclical. The last million years, for example, has produced a generally stable climate, and particularly the last 10,000 years - before the Industrial Revolution, that is.

At the same time, though, there have been events that break these cycles - things like plate tectonics, volcanic activity, asteroid/comet impacts, and possibly other less understood or documented phenomena, including solar phenomena. Right now, however, it's humans who are doing all the breaking, lol.
The industrial revolution changed everything as far as any stability is concerned. As we know, it doesn’t matter how high the CO2 levels were before man.
Nah, not sure where you get your "news" from. Polar ice is in full decline.



"full decline"

When was the last all time RECORD HIGH of Antarctic Sea Ice???

Way way way back in .... 2014

hit a record high for winter sea ice extent in 2014


What is the ratio of Antarctic SEA ICE to Antarctic ICE???

Which is why scientists use light curves based on energy, and photons aren't included in our conservation of mass equations ... lower energy per photon, we just emit more photons ... thus the integral gives total irradiance ... what we use for SB ...

But if you have a station that doesn't follow the NOAA trace, please tell us ... if you're right, then I'll be eating crow for a week ... wouldn't that be fun to watch? ...

Better = we have satellites and balloons measuring ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE and they showed NO WARMING despite rising Co2 before your heroes FUDGED BOTH...

Co2 went up

Atmospheric temps did no

Haven't really thought about it, but what's your point?


What happened to North America 30-50 million years ago is happening to Greenland now. That you and YOUR SIDE cannot explain it is absolute proof your side has NO CLUE at all. That Greenland froze while North America thawed proved Sun and Atmosphere are not the cause.

Continent specific ice ages. Why continent specific? What causes ice ages?

An ice age like Greenland begins when land gets to within 600 miles to an Earth pole. There the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt in the "summer" and hence starts to STACK. That is the start of an ICE AGE which is continent specific because both ice ages of today, Greenland and Antarctica, demonstrate that ice does not grow out over ocean, it breaks off. Your side laughably calls that "melting" but in reality the H2O is still solid form - LOL...

A continent specific ice age has parameters, and Greenland's data is the best we have. Speed - 1 mile every thousand years.

Greenland and North America are both moving on the same vector on a sphere, pushed there by the fault in the center of the Atlantic floor.

The North American plate is moving to the west-southwest at about 2.3 cm (~1 inch) per year driven by the spreading center that created the Atlantic Ocean, the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

Greenland will eventually follow NA SW, but has not yet reached its "closest to the pole" point, so it is still moving NW and has for tens of millions of years. The angle of the fault in the North Atlantic is SW-NE which pushes Europe SE (why all of Europe's glaciers are melting and have for millions of years) and Greenland NW (pushed straight into that 600 mile zone = ice age)

Ice ages push glaciers right out of a polar circle. Did on NA, and are doing so both on AA and Greenland. AA's ice age is 40+ million years old.

So that is 99% of Earth climate change = WHERE LAND IS.

Earth with two polar oceans = no ice

Earth with two Antarcticas = twice the ice

Greenland froze because it entered the 600 mile zone, while NA thawed because, other than Ellesmere Island, it is now out of the 600 mile zone.
Since you struggle with literacy, I'll give you some graphs instead.

We had this issue in the Arctic. Arctic Sea Ice melted dramatically in 2005 and 2007. While the Arctic Ocean is expanding and hence its sea ice around NA and Europe and Asia is decreasing while Greenland increases, the trend will be down for a while. Yawn. Sea Ice.

Oh, yeah, what melted the Sea Ice in 2007....

Co2 - LOL!!!

No proof, no reference, no shit.

The 2014 is linked.

You aren't here to debate, idiot. You just lie and parrot and shout down...

and you've been COMPLETELY MADE and anyone with an IQ over 100 knows that...

What happened to North America 30-50 million years ago is happening to Greenland now. That you and YOUR SIDE cannot explain it is absolute proof your side has NO CLUE at all. That Greenland froze while North America thawed proved Sun and Atmosphere are not the cause.

Continent specific ice ages. Why continent specific? What causes ice ages?

An ice age like Greenland begins when land gets to within 600 miles to an Earth pole. There the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt in the "summer" and hence starts to STACK. That is the start of an ICE AGE which is continent specific because both ice ages of today, Greenland and Antarctica, demonstrate that ice does not grow out over ocean, it breaks off. Your side laughably calls that "melting" but in reality the H2O is still solid form - LOL...

A continent specific ice age has parameters, and Greenland's data is the best we have. Speed - 1 mile every thousand years.

Greenland and North America are both moving on the same vector on a sphere, pushed there by the fault in the center of the Atlantic floor.

The North American plate is moving to the west-southwest at about 2.3 cm (~1 inch) per year driven by the spreading center that created the Atlantic Ocean, the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

Greenland will eventually follow NA SW, but has not yet reached its "closest to the pole" point, so it is still moving NW and has for tens of millions of years. The angle of the fault in the North Atlantic is SW-NE which pushes Europe SE (why all of Europe's glaciers are melting and have for millions of years) and Greenland NW (pushed straight into that 600 mile zone = ice age)

Ice ages push glaciers right out of a polar circle. Did on NA, and are doing so both on AA and Greenland. AA's ice age is 40+ million years old.

So that is 99% of Earth climate change = WHERE LAND IS.

Earth with two polar oceans = no ice

Earth with two Antarcticas = twice the ice

Greenland froze because it entered the 600 mile zone, while NA thawed because, other than Ellesmere Island, it is now out of the 600 mile zone.
The 2014 is linked.

You aren't here to debate, idiot. You just lie and parrot and shout down...

and you've been COMPLETELY MADE and anyone with an IQ over 100 knows that...
None of your references make any liNK between Ice depth and anything else. Nothing. More babble.
Since you struggle with literacy, I'll give you some graphs instead.

It went up, and then it went down.

Wow. And how much did oceans rise and fall... oh, that's right, ZERO...

Meanwhile, 90% of Earth ice is on land mass Antarctica, and it is very very cold... It prints a new "ice core layer" every year, has for tens of millions of years.

And it is still growing...
It went up, and then it went down.

Wow. And how much did oceans rise and fall... oh, that's right, ZERO...

Meanwhile, 90% of Earth ice is on land mass Antarctica, and it is very very cold... It prints a new "ice core layer" every year, has for tens of millions of years.

And it is still growing...
Wow, it’s growing. Just like the top of your pin head. Of course, you have proof it means shit, right? Thought so. It’s called snow ice dufus. It’s not sea ice bozo. Do you know the difference? Thought so.Currently, the Antarctic ice sheet is losing about 200 billion metric tons of ice each year, raising global sea levels.

But of course you not know the difference between snow and ice dufus. Hilarious.
Last edited:
Climate - sun, milankovitch orbital cycles, agriculture, soot particles, earthquakes, magnetic field, greenhouse gases, reflective ice and solar panels, volcanoes, isostatic rebound, ruminants, ocean and air currents, etc.. affect climate
All those things may very well have a measuralbe effect on climate, provided the sun remains. W/o the sun none of those things will be able to restore climate. It sure seems to me that the sun has a predominant overwhelming affect. The best all those other things can be is "controversial".
Right above, Greenland froze while North America thawed...

Co2 and Sun would both be ruled out as cause. What did cause Greenland to freeze while North America thawed?
you may be right. At the same time you may not be right. w/ the sun either Greenland or North America will thaw. w/o the sun both will freeze. Sure seems to me that the sun is the overwhelmingly predominant influence on climate.
you may be right. At the same time you may not be right. w/ the sun either Greenland or North America will thaw. w/o the sun both will freeze. Sure seems to me that the sun is the overwhelmingly predominant influence on climate.

on the climate, but this is climate CHANGE, and nothing about the Sun has CHANGED relative to Earth for billions of years. The Sun did not intensify on North America and shade itself from Greenland. It was a constant for both. So was the atmosphere and hence Co2 in the atmosphere.

What changed was the position of the tectonic plates, enough for Greenland to enter the 600 miles to pole distance = ice age.

What happened to North America 30-50 million years ago is happening to Greenland now. That you and YOUR SIDE cannot explain it is absolute proof your side has NO CLUE at all. That Greenland froze while North America thawed proved Sun and Atmosphere are not the cause.

Continent specific ice ages. Why continent specific? What causes ice ages?

An ice age like Greenland begins when land gets to within 600 miles to an Earth pole. There the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt in the "summer" and hence starts to STACK. That is the start of an ICE AGE which is continent specific because both ice ages of today, Greenland and Antarctica, demonstrate that ice does not grow out over ocean, it breaks off. Your side laughably calls that "melting" but in reality the H2O is still solid form - LOL...

A continent specific ice age has parameters, and Greenland's data is the best we have. Speed - 1 mile every thousand years.

Greenland and North America are both moving on the same vector on a sphere, pushed there by the fault in the center of the Atlantic floor.

The North American plate is moving to the west-southwest at about 2.3 cm (~1 inch) per year driven by the spreading center that created the Atlantic Ocean, the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

Greenland will eventually follow NA SW, but has not yet reached its "closest to the pole" point, so it is still moving NW and has for tens of millions of years. The angle of the fault in the North Atlantic is SW-NE which pushes Europe SE (why all of Europe's glaciers are melting and have for millions of years) and Greenland NW (pushed straight into that 600 mile zone = ice age)

Ice ages push glaciers right out of a polar circle. Did on NA, and are doing so both on AA and Greenland. AA's ice age is 40+ million years old.

So that is 99% of Earth climate change = WHERE LAND IS.

Earth with two polar oceans = no ice

Earth with two Antarcticas = twice the ice

Greenland froze because it entered the 600 mile zone, while NA thawed because, other than Ellesmere Island, it is now out of the 600 mile zone.

That Greenland froze while North America thawed proved Sun and Atmosphere are not the cause.

Cool story! So when, exactly, was North America frozen while Greenland was thawed?

Post some real evidence, not just your delusional fantasy.

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