For the 1000th Time, Gun Laws Don't Work!!


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Nearly three years before a gunman walked into a crowded supermarket in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains with an AR-15 style weapon and killed 10 people, the city of Boulder, Colorado, voted to ban assault weapons. Whether the Boulder ordinance could have stopped the massacre isn't fully clear, and may never been known."

Yes, we do know...the answer is NO!!!! -- a fucking ordinance wouldn't have stopped this shooting. The guy used a pistol modified to fit an AR platform and the barrel was short enough to where it wouldn't have been outlawed by any weapons ban. The best thing to do is repeal all gun control laws; all of them.

We already have a law against murder; if someone wants to use their weapon to murder someone -- prosecute them for murder -- but this belief that we can stop mass shootings and other gun crimes by issuing a weapons ban is silly. If someone can afford it; they should be able to purchase any weapon they want and purchase as many as they want and it shouldn't be limited to just guns, it should be ANY WEAPON they can afford.
Microwave blasters nearly instantly cook any flesh within range to a nice golden brown so that the shooter can always proclaim "And damn fine eatin' afterwards!" Even fetuses!
It probabky wouldn't hurt if the FBI just adhered to their own plea..."If you see something...say something."

The FBI knew who this guy was. They were watching him. They do nothing. They knew before that clown shot up
the Pulse Night Club. They received their final warning on the Parkland shooting one week before that fool
shot up the school. They not only didn't do anything about it, but they wouldn't even notify the local

Maybe we ought to hold the FBI accountable, before everybody worries about what weapon I own.

"Nearly three years before a gunman walked into a crowded supermarket in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains with an AR-15 style weapon and killed 10 people, the city of Boulder, Colorado, voted to ban assault weapons. Whether the Boulder ordinance could have stopped the massacre isn't fully clear, and may never been known."

Yes, we do know...the answer is NO!!!! -- a fucking ordinance wouldn't have stopped this shooting. The guy used a pistol modified to fit an AR platform and the barrel was short enough to where it wouldn't have been outlawed by any weapons ban. The best thing to do is repeal all gun control laws; all of them.

We already have a law against murder; if someone wants to use their weapon to murder someone -- prosecute them for murder -- but this belief that we can stop mass shootings and other gun crimes by issuing a weapons ban is silly. If someone can afford it; they should be able to purchase any weapon they want and purchase as many as they want and it shouldn't be limited to just guns, it should be ANY WEAPON they can afford.
Just repeal all laws. Laws are made to be broken.
It probabky wouldn't hurt if the FBI just adhered to their own plea..."If you see something...say something."

The FBI knew who this guy was. They were watching him. They do nothing. They knew before that clown shot up
the Pulse Night Club. They received their final warning on the Parkland shooting one week before that fool
shot up the school. They not only didn't do anything about it, but they wouldn't even notify the local

Maybe we ought to hold the FBI accountable, before everybody worries about what weapon I own.
Because they want it to happen. They are agents of the deep state who wants gun confiscation so that we can no longer resist.
I remember when Trump was president and Obama was president and the right held the house, the left wanted "sensible gun control laws."

Now? My friends on the left, and in left press. . . we are seeing even more extreme demands. . . they have gone even further.

This OP is not a surprise at all, we all knew this was coming. Of course they don't want gun laws, they want gun bans.

We all know Biff's agenda. Gun Ownership is RACIST!!! This is what you are going to start hearing now. THIS is their agenda. . .

Boulder: Is it Time to End the Second Amendment?
American mass murders are a remnant of our slave patrols; RBG was right that Heller was wrongly decided and needs to be overturned.

". . . But Henry, Mason and others wanted southern states to preserve their slave-patrol militias independent of the federal government. So Madison changed the word "country" to the word "state," and redrafted the Second Amendment into today's form:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State [emphasis mine], the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Little did Madison realize that one day in the future weapons-manufacturing corporations would use his slave patrol militia amendment to protect their "right" to manufacture and sell assault weapons used to murder people in schools, theaters and stores, and use the profits to own their own political party.

In today's America, you have the "right" to a gun, but no "right" to healthcare or education. In every other developed country in the world, the reality is the exact opposite.

Pointing out how ludicrous this has become, David Sirota (and colleagues) writes in his Daily Poster newsletter today: "Last week, the National Rifle Association publicly celebrated its success in striking down an assault weapons ban in Boulder, Colorado. Five days later, Boulder was the scene of a mass shooting, reportedly with the same kind of weapon that the city tried to ban."

The Second Amendment was never meant to make it easier for mass shooters to get assault weapons, and America needs rational gun policy to join the other civilized nations of this planet who aren't the victims of daily mass killings.

It's long past time to overturn Heller, which Ruth Bader Ginsberg repeatedly argued the Court should do, and abolish today's bizarre interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.. . . "

"Nearly three years before a gunman walked into a crowded supermarket in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains with an AR-15 style weapon and killed 10 people, the city of Boulder, Colorado, voted to ban assault weapons. Whether the Boulder ordinance could have stopped the massacre isn't fully clear, and may never been known."

Yes, we do know...the answer is NO!!!! -- a fucking ordinance wouldn't have stopped this shooting. The guy used a pistol modified to fit an AR platform and the barrel was short enough to where it wouldn't have been outlawed by any weapons ban. The best thing to do is repeal all gun control laws; all of them.

We already have a law against murder; if someone wants to use their weapon to murder someone -- prosecute them for murder -- but this belief that we can stop mass shootings and other gun crimes by issuing a weapons ban is silly. If someone can afford it; they should be able to purchase any weapon they want and purchase as many as they want and it shouldn't be limited to just guns, it should be ANY WEAPON they can afford.

Of course they don't work.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon. Find a way to get rid of evil people and you won't need gun control.
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