For my American friends, an article to embrace: How China Secretly Recruits U.S. Citizens with Security Clearances


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So, I've thought about this issue alot, as many of you probably have concluded. I've warned Canadians too on reddit, as it's a younger demographic on there and I don't want them to be naive sheep to the risk.

I the vast majority of cases, someone being recruited just wants a job and a purpose, they are not aware that the job is really a state run business. Commies don't mind overpaying you 20% of the standard market, since they are using your skills to develop and spy, or, your access to sensitive information.

I have a strong feeling that they are going to ramp it up if Trump is out of office. Especially since the economy might be a weaker economy (or more "elitist"), and, definitely more divided. America First wasn't a suggestion, it's a necessity for the survival of the West. Not populism. Punishing trade abusers and actions is NOT populism. It's a red herring term.

Billionaires aren't going to be concerned, they are the largest part of the problem, so it's up to the Guardians at the Gate, this means the CIA and FBI. Do I have faith in their leadership, or, the politicians who are supposed to get a grip on this? Based on the last 20 years in particular, it's a tough sell to me. Trump reinvigorated my faith via his aggressive use of cyberwarfare and CIA aggressively, rather than just being on defense. I worry this is going to end.

China is, like many, my biggest concern with a Democrat Administration.

They have a solid history of placing China at an unfair advantage presumably for personal gain.
democrats already hate selling it out to China comes naturally if not compulsory.

I shudder to think of the immense damage done to American citizens by Democrats more than happy to accept
a few Yuan in exchange for top US secrets, military and otherwise.

Basically, it would usher in and solidify Chinas global dominance.

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