For Criminy's Sake, Now Democrats are Going After Civil War Re-Enactors! roflmao!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Are these people loony tunes are what?

[VIDEO] Police thwart attack on Civil War re-enactors


“A 56-year-old man with a loaded gun pepper sprayed Confederate soldier re-enactors during an August 17 parade. (Video below)

Two people in the 2017 Soldiers Reunion parade were pepper sprayed. They had a booth set up next to a Confederate statue, according to WCNC TV. The two were treated for injuries by the Newton Fire Department and the Catawba County EMS.

Karl Smith was arrested after he targeted the Confederate re-enactors and pepper sprayed them each time they fired off their weapon.

“He just walked up to the backside of the fellas that were fixing to do the salute,” said Amanda Chandler, who witnessed the incident.

In the video, the man can be seen wandering behind the parade of Confederate soldiers. Police see him and then charge over to where the man was standing and grab him without incident and take him into custody.
Are these people loony tunes are what?

[VIDEO] Police thwart attack on Civil War re-enactors


“A 56-year-old man with a loaded gun pepper sprayed Confederate soldier re-enactors during an August 17 parade. (Video below)

Two people in the 2017 Soldiers Reunion parade were pepper sprayed. They had a booth set up next to a Confederate statue, according to WCNC TV. The two were treated for injuries by the Newton Fire Department and the Catawba County EMS.

Karl Smith was arrested after he targeted the Confederate re-enactors and pepper sprayed them each time they fired off their weapon.

“He just walked up to the backside of the fellas that were fixing to do the salute,” said Amanda Chandler, who witnessed the incident.

In the video, the man can be seen wandering behind the parade of Confederate soldiers. Police see him and then charge over to where the man was standing and grab him without incident and take him into custody.

Not good enough he should be charged with felony aggravated assault, a hate crime and then put in handcuffs and peppersprayed in the eyes for twenty minutes. Time to start breaking up all of these peoples parties folks, if the cops wont protect the people the people have to do the best way they can. We need to get a group of MERCS to set up at each event conservatives have from on campus' speaking to country wide meetings for planning strategy, and getting out the real people to vote the shit leftist out forever. Tell the authorities we have our OWN security personnel, and that they can set barriers and draw a line in the sand to stop anyone who would do us bodily harm, but inside the barriers our security force will do whatever is needed to stop them cold, dead or alive.
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This of type of behavior is what you expect from a 12 year old kid who has never been told 'no'. Unchecked Political correctness leads to grown adults acting like spoiled children.
There are abundances of dick heads on all sides of this issue. Nonsense and foolishness is being turned into an American art form. That said, freedom of speech should not be infringed and folks who interfere with the free speech of others through violence or illegal means should not be tolerated.
I've noted a drop off in use of the 'fascists are leftists' line since Charlotteville. Funny that.
I've noted a drop off in use of the 'fascists are leftists' line since Charlotteville. Funny that.
Yeah it has become self-evident that the original genocidal/big lie party of Jackson has returned to its roots.
This of type of behavior is what you expect from a 12 year old kid who has never been told 'no'. Unchecked Political correctness leads to grown adults acting like spoiled children.
The irony of 'liberals' supporting people protesting FREE SPEECH is just revealing in so many ways.

The Media lies to these knuckle heads, and they swallow it 100%, then go out and assault people promoting Free Speech, and the left is still clueless that they are being lied to on a daily basis.

These acts of desperation are certainly going to backfire on them in the coming elections, the blithering idiots that they are, they cant see it.

How many Democrat Mayors in our country have backgrounds showing sympathetic ties to Marxist organizations?

Methinks this might be the source of the problem. Nafong has taken over the Democratic Party.
List of #Antifa #Terrorists. It's a big one. Back it up before paste bin takes it down again. Dox these pieces of communist / American enemies.

https:// pastebin. com/ y8vUkD0K -
Did you validate any of this?

Start digging. 8chan is on the job, it's comingg out VERY good thus far.

Full list of antifa members.

8chan page is still up, pastebin took down the list. Here is an exact copy. save it. -
Are these people loony tunes are what?

[VIDEO] Police thwart attack on Civil War re-enactors


“A 56-year-old man with a loaded gun pepper sprayed Confederate soldier re-enactors during an August 17 parade. (Video below)

Two people in the 2017 Soldiers Reunion parade were pepper sprayed. They had a booth set up next to a Confederate statue, according to WCNC TV. The two were treated for injuries by the Newton Fire Department and the Catawba County EMS.

Karl Smith was arrested after he targeted the Confederate re-enactors and pepper sprayed them each time they fired off their weapon.

“He just walked up to the backside of the fellas that were fixing to do the salute,” said Amanda Chandler, who witnessed the incident.

In the video, the man can be seen wandering behind the parade of Confederate soldiers. Police see him and then charge over to where the man was standing and grab him without incident and take him into custody.
I agree....stupid. These are private citizens doing a hobby they love. They should be left alone. Some people are going full retard on this.

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