For all the Palin lovers


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2008
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You guys loved to talk about how she has been an executive leader and how wonderful she is as a Governor, so I'm curious, ever since she lost she seems to have been everywhere BUT Alaska. Doesn't she still have a job to do or is she going to try and cash in on her ridiculous fame

Palin back on the campaign trail -
You mean like OBama did? :lol:

Hey, maybe she'll write some BS books too!
You mean like OBama did? :lol:

Hey, maybe she'll write some BS books too!

Another awful analogy from another idiot on the right. If you really think that what you just said makes sense, then you really need some help
Yeah right. Facts suck, eh?

And who the hell are you to be calling anybody an idoit. That's like the blind leading the blind. :eusa_whistle:
You guys loved to talk about how she has been an executive leader and how wonderful she is as a Governor, so I'm curious, ever since she lost she seems to have been everywhere BUT Alaska. Doesn't she still have a job to do or is she going to try and cash in on her ridiculous fame

Palin back on the campaign trail -

Are you really this ignorant or is it just a special day?

She went to the governors conference in Florida. Gee, she is a governor.

She did at best three interviews and one of them I know for sure had to go to Alaska to get the story.

Further, she is doing what any positive politician would do, she is out supporting her party. A political race is still taking place, so she is giving back, to the people and the party which gave her an opportunity.

Gee, what a terrible trait.

Finally, currently the press and others are seeking her out, she would be a fool to not capitalize on that. Not only will she benefit, but, so will her state.

Of course the narrow mind wouldn't be able to understand how that works!

Her approval rating are still very good, so clearly if those she works for mostly approve of her, she must be doing something right.

Tell us, what city in Alaska do you live in?

Just trying to validate your complaint.
Registered User Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 650
Rep Power: 2

""Its one thing to be an idiot, its a whole different thing to open your mouth and prove it to the rest of the world ""

Well I guess your the "whole different thing" LOL
She's running for office in 2012.

That's what pols do. they assume office, let their staff handle the details and start running for reelection or for election up the political ladder.

Once in a while (thank god) you find a pol who has reached the place they want to be and then occassionally they take that job very seriously.

Maine's current governor, John Baldacchi is one of those, I think.

He was a Representative, and could have returned to that office, but he returned to Maine to be governor, instead.

He's not well liked right now, because of all the cuts he's being forced to make.

But of course, none of that is really his fault, and he has no choice but to balance the budget.

While I have absolutely no doubt John thinks of me (if he ever things of me at all, I mean, which I rather doubt) as a loose cannon, he is as far as I can see, a fairly good governor.
She's running for office in 2012.

That's what pols do. they assume office, let their staff handle the details and start running for reelection or for election up the political ladder.

Once in a while (thank god) you find a pol who has reached the place they want to be and then occassionally they take that job very seriously.

Your right and this is one of the larger reasons Washington is so damn backwards. Self serving personal gain.
She's running for office in 2012.

That's what pols do. they assume office, let their staff handle the details and start running for reelection or for election up the political ladder.

Once in a while (thank god) you find a pol who has reached the place they want to be and then occassionally they take that job very seriously.

Maine's current governor, John Baldacchi is one of those, I think.

He was a Representative, and could have returned to that office, but he returned to Maine to be governor, instead.

He's not well liked right now, because of all the cuts he's being forced to make.

But of course, none of that is really his fault, and he has no choice but to balance the budget.

While I have absolutely no doubt John thinks of me (if he ever things of me at all, I mean, which I rather doubt) as a loose cannon, he is as far as I can see, a fairly good governor.

So, since she's running in 4 years then fuck her job now and begin campaigning? Its gonna take 4 years of reading 24 hours a day to get her to a level competent enough to run
Are you really this ignorant or is it just a special day?

She went to the governors conference in Florida. Gee, she is a governor.

She did at best three interviews and one of them I know for sure had to go to Alaska to get the story.

Further, she is doing what any positive politician would do, she is out supporting her party. A political race is still taking place, so she is giving back, to the people and the party which gave her an opportunity.

Gee, what a terrible trait.

Finally, currently the press and others are seeking her out, she would be a fool to not capitalize on that. Not only will she benefit, but, so will her state.

Of course the narrow mind wouldn't be able to understand how that works!

Her approval rating are still very good, so clearly if those she works for mostly approve of her, she must be doing something right.

Tell us, what city in Alaska do you live in?

Just trying to validate your complaint.

The sad thing is that you believe all that crap you just wrote and yet I'm the idiot? You like Palin and I'm the idiot? You voted for Bush and I'm the idiot?
and obamalama worked maybe two days in the senate.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The sad thing is that you believe all that crap you just wrote and yet I'm the idiot? You like Palin and I'm the idiot? You voted for Bush and I'm the idiot?

i can't speak to the first half of your multiple questions, but you seemed to have nailed the second half of all three. kudos
BO ran for President the entire time he was senator, and the left is complaing that a state governor went to a governor's conferance?

Besides, isn't the messiah unbeatable?

What do you care what any GoPer does.
You guys loved to talk about how she has been an executive leader and how wonderful she is as a Governor, so I'm curious, ever since she lost she seems to have been everywhere BUT Alaska. Doesn't she still have a job to do or is she going to try and cash in on her ridiculous fame

Palin back on the campaign trail -

I've been saying the same thing... she hasn't spent more than a week in Alaska since she was nominated.
BO ran for President the entire time he was senator, and the left is complaing that a state governor went to a governor's conferance?

Besides, isn't the messiah unbeatable?

What do you care what any GoPer does.

Obama started running for office in 2006 and he did it the SAME time as every other candidate, not 4 years before and not 2 years before ANY other candidate. And the funny thing here is that you all keep calling me the idiot
We're still talking about Palin??

Didn't she go back to her igloo?

I realize Fox News doesn't want to let it go, and that's why they continually air the Greta interview, but everyone else ought to realize she's old news by now.
BO ran for President the entire time he was senator, and the left is complaing that a state governor went to a governor's conferance?

Besides, isn't the messiah unbeatable?

What do you care what any GoPer does.

Illinois still has another Senator and no bills passed or failed based upon 1 vote in the past two years when Obama was campaigning. Alaska has only one governor. If she no longer wishes to be the governor of Alaska, she can resign so things that need to get done for Alaska can actually get done.
Obama started running for office in 2006 and he did it the SAME time as every other candidate, not 4 years before and not 2 years before ANY other candidate. And the funny thing here is that you all keep calling me the idiot
Perhaps you were in a cave at the time, but BO began his run at the 2004 DEM convention, not 2006.

2006 was when he made it 'official.'
Illinois still has another Senator and no bills passed or failed based upon 1 vote in the past two years when Obama was campaigning. Alaska has only one governor. If she no longer wishes to be the governor of Alaska, she can resign so things that need to get done for Alaska can actually get done.
I must have missed all those Alaskans complaing about her, where can I find them BTW?
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