Big Blue Machin
I think it's time for a moderate leader in the Republican Party. After 8 years of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the party should move to the left. I bet the country is moving that way anyway. Either Rudy Giuliani or John McCain would make fine presidental candidates. A Guliani-McCain or vice-versa would be formiable to anything the Democrats can muster. The polls show it for Rudy and John.
Rudy Giuliani 29%, John McCain 26%, Newt Gingrich 9%, George Allen 3%, Bill Frist 3%, Mitt Romney 2%
Rudy Giuliani 27%, John McCain 20%, Jeb Bush 10%, Newt Gingrich 8%, Bill Frist 3%, Rick Santorum 3%, George Pataki 2%, Mitt Romney 1%, Chuck Hagel 1%, Haley Barbour 1%
Rudy Giuliani 34%, John McCain 29%, Jeb Bush 12%, Bill Frist 6%, Other 7%
Rudy Giuliani 29%, John McCain 26%, Newt Gingrich 9%, George Allen 3%, Bill Frist 3%, Mitt Romney 2%
Rudy Giuliani 27%, John McCain 20%, Jeb Bush 10%, Newt Gingrich 8%, Bill Frist 3%, Rick Santorum 3%, George Pataki 2%, Mitt Romney 1%, Chuck Hagel 1%, Haley Barbour 1%
Rudy Giuliani 34%, John McCain 29%, Jeb Bush 12%, Bill Frist 6%, Other 7%