Football Field-Sized Asteroid Could Strike Earth in September


According to Fox News, the object is 164 feet wide. More than likely, the asteroid will sail past the Earth at a distance of 4.2 million miles. But if a collision does happen, scientists believe it will occur Sept. 9.

The prediction came from the European Space Agency, which has asteroid 2006QV89 on its top 10 list of objects that are at risk of slamming into the Earth.

I don’t see any dire warning of impending doom. I sure hope it doesn’t come down anywhere near Vegas – buy maybe somewhere west of here wouldn’t be all that bad.

@ Football Field-Sized Asteroid Could Strike Earth in September

164 feet wide....

If it landed in the middle of NYC it would take out most of the city.

While I like your optimism much smaller strikes in Russia indicate that if the object either is going supersonic a mile above NYC or has enough volatiles to cause multiple strikes NYC will suffer damages in the trillions and casualties that will make 9/11 look minor.

It has about a 75% probability of landing in the ocean somewhere! or burning up on entry. I wouldn't want to live close to the impact if it air bursts. Ever see the forest In Russia where a similar sized meteor exploded in the air laid the trees out like match sticks, Major event ! Nah not really in the big picture

The Pacific ocean is a 50% probability all by itself. the last time that happened is claimed to have been in 1434 (the 1421 " China discovered America believers at their website have all sorts of claims for Zheng He's exploration fleet making its final cruise in 1433 is attributed to massive tsunamis due to a comet strike south of New Zealand.) Chinese and Japanese records do support this theory upto and including a near total loss of their merchant marine.

According to Fox News, the object is 164 feet wide. More than likely, the asteroid will sail past the Earth at a distance of 4.2 million miles. But if a collision does happen, scientists believe it will occur Sept. 9.

The prediction came from the European Space Agency, which has asteroid 2006QV89 on its top 10 list of objects that are at risk of slamming into the Earth.

I don’t see any dire warning of impending doom. I sure hope it doesn’t come down anywhere near Vegas – buy maybe somewhere west of here wouldn’t be all that bad.Oh,

@ Football Field-Sized Asteroid Could Strike Earth in September

164 feet wide....

If it landed in the middle of NYC it would take out most of the city.

Jo would take out way more than just the city.

According to Fox News, the object is 164 feet wide. More than likely, the asteroid will sail past the Earth at a distance of 4.2 million miles. But if a collision does happen, scientists believe it will occur Sept. 9.

The prediction came from the European Space Agency, which has asteroid 2006QV89 on its top 10 list of objects that are at risk of slamming into the Earth.

I don’t see any dire warning of impending doom. I sure hope it doesn’t come down anywhere near Vegas – buy maybe somewhere west of here wouldn’t be all that bad.

@ Football Field-Sized Asteroid Could Strike Earth in September

All because Hillary isn't in the White House to prevent this

According to Fox News, the object is 164 feet wide. More than likely, the asteroid will sail past the Earth at a distance of 4.2 million miles. But if a collision does happen, scientists believe it will occur Sept. 9.

The prediction came from the European Space Agency, which has asteroid 2006QV89 on its top 10 list of objects that are at risk of slamming into the Earth.

I don’t see any dire warning of impending doom. I sure hope it doesn’t come down anywhere near Vegas – buy maybe somewhere west of here wouldn’t be all that bad.Oh,

@ Football Field-Sized Asteroid Could Strike Earth in September

164 feet wide....

If it landed in the middle of NYC it would take out most of the city.

Jo would take out way more than just the city.
Another lake Okeechobee would be cool. With walleye !
Mars hitting the Earth at terminal velocity would destroy Earth but that ain't going to happen. If we are really SOL and this relatively small rock hits a super volcano then we could have a die off event. The probability of that is similar to winning the lottery.
The earth shall be destroyed with fire and brimstone in the last days.
This asteroid would not destroy the earth. Something the size of mars would not destroy the earth.

True but the entire globe would be molten for a few hundred thousand years if It had to swallow Mars. It happened once before with a Mars sized object now named in retrospect theia.

164 feet across....condensed rock.....30,000 mph.....yeah not a planet killer but it'll make one hell of a mess.

The earth shall be destroyed with fire and brimstone in the last days.
This asteroid would not destroy the earth. Something the size of mars would not destroy the earth.

True but the entire globe would be molten for a few hundred thousand years if It had to swallow Mars. It happened once before with a Mars sized object now named in retrospect theia.

164 feet across....condensed rock.....30,000 mph.....yeah not a planet killer but it'll make one hell of a mess.

Oh, absolutely. First, global fires. Then a global, deep ice age.
Mars hitting the Earth at terminal velocity would destroy Earth but that ain't going to happen. If we are really SOL and this relatively small rock hits a super volcano then we could have a die off event. The probability of that is similar to winning the lottery.
Oh noes!!!!!
Somewhere in the world everyday someone wins the lottery!!!!
Doesn't an asteroid usually burn up in the atmosphere before it hits? Anyways I know where it comes from. Allah is sending a replacement to Mekka, the old one has rusted away.
The earth shall be destroyed with fire and brimstone in the last days.
This asteroid would not destroy the earth. Something the size of mars would not destroy the earth.
Your right... Should have said the inhabitants.
Gotcha. Yeah, we're all toast.
Never know... You willing to gamble with your soul ???
Are you? Could be the Hindus are right, and you are wrong. Enjoy your next 1000 lives as a slug.
The earth shall be destroyed with fire and brimstone in the last days. Many here are probably in deep thought over that piece of information when such reports take place. It's why it has always been said that a person needs to be ready spiritually, as no man knoweth the hour nor the day.

On the day this happens......

99.999999999999999999999% of Atheists will suddenly proclaim their 'Christianity' with a collective cry that could be heard on Mars....

Oh My God! "JESUS CHRIST" !!!!!!!

(aka, very famous last words)
The earth shall be destroyed with fire and brimstone in the last days.
This asteroid would not destroy the earth. Something the size of mars would not destroy the earth.
Your right... Should have said the inhabitants.
Gotcha. Yeah, we're all toast.
Never know... You willing to gamble with your soul ???
Are you? Could be the Hindus are right, and you are wrong. Enjoy your next 1000 lives as a slug.
Are you ten years old or something ?? Good grief.

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