FOOLS ERRAND: Ron Paul -- Bring Troops Home From Syria Now...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
In light of reports of another supposed 'Chemical Attack' in Syria, it looks like Trump is quickly reversing his withdrawal stance. Looks like we're there to stay. It's very sad.

I was disappointed to hear President Trump so quickly reverse his position on removing U.S. troops from Syria. “We’re going to get back to our country, where we belong,” he told an Ohio audience just a week ago. That sounded refreshingly like candidate Trump’s promises of no more nation-building. Then he flipped his position and announced we’d stay.

I do think Trump understands that our interventionist foreign policy is a massive waste of money and lives. He said in February, “As of a couple of months ago, we have spent $7 trillion in the Middle East. … What a mistake.” How right he is. A big mistake. The problem is the neoconservatives who dominate Washington foreign policy continue to push a whopper of a canard: They insist that extremist groups rise to fill a vacuum in the Middle East whenever U.S. troops leave. However, the truth is these radical groups arise precisely because of our entering the region, not leaving it!

There was no al-Qaeda in Iraq before the 2003 U.S. invasion. There was no Islamic State in Syria before President Obama’s covert support for regime change after the 2011 unrest...

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Ron Paul: Bring troops home from Syria now
Trump worries me the most when he says something I agree with.
There is no reason to stay in Syria. Trump is a puppet.
Trump worries me the most when he says something I agree with.

I agreed with his stance earlier in the week. We don't belong in Syria. We never did.

Exactly. But it's a head-fake.
You think Trump knew that a pretext to stay was around the corner?

No, nothing like that.

When I say that agreeing with something Trump says worries me, it's because I know I've been "made". Cons know to find a mark's "passphrase", something that they can say or do that will always sound like a good thing to the mark. Even if the mark is completely aware that they are being conned, their passphrase is a button that weakens their resistance.
Not a big fan of Ron Paul after his statement that "We have nuclear weapons, why shouldn't Iran?"

Recalling all of our troops, zipping up the border, and legalizing pot doesn't sound like a plan to me because I want to be straight and sober when those jihadist shitheads come knocking on my door.
Not a big fan of Ron Paul after his statement that "We have nuclear weapons, why shouldn't Iran?"

Recalling all of our troops, zipping up the border, and legalizing pot doesn't sound like a plan to me because I want to be straight and sober when those jihadist shitheads come knocking on my door.

Were you a fan before? Ron Paul has always been a peacenik, and a libertarian. Not sure how you missed it.
Not a big fan of Ron Paul after his statement that "We have nuclear weapons, why shouldn't Iran?"

Recalling all of our troops, zipping up the border, and legalizing pot doesn't sound like a plan to me because I want to be straight and sober when those jihadist shitheads come knocking on my door.

Were you a fan before? Ron Paul has always been a peacenik, and a libertarian. Not sure how you missed it.

Not really much of a fan before either. I sympathize with the libertarian movement as far as having a smaller and less intrusive government, but I'm not on board with isolationism and decriminalization of drugs.

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