Food Shortages? Time for Trump to Announce New Victory Gardens and Urban Food Forests Push


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
It's happening. Can we stave off a hideous nightmare scenario by doing what our grandparents did, grow much of their own food? Trump or someone needs to get ahead of this curve, and now. If Ron Finley can do this in the middle of the baddest part of L.A., anyone can. Tips?

Food Shortages? Time for Trump to Announce New Victory Gardens and Urban Food Forests Push

Finally here is the cure worse than the disease, as Trump said, a Venezuelan hell hole where we start preying on each other to keep from starving? I've been waiting for this shoe to drop.

Fortunately we have the Greatest Generation that showed us what to do. So let's get busy. In the cities a new movement has been slowly taking hold and the time is ripe for it to blast off across America. City governments need to pass emergency ordinances designating park space for food growing, with the space organized by designated local committees.

This corona thing, as awful as it is, is an opportunity for a long overdue change in the fragile supply chain which makes large parts of our population hostage to the social chaos which can arise from the mismanagement of the bankers' debt and fiat money economy. No longer are there blank stares or smug smiles when talking prepping, self-sufficiency, and food growing.

People are away from their Monday Night Sports fixes and they are paying attention. They may never be paying this close attention again.

Coronavirus may cause some food shortages, warns government task force


I for one cannot sit still as I watch a freight train coming at me. MORE>>> Food Shortages? Time for Trump to Announce New Victory Gardens and Urban Food Forests Push

Trump needs to declare martial law and then force the states to do what is needed.

Such as those states that allow people to congregate for church services etc.etc.
What "food shortage"?

It's not the government's job to feed me, I can do that for myself.
Since seed is now a patented industrial product and only enough is produced to meet everyday needs it is sadly impossible to quickly produce a significant increase in food production within a single season. Back in the day seeds were themselves a cottage industry. I remember my great grandmother trading seeds with her neighbors from plants she been growing ever since she was young. This sort of farming barely exists anymore. You have to buy your seed every year for plant hybrids that do not breed true or at all. The heirloom seed movement has sought to address the big business food monopoly but it;s minuscule.
What "food shortage"?

It's not the government's job to feed me, I can do that for myself.

So you are mostly self-sufficient already and grow your own food, outside of the supply chain?
What "food shortage"?

It's not the government's job to feed me, I can do that for myself.

So you are mostly self-sufficient already and grow your own food, outside of the supply chain?

Pretty much. Lots of deer, turkeys. rabbits, and squirrels on my land too. The tiller is in the shed, all I have to do is gas it up. Even so, we've put away a shit-ton of canned stuff, beans, rice, and MRE's.
It's happening. Can we stave off a hideous nightmare scenario by doing what our grandparents did, grow much of their own food? Trump or someone needs to get ahead of this curve, and now. If Ron Finley can do this in the middle of the baddest part of L.A., anyone can. Tips?

Food Shortages? Time for Trump to Announce New Victory Gardens and Urban Food Forests Push

Finally here is the cure worse than the disease, as Trump said, a Venezuelan hell hole where we start preying on each other to keep from starving? I've been waiting for this shoe to drop.

Fortunately we have the Greatest Generation that showed us what to do. So let's get busy. In the cities a new movement has been slowly taking hold and the time is ripe for it to blast off across America. City governments need to pass emergency ordinances designating park space for food growing, with the space organized by designated local committees.

This corona thing, as awful as it is, is an opportunity for a long overdue change in the fragile supply chain which makes large parts of our population hostage to the social chaos which can arise from the mismanagement of the bankers' debt and fiat money economy. No longer are there blank stares or smug smiles when talking prepping, self-sufficiency, and food growing.

People are away from their Monday Night Sports fixes and they are paying attention. They may never be paying this close attention again.

Coronavirus may cause some food shortages, warns government task force


I for one cannot sit still as I watch a freight train coming at me. MORE>>> Food Shortages? Time for Trump to Announce New Victory Gardens and Urban Food Forests Push

Sorry, they're too busy saving the Delta Smelt's out here in California.
What "food shortage"?

It's not the government's job to feed me, I can do that for myself.

So you are mostly self-sufficient already and grow your own food, outside of the supply chain?

Pretty much. Lots of deer, turkeys. rabbits, and squirrels on my land too. The tiller is in the shed, all I have to do is gas it up.

Mmmmm ... Possum ...

View attachment 319745

That is one nasty animal I will never eat. My Grandfather had a farm in Arkansas, and had cows. One of the cows died and I went to look at it. I saw that something had chewed a hole in the cow's belly and then it started moving like there was something inside it.

Then a nasty possum crawled out of the cow's stomach and grinned at me. Ewww.

No possum for me. or Raccoon. Some people eat those but I'd have to be pretty hungry. I did shoot and cook an Armadillo once, a long time ago. Too fatty for my tast but probably would have been better with some BBQ sauce.
It's happening. Can we stave off a hideous nightmare scenario by doing what our grandparents did, grow much of their own food? Trump or someone needs to get ahead of this curve, and now. If Ron Finley can do this in the middle of the baddest part of L.A., anyone can. Tips?

Food Shortages? Time for Trump to Announce New Victory Gardens and Urban Food Forests Push

Finally here is the cure worse than the disease, as Trump said, a Venezuelan hell hole where we start preying on each other to keep from starving? I've been waiting for this shoe to drop.

Fortunately we have the Greatest Generation that showed us what to do. So let's get busy. In the cities a new movement has been slowly taking hold and the time is ripe for it to blast off across America. City governments need to pass emergency ordinances designating park space for food growing, with the space organized by designated local committees.

This corona thing, as awful as it is, is an opportunity for a long overdue change in the fragile supply chain which makes large parts of our population hostage to the social chaos which can arise from the mismanagement of the bankers' debt and fiat money economy. No longer are there blank stares or smug smiles when talking prepping, self-sufficiency, and food growing.

People are away from their Monday Night Sports fixes and they are paying attention. They may never be paying this close attention again.

Coronavirus may cause some food shortages, warns government task force


I for one cannot sit still as I watch a freight train coming at me. MORE>>> Food Shortages? Time for Trump to Announce New Victory Gardens and Urban Food Forests Push

Know when it's to late ....when the road blocks are already up and the jackboots are marching through your town

Dont say nobody ever warned yas before ..people Been yelling it from the rooftops for years

Do what ya can now

Chinas already hurting..they were hurting before trump came into office trumps tariffs like we told yas hurt them more than certainly most ignorant lefties realise and Corona not exactly a walk in the park for them either ...reports of another outbreak in china went kinda silent for some reason

China major economic engine no matter thier condition and they're commie rats right

Western europe is gasping

We're playing with fuckin fire right now ...

We go down we sink the planet and throw it into chaos

I just may get my brand new dollar one day ...hope I live to see it ....itll be on top of millions of corpses but fuck it
Since seed is now a patented industrial product and only enough is produced to meet everyday needs it is sadly impossible to quickly produce a significant increase in food production within a single season

Apparently, you're unfamiliar with heirloom seeds...

View attachment 319743

A lot of people don't know that you don't you don't have to even buy seeds just use seeds from what you grow. As long as they have not been irradiated and rendered unviable. Lots of forums on that stuff.
Since seed is now a patented industrial product and only enough is produced to meet everyday needs it is sadly impossible to quickly produce a significant increase in food production within a single season. Back in the day seeds were themselves a cottage industry. I remember my great grandmother trading seeds with her neighbors from plants she been growing ever since she was young. This sort of farming barely exists anymore. You have to buy your seed every year for plant hybrids that do not breed true or at all. The heirloom seed movement has sought to address the big business food monopoly but it;s minuscule.
That heirloom seed industry isn't all that minuscule as you might think. It's a big business in its own right. Many seed distributers whether heirloom or not, have signed what's called the 'Seed Safe Pledge' that none of their seed is GMO. Which also means it's not Terminator seed, that only produces the one year. Most of those type seeds are in big Ag operations and beholden to Monsanto. Although even Monsanto's rule of seeds may or may not still be true as a few of those Corporations (Bayer, DuPont, etc) have bought and/or traded (Monopolized?) within the industry

It is true that hybrids don't breed true, but Open Pollinated (OP) seeds do, even if their not heirloom varieties. Victory gardens are still a big possibility to help with food supply......but it is getting tougher to find viable seed every day as people are already realizing this and buying it up. Many seed companies are already out of stock of much of their supplies, for online orders. If you want to get seed, you may still be able to find atleast some at local nurseries or even racks at the grocery store.

Even if you can only get hybrid seeds that you can't save from, atleast it can give you one good year of harvest, and possibly another year or two. Most seed packets have more than enough seed than you'd need in one year and if you plant carefully & not waste it by having to thin it out later, you can still have food in the future. It also gives you time to find OP or heirloom for later.

There is a thread about other possible options to obtain seeds for planting, called 'Getting more from your groceries'. Check it out, but do understand that the options discussed in that thread and hybrids may not be the best solution, but it can put food on the table atleast for the first year.
Since seed is now a patented industrial product and only enough is produced to meet everyday needs it is sadly impossible to quickly produce a significant increase in food production within a single season.
Not so

there are heirloom varieties of very seed

And plenty of good hybrid seeds also that are not patented with more than enough to go around

but most liberals are packed into large cities and may not have space to grow a garden even if they knew how

which most of them dont

but never fear

republicans in the rural areas will not starve and they will preserve the species
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I just ordered a bunch of heirloom seeds from amazon. Easiest thing in the world. Checked my local hardware store they have plenty of seeds, dirt, and tools. If we starve it will be our own fault. F the government.

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