Fomenting the rise of white supremacy


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Another great column by Paul Craig Roberts hits the nail on the head.

They are purposely sewing division in the hopes of causing murder and mayhem.

The New York Times Editorial Board Is a Threat to Multicultural America
In a Memorial Day editorial, the ignorant, white-hating editorial board of the New York Times wrote:

“Bases named for men who sought to destroy the Union in the name of racial injustice are an insult to the ideals servicemen and women are sworn to uphold – and an embarrassing artifact of the time when the military itself embraced anti-American values.”

The ignorance in this statement is extraordinary. The South left the union because the South was being economically exploited by the North. The South fought because the North invaded the South. The North invaded the South, as President Lincoln said repeatedly, to “preserve the union,” that is, the empire. Lincoln said repeatedlly that the South could have slavery forever if only the South would stay in the union.

Does America have a worse enemy than the New York Times? The New York Times is clearly and intentionally making a multicultural America impossible. By threatening white people with the prospect of hate-driven racial violence, the New York Times editorial board is fomenting the rise of white supremacy.
The New York Times Is a Threat to Multicultural America - LewRockwell
Being a nationalist that is proud of our European, Christian, and capitalist roots doesn’t make one a “white supremacist”.

Multiculturalism is a failure. They way the far left are acting is proof of that. They won’t be happy until whites are replaced by non-whites. You know it, I know it, we all know that is true. There can be only one dominating culture, allowing your culture to be overrun by another will lead to the virtual extermination of your culture. Just look at what happened to the natives of North and South America. Look what happened to pagans and Christians when conquered by Muslims.
Being a nationalist that is proud of our European, Christian, and capitalist roots doesn’t make one a “white supremacist”.

Multiculturalism is a failure. They way the far left are acting is proof of that. They won’t be happy until whites are replaced by non-whites. You know it, I know it, we all know that is true. There can be only one dominating culture, allowing your culture to be overrun by another will lead to the virtual extermination of your culture. Just look at what happened to the natives of North and South America. Look what happened to pagans and Christians when conquered by Muslims.

I don't want to reign supreme over anybody; don't want the third world to reign supreme over me either.
A very serious topic that is impossible for most people to discuss in a calm, thoughtful manner. But I will try.

1. The demographers tell us that the United States will cease to be a Caucasian-majority nation in about 30 years.

2. The demographers tell us that eventually Europe may eventually cease to be a Caucasian-majority continent.

a. I recently read that European demographers believe that maybe up to 25% of the population will eventually be of sub-Saharan African ancestry. There is a strong immigration stream of young men who have decided that their future lies outside Africa.

3. Some people (let's not label them) are concerned about the the shrinking of the Caucasian population in the States and Europe.

4. Other people feel that there is no need to be concerned. They feel that Caucasians in the States and Europe will be able to live happy and productive lives even if they are no longer the majority and that there will be a lot of mixed marriages anyway.
A very serious topic that is impossible for most people to discuss in a calm, thoughtful manner. But I will try.

1. The demographers tell us that the United States will cease to be a Caucasian-majority nation in about 30 years.

2. The demographers tell us that eventually Europe may eventually cease to be a Caucasian-majority continent.

a. I recently read that European demographers believe that maybe up to 25% of the population will eventually be of sub-Saharan African ancestry. There is a strong immigration stream of young men who have decided that their future lies outside Africa.

3. Some people (let's not label them) are concerned about the the shrinking of the Caucasian population in the States and Europe.

4. Other people feel that there is no need to be concerned. They feel that Caucasians in the States and Europe will be able to live happy and productive lives even if they are no longer the majority and that there will be a lot of mixed marriages anyway.
Okay but the thread is about the NYT purposely sewing division.

Seems to me much of the MSM is doing this, though the NYT is possibly the worst. Why would they do this? My theory is since most of the MSM is controlled by six billionaires, they work together to divide the people because they know if we unite their political power and wealth are likely to be reduced.
A very serious topic that is impossible for most people to discuss in a calm, thoughtful manner. But I will try.

1. The demographers tell us that the United States will cease to be a Caucasian-majority nation in about 30 years.

2. The demographers tell us that eventually Europe may eventually cease to be a Caucasian-majority continent.

a. I recently read that European demographers believe that maybe up to 25% of the population will eventually be of sub-Saharan African ancestry. There is a strong immigration stream of young men who have decided that their future lies outside Africa.

3. Some people (let's not label them) are concerned about the the shrinking of the Caucasian population in the States and Europe.

4. Other people feel that there is no need to be concerned. They feel that Caucasians in the States and Europe will be able to live happy and productive lives even if they are no longer the majority and that there will be a lot of mixed marriages anyway.

Between whites not reproducing, homosexual relationships, and inter-racial unions, the white race is, most likely headed for extinction. OTOH, we will always have those social do gooders that tell us race is a social construct... until they want a job reserved for someone or they want reparations or things of that nature. Some people who concern themselves with the subject recognize 3 primary races and those who obsess over the issue say there are more than 30 races and subsets of races. But, no matter how we define it, we sense that there are inherent differences that go further than skin deep.

White people have abandoned the God of their fathers and the foundational principles upon which America was built. In America, we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we are THE drug users capital of the world. We have more people in prison than any nation on the planet. And... no surprise.... the overwhelming majority are white. In my neighborhood, the average white male in his 20s or 30s has a drug habit, drinks, smokes, has tattoos, body piercings, wastes their lives on video games and social media. They generally have a couple of criminal convictions, many have a child (it takes 3 children minimum per couple to grow the numbers of the race) that they've abandoned and they live in mommy's house while they avoid child support and being a part of their child's life. What they don't have is a high school diploma, a good work ethic, any work skills, no interpersonal skills, and no driver's license. A friend and I were talking about recruiting people once again for people to become political activists and maybe even civilian militia. We had to ask each other who would join. Who gives a rip about the foundational principles upon which our Republic rests?

Honestly, I'm sick of white people moaning, groaning, crying and complaining... all of them suffering from some delusion that the private sector owes them a job and a lifestyle. They blame the blacks; they blame people they call "illegal aliens," and they blame billionaires, but they get offended when they are told they are the problem. On this board, their political board lobbyists sling skeet at me and accuse me of all kinds of things. But, if the whites are lacking and their resume is just a few weeks experience working at a minimum wage job followed up by a drug conviction and then blank spaces for long periods of time, why would I waste time with them? If they do not possess any particular skill, why does the private sector owe them a job? Between this selective pandemic and those to come, coupled with the white peoples own sorriness and self destructive lifestyles, I say they disappear from the face of the earth within the next quarter of a century unless they clean up their own culture. Since nobody really cares, this cannot be a serious or thoughtful topic.
A very serious topic that is impossible for most people to discuss in a calm, thoughtful manner. But I will try.

1. The demographers tell us that the United States will cease to be a Caucasian-majority nation in about 30 years.

2. The demographers tell us that eventually Europe may eventually cease to be a Caucasian-majority continent.

a. I recently read that European demographers believe that maybe up to 25% of the population will eventually be of sub-Saharan African ancestry. There is a strong immigration stream of young men who have decided that their future lies outside Africa.

3. Some people (let's not label them) are concerned about the the shrinking of the Caucasian population in the States and Europe.

4. Other people feel that there is no need to be concerned. They feel that Caucasians in the States and Europe will be able to live happy and productive lives even if they are no longer the majority and that there will be a lot of mixed marriages anyway.
Okay but the thread is about the NYT purposely sewing division.

Seems to me much of the MSM is doing this, though the NYT is possibly the worst. Why would they do this? My theory is since most of the MSM is controlled by six billionaires, they work together to divide the people because they know if we unite their political power and wealth are likely to be reduced.

Of course, I never read that detestable "newspaper." It would be below my dignity.

But I have read that it has decided that everything that happens today in this country is to be framed as being a consequence of what happened in 1619 (when people from a certain continent were forced to come here and labor for free).
I have told you over and over. These people believe they will take over the power of the world. Not happening. The Asians are going to do that. They have drives and purpose and are less foolish then the Caucasian people. North America is a huge continent with a lot of land. Some areas not as nice as others. But habitable. As migrations occur for safety, the smart ones or what's left will dominate the continent. But the Asians will dominate the world.
I have told you over and over. These people believe they will take over the power of the world. Not happening. The Asians are going to do that. They have drives and purpose and are less foolish then the Caucasian people. North America is a huge continent with a lot of land. Some areas not as nice as others. But habitable. As migrations occur for safety, the smart ones or what's left will dominate the continent. But the Asians will dominate the world.

I doubt it. Honestly, I doubt it.

I think western and eastern in some form, will maintain dominance.

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