Flynn Was Targeted Because He Planned To Audit The Intel Agencies & Knew About Brennan/CIA 'Running Off The Books'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Flynn was going to audit the Intel agencies because he knew about the billions former CIA Director John Brennan was running off the books.

'General Michael Flynn had to be removed. He knew too much. He had to be shut down and silenced. He was the primary Deep State target. “He was going to audit the intel agencies because he knew about the billions Brennan and company were running off the books,” Powell said, referring to former CIA Director John Brennan. '

Brennan was the dirtiest, most criminal SOB on the entire Barry crime syndicate...and that's saying a lot.

Brennan should be living in a cell down in Guantanamo Bay for all the MANY times he has been caught illegally spying on USA citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, a presidential candidate and his team, and a newly elected US President. Not only those things, but Brennan has been caught committing perjury, Conspiracy, violating the Espionage Act, and Sedition, repeatedly declaring the president was a compromised Russian agent. When evidence was presented proving this to be a lie, Brennan shrugged it off and said, 'I'm glad I was wrong'.

WTF? Brennan had access to and used the 17 US govt Intel agencies to know all there is to know in the world through Intel sources....but was so out of touch with reality / Intel-supported evidence proving the Russia collusion story was a lie from the start that he made the personal decision to accuse the President of being a compromised agent of Russia.

Based on the YEARS of illegal spying on the US, Americans, and US govt officials, his repeated perjury, and lies that he would never do so again to avoid real judicial punishment, Putin must have felt proud of Brennan, like he was Brennan's son (or father).

After testifying he an the CIA did NOT illegally spy on US Senators, evidence broke that he had done just that. With the evidence of illegally spying - violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law - and perjury, Brennan should have faced jail time for the rest of his life..... problem. He was ding all of it for Barry.

To escape jail time Brennan agreed to a special 'above-the-law' deal in which he appeared before Congress, admitted his crimes, apologized, and vowed never to do it again.

The moment he walked out of Congress the man and his criminal organization were probably already illegally spying on no less than half a dozen prominent political figures and a host of reporters, media, and US citizens.

Flynn, a Trump administration appointee, was going to burn the Deep State Brennan and his illegally operating CIA to the ground - he would have access to and learn all of Barry's and his Conspirators' dirty little secrets as well.

Perhaps Flynn should be thankful they targeted him and his family for 'destruction' rather than having him 'suicided'.

The gateway pundit?

McCarthy said it was because he would expose the illegitimacy of the Russia probe:

My guess is Brennan has already flipped and is singing like a fat lady!

Last week we had strzok notes & emails appear out of nowhere proving biden & obama were ordering the flynn investigation.

Where did those notes/emails come from after all this time?

My guess is Brennan!
Flynn was going to audit the Intel agencies because he knew about the billions former CIA Director John Brennan was running off the books.

'General Michael Flynn had to be removed. He knew too much. He had to be shut down and silenced. He was the primary Deep State target. “He was going to audit the intel agencies because he knew about the billions Brennan and company were running off the books,” Powell said, referring to former CIA Director John Brennan. '

Brennan was the dirtiest, most criminal SOB on the entire Barry crime syndicate...and that's saying a lot.

Brennan should be living in a cell down in Guantanamo Bay for all the MANY times he has been caught illegally spying on USA citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, a presidential candidate and his team, and a newly elected US President. Not only those things, but Brennan has been caught committing perjury, Conspiracy, violating the Espionage Act, and Sedition, repeatedly declaring the president was a compromised Russian agent. When evidence was presented proving this to be a lie, Brennan shrugged it off and said, 'I'm glad I was wrong'.

WTF? Brennan had access to and used the 17 US govt Intel agencies to know all there is to know in the world through Intel sources....but was so out of touch with reality / Intel-supported evidence proving the Russia collusion story was a lie from the start that he made the personal decision to accuse the President of being a compromised agent of Russia.

Based on the YEARS of illegal spying on the US, Americans, and US govt officials, his repeated perjury, and lies that he would never do so again to avoid real judicial punishment, Putin must have felt proud of Brennan, like he was Brennan's son (or father).

After testifying he an the CIA did NOT illegally spy on US Senators, evidence broke that he had done just that. With the evidence of illegally spying - violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law - and perjury, Brennan should have faced jail time for the rest of his life..... problem. He was ding all of it for Barry.

To escape jail time Brennan agreed to a special 'above-the-law' deal in which he appeared before Congress, admitted his crimes, apologized, and vowed never to do it again.

The moment he walked out of Congress the man and his criminal organization were probably already illegally spying on no less than half a dozen prominent political figures and a host of reporters, media, and US citizens.

Flynn, a Trump administration appointee, was going to burn the Deep State Brennan and his illegally operating CIA to the ground - he would have access to and learn all of Barry's and his Conspirators' dirty little secrets as well.

Perhaps Flynn should be thankful they targeted him and his family for 'destruction' rather than having him 'suicided'.

Targeted by tRump and Pence? Because they fired him first.
Flynn was going to audit the Intel agencies because he knew about the billions former CIA Director John Brennan was running off the books.

'General Michael Flynn had to be removed. He knew too much. He had to be shut down and silenced. He was the primary Deep State target. “He was going to audit the intel agencies because he knew about the billions Brennan and company were running off the books,” Powell said, referring to former CIA Director John Brennan. '

Brennan was the dirtiest, most criminal SOB on the entire Barry crime syndicate...and that's saying a lot.

Brennan should be living in a cell down in Guantanamo Bay for all the MANY times he has been caught illegally spying on USA citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, a presidential candidate and his team, and a newly elected US President. Not only those things, but Brennan has been caught committing perjury, Conspiracy, violating the Espionage Act, and Sedition, repeatedly declaring the president was a compromised Russian agent. When evidence was presented proving this to be a lie, Brennan shrugged it off and said, 'I'm glad I was wrong'.

WTF? Brennan had access to and used the 17 US govt Intel agencies to know all there is to know in the world through Intel sources....but was so out of touch with reality / Intel-supported evidence proving the Russia collusion story was a lie from the start that he made the personal decision to accuse the President of being a compromised agent of Russia.

Based on the YEARS of illegal spying on the US, Americans, and US govt officials, his repeated perjury, and lies that he would never do so again to avoid real judicial punishment, Putin must have felt proud of Brennan, like he was Brennan's son (or father).

After testifying he an the CIA did NOT illegally spy on US Senators, evidence broke that he had done just that. With the evidence of illegally spying - violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law - and perjury, Brennan should have faced jail time for the rest of his life..... problem. He was ding all of it for Barry.

To escape jail time Brennan agreed to a special 'above-the-law' deal in which he appeared before Congress, admitted his crimes, apologized, and vowed never to do it again.

The moment he walked out of Congress the man and his criminal organization were probably already illegally spying on no less than half a dozen prominent political figures and a host of reporters, media, and US citizens.

Flynn, a Trump administration appointee, was going to burn the Deep State Brennan and his illegally operating CIA to the ground - he would have access to and learn all of Barry's and his Conspirators' dirty little secrets as well.

Perhaps Flynn should be thankful they targeted him and his family for 'destruction' rather than having him 'suicided'.

And, Brennen is a fucking communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker.

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