Florida with the Latinos going deep red ..

Dumbass #15: Voter ID hinges on a caveat. Some states (all states?) require proof of residence before obtaining an ID. Tell us, Einstein, where do you think the pathology lies?
We all know states change politically and some switch parties or become swing states. Florida has been a swing state for some time and just received another electorial vote. The Democrats have been losing voters there and it has accelerated after Trump became president. The Cuban Hispanics and Latinos there are leaving the Democrats.

Scott Pressler just posted these numbers on Face Book:

April 30th, 2021:
Democrats lead over GOP:
+89,705 registered Democrats

Democrats lead over GOP:
+330,428 registered Democrats

Wow what a big difference!!!!! The Republican party is close to catching up or even passing them. Florida may soon become a solid RED state.

For those interested in election information like this I suggest following Scott Pressler on social media. This year he will visit at least 26 states registering thousunds of people for the Republican party and helping thousunds more run for office including school boards. Scott is a famous gay conservative inspired by Trump to fight for the MAGA and conservative people of America.

Trump is the reason Scott and millions of other Americans are fighting for America and for the Republican Party. I follow a gal named Tara Hudson on Facebook. She is now running for a county seat in GA and said Scott inspired her to get active. At a recent GOP meeting when asked who was new in the room she raised her hand and said half of the other people in the room did too. People are now motivated to support the Republicans like never before.

These people are helping to make the Republican party stronger and are a direct result of Trump. Florida becoming Republican is also because of Trump and these Red Wave Warriors.

Say goodbye to Florida Democrats. You may never see it again.
Nothing is “going deep res”. Cubans always voted For rethugs. Because you know, Castro

Teh new hispanic growth is not cuban.
In FL-stan it's a hell of a mix. Venz,Brasilians,Nicas,Dominicans,Russian mafiosos. They got'em all.
The Chinese are going further south. CR, Panama, Ecuador,Peru, Chile

The uneducated are attracted to Trump and Republicans. The standard of living and wages are being driven down by greedy corporations conspiring with Republicans to lower wages and the standard of living. Voters passed a minimum wage hike with 60% of the vote yet Republicans are trying to undermine it.
Well you started with 2 outright lies so I stopped there. So it's not Dems sky high taxes and jobs killing regulations and policies that drive jobs overseas it's a conspiracy between the GOP and corporations? Guess where all you Dem fuckers have all your money invested...YES in the very same corporations you claim to hate. Trillions in retirement and pension funds invested in your corporations boogeyman. There I obliterated your post fool, go lick your wounds.
We all know states change politically and some switch parties or become swing states. Florida has been a swing state for some time and just received another electorial vote. The Democrats have been losing voters there and it has accelerated after Trump became president. The Cuban Hispanics and Latinos there are leaving the Democrats.

Scott Pressler just posted these numbers on Face Book:

April 30th, 2021:
Democrats lead over GOP:
+89,705 registered Democrats

Democrats lead over GOP:
+330,428 registered Democrats

Wow what a big difference!!!!! The Republican party is close to catching up or even passing them. Florida may soon become a solid RED state.

For those interested in election information like this I suggest following Scott Pressler on social media. This year he will visit at least 26 states registering thousunds of people for the Republican party and helping thousunds more run for office including school boards. Scott is a famous gay conservative inspired by Trump to fight for the MAGA and conservative people of America.

Trump is the reason Scott and millions of other Americans are fighting for America and for the Republican Party. I follow a gal named Tara Hudson on Facebook. She is now running for a county seat in GA and said Scott inspired her to get active. At a recent GOP meeting when asked who was new in the room she raised her hand and said half of the other people in the room did too. People are now motivated to support the Republicans like never before.

These people are helping to make the Republican party stronger and are a direct result of Trump. Florida becoming Republican is also because of Trump and these Red Wave Warriors.

Say goodbye to Florida Democrats. You may never see it again.
Nothing is “going deep res”. Cubans always voted For rethugs. Because you know, Castro
Cubans always voted For rethugs. Because you know, Castro
Most of them left Cuba, "Because you know, Castro"
Most Cubans voted republican because of being conservative, but under Bill Clinton, there was the Elian Gonzalez incident, where they captured him, to return him to his father, in Cuba, with guns in a photo that was passed around and video of crying and screaming etc etc etc....

Anyway, from that point on,

The deal was sealed,
Cubans voted Republican...period.

Now these Cubans are seniors, their kids are Republican as well, but I've recently read that their grandkids are mixed and leaning more Democratic, than previous generations....they have no memory of what a Democrat...Bill Clinton did to a kid named Elian Gonzalez....
#18: Should anyone be surprised that the pope came out of its box to make an appearance just after JoeXi was installed as their CIA puppet?
That is why romance carries a different placard in the Latin and Slavic countries: none should be surprised by Russians in Cuba, and they have lastingly and traditionally preferred a Republican U.S. President. Duh
bear513 At the same rate Texan hispanic X going deep blue, it will be a nice trade off dems getting the 30 electoral college votes from texas, while retardicans keep florida with their 20 electoral college votes, the math is simple, and the result is that retardicans will never again win, no matter how many voter restriction laws the get...

View attachment 508472
POSPOTUS JoeXi has a Hispanic problem: Commiefornia will register in the collective Unconscious of Non-Hispanic Non-Floridian voters next time, and that state will remain a lasting model par excellence for the study of human pathologies.
If Latino's were smart they would NEVER vote for a Democrat. The Dem party is drooling over the prospect of TRAPPING millions of Latino's in poverty like they have done to blacks.
Because you believe minorities are stupid, right?
Darker dat skin, dumber dey kin !
"Latinos" come in all colors.


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The Cuban Hispanics and Latinos there are leaving the Democrats.
Puerto Rico probably has similar demographics, should it become a state, but there are other politics involved, dealing with the Castros and the Communist Party, the Democrats aren't coming clean, and the Republicans have too many real estate time shares in the area …
We all know states change politically and some switch parties or become swing states. Florida has been a swing state for some time and just received another electorial vote. The Democrats have been losing voters there and it has accelerated after Trump became president. The Cuban Hispanics and Latinos there are leaving the Democrats.

Scott Pressler just posted these numbers on Face Book:

April 30th, 2021:
Democrats lead over GOP:
+89,705 registered Democrats

Democrats lead over GOP:
+330,428 registered Democrats

Wow what a big difference!!!!! The Republican party is close to catching up or even passing them. Florida may soon become a solid RED state.

For those interested in election information like this I suggest following Scott Pressler on social media. This year he will visit at least 26 states registering thousunds of people for the Republican party and helping thousunds more run for office including school boards. Scott is a famous gay conservative inspired by Trump to fight for the MAGA and conservative people of America.

Trump is the reason Scott and millions of other Americans are fighting for America and for the Republican Party. I follow a gal named Tara Hudson on Facebook. She is now running for a county seat in GA and said Scott inspired her to get active. At a recent GOP meeting when asked who was new in the room she raised her hand and said half of the other people in the room did too. People are now motivated to support the Republicans like never before.

These people are helping to make the Republican party stronger and are a direct result of Trump. Florida becoming Republican is also because of Trump and these Red Wave Warriors.

Say goodbye to Florida Democrats. You may never see it again.

If that were true then Republicans would not have needed to make it harder to vote. There are nearly 4 million people who are independents. Anyone connected to Trump is not fighting for America. They are fighting for fascism and to turn this country into a dictatorship.

Trump supporters are attacking this country to keep whites in power even as their numbers dwindle. The ones supporting Trump are fascists.

Florida has launched a assault on voting rights, free speech rights, and have become the thought police. The Florida Republican Party is being taken over by Nazis who want to establish a dictatorship.

80% of Americans are not opposed to voter ID.
In a majority society like ours, this makes you the Fascist.
It's not in asking for ID...It's in the forms of acceptable ID. Joe Manchin's ID proposal had plenty of Democrat support, including Stacy Abrams.
We all know states change politically and some switch parties or become swing states. Florida has been a swing state for some time and just received another electorial vote. The Democrats have been losing voters there and it has accelerated after Trump became president. The Cuban Hispanics and Latinos there are leaving the Democrats.

Scott Pressler just posted these numbers on Face Book:

April 30th, 2021:
Democrats lead over GOP:
+89,705 registered Democrats

Democrats lead over GOP:
+330,428 registered Democrats

Wow what a big difference!!!!! The Republican party is close to catching up or even passing them. Florida may soon become a solid RED state.

For those interested in election information like this I suggest following Scott Pressler on social media. This year he will visit at least 26 states registering thousunds of people for the Republican party and helping thousunds more run for office including school boards. Scott is a famous gay conservative inspired by Trump to fight for the MAGA and conservative people of America.

Trump is the reason Scott and millions of other Americans are fighting for America and for the Republican Party. I follow a gal named Tara Hudson on Facebook. She is now running for a county seat in GA and said Scott inspired her to get active. At a recent GOP meeting when asked who was new in the room she raised her hand and said half of the other people in the room did too. People are now motivated to support the Republicans like never before.

These people are helping to make the Republican party stronger and are a direct result of Trump. Florida becoming Republican is also because of Trump and these Red Wave Warriors.

Say goodbye to Florida Democrats. You may never see it again.
Nothing is “going deep res”. Cubans always voted For rethugs. Because you know, Castro
Cubans always voted For rethugs. Because you know, Castro
Most of them left Cuba, "Because you know, Castro"
Still laughing
can you provide the specific quote in the law that specifies that illegals can vote, you moron?

We all know states change politically and some switch parties or become swing states. Florida has been a swing state for some time and just received another electorial vote. The Democrats have been losing voters there and it has accelerated after Trump became president. The Cuban Hispanics and Latinos there are leaving the Democrats.

Scott Pressler just posted these numbers on Face Book:

April 30th, 2021:
Democrats lead over GOP:
+89,705 registered Democrats

Democrats lead over GOP:
+330,428 registered Democrats

Wow what a big difference!!!!! The Republican party is close to catching up or even passing them. Florida may soon become a solid RED state.

For those interested in election information like this I suggest following Scott Pressler on social media. This year he will visit at least 26 states registering thousunds of people for the Republican party and helping thousunds more run for office including school boards. Scott is a famous gay conservative inspired by Trump to fight for the MAGA and conservative people of America.

Trump is the reason Scott and millions of other Americans are fighting for America and for the Republican Party. I follow a gal named Tara Hudson on Facebook. She is now running for a county seat in GA and said Scott inspired her to get active. At a recent GOP meeting when asked who was new in the room she raised her hand and said half of the other people in the room did too. People are now motivated to support the Republicans like never before.

These people are helping to make the Republican party stronger and are a direct result of Trump. Florida becoming Republican is also because of Trump and these Red Wave Warriors.

Say goodbye to Florida Democrats. You may never see it again.

If that were true then Republicans would not have needed to make it harder to vote. There are nearly 4 million people who are independents. Anyone connected to Trump is not fighting for America. They are fighting for fascism and to turn this country into a dictatorship.

Trump supporters are attacking this country to keep whites in power even as their numbers dwindle. The ones supporting Trump are fascists.

Florida has launched a assault on voting rights, free speech rights, and have become the thought police. The Florida Republican Party is being taken over by Nazis who want to establish a dictatorship.

80% of Americans are not opposed to voter ID.
In a majority society like ours, this makes you the Fascist.

Around 60% believe that voting should be easier. That makes you the fascist. Colorado accepts 16 different forms of ID including bank statements and utility statements. That is not true in Florida. Florida and you are the fascists.
bear513 At the same rate Texan hispanic X going deep blue, it will be a nice trade off dems getting the 30 electoral college votes from texas, while retardicans keep florida with their 20 electoral college votes, the math is simple, and the result is that retardicans will never again win, no matter how many voter restriction laws the get...

View attachment 508472
The only voting restriction any of the Republican laws are focusing on is the restriction of illegal voters and illegal votes. H1-S1, on the other hand, aims to make illegal voting permanent, which disenfranchises all voters. Just say no to H1-S1, the 'rights for fraudulent voters act'.

Republicans cannot point to any illegal votes that were cast. This is about preventing legal voters from exercising their right to vote. H1-S1 is about rolling back the assaults on voting rights.
The uneducated, illegal alien, slave labor Hispanics are attracted to Biden but they are depressing the wages and lowering the standard of living for all the legal immigrants and lower class American workers. Another Biden blunder.

The uneducated are attracted to Trump and Republicans. The standard of living and wages are being driven down by greedy corporations conspiring with Republicans to lower wages and the standard of living. Voters passed a minimum wage hike with 60% of the vote yet Republicans are trying to undermine it.
But you're wicked smaht, right?

Smarter than you are darlink.
The uneducated, illegal alien, slave labor Hispanics are attracted to Biden but they are depressing the wages and lowering the standard of living for all the legal immigrants and lower class American workers. Another Biden blunder.

The uneducated are attracted to Trump and Republicans. The standard of living and wages are being driven down by greedy corporations conspiring with Republicans to lower wages and the standard of living. Voters passed a minimum wage hike with 60% of the vote yet Republicans are trying to undermine it.
But you're wicked smaht, right?

Smarter than you are darlink.
I'm sure you think you're smarter than everyone. Typical liberal.

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