Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch

So why should it be the victim of an attempted robbery to be facing prison time, and not the perpetrator of that attempted robbery?

This teacher belongs in prison; and the young man whose rightful property she tried to steal from him by force, most certainly does not. At least not for this.

If she didn't want to get beaten up, then she should have kept her filthy thieving hands off of property that was not hers.
RETARD ALERT as a teacher she is responsible for what goes on in the room and I assume that a switch and playing games is a BIG NO NO, it sure was when I went to school. She took it away and would have given it back after class. But then no one is accusing you of having any sense or brains.
RETARD ALERT as a teacher she is responsible for what goes on in the room and I assume that a switch and playing games is a BIG NO NO, it sure was when I went to school. She took it away and would have given it back after class. But then no one is accusing you of having any sense or brains.
Ohh look retard disagrees that teachers have the right to take things away from kids in school.
He was robbed, by force.

How is that behavior, on the part of the teacher, acceptable?

And how does the victim of a robbery not have every right to fight back against it?

And how am I “crazy” for taking the side of a robbery victim, against that of the robber?
He wasn’t robbed. The teacher removed a prohibited item. And because a white “oppressor” dared enforce the rules against him, the poor vulnerable victim beat her to a pulp, and continued his pummeling even though she was unconscious.

The savage creature has been charged with aggravated battery, but it really should be attempted murder.
Blaylock, you're smarter than this.

The teacher, IF she did steal it needs to be punished in a court of law, not placed in a morgue.
It's a Nintendo, dude...just a Nintendo.....not really a life or death moment.
But, apparently you think different
I’m pretty sure Blaylock is being sarcastic. He’s mocking the lib attitude.
this is lightweight compared to the attack on the Asian lady in Yonkers NY APT lobby by a nearly 300lb Black (from behind) pummeling 100s' of blows into her dome. Video hidden today unless you sign in to youTube.
This is an event that is past tense, you understand what past tense is? I don't have to justify what is history since it already happened. I do suggest everyone learn self-defense to protect themselves. Policy? What policy makes people violent or it is the person themselves who are violent, maybe it was a possession by a demon or a revenge use by God, who knows?!
Perhaps it's a 'characteristic of the breed'. :omg:
I'm serious.

Assuming the story is as reported, the teacher committed robbery by force against the student.

If you think that this is in any way acceptable, and that the victim of this robbery was wrong for fighting back, then it is you who is one sick individual.

That teacher belongs in jail.
Very likely (bordering on certain) that all of the students in that school and their parents signed an agreement at the beginning of the school year pertaining to technology policies.
Sooo ya think the best way to prevent crime is to kill the most innocent?
Definitely. It worked the last time: after Roe v Wade was enacted, the black crime spree happening then cleared up markedly: it's a well-known statistic.

If they aren't born, they can't become criminals.

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