Florida school district removes ‘Purim Superhero,’ a book about a Jewish kid with 2 dads


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Did the book go into the sex acts of the two dads? If not, it may of been safe to allow that book to remain. Simply having a family with "two" dads is not necessary different than having a dad and an Uncle Charlie. So there are two adult males in the family. The kids don't have to be taught about whether the sex the family member may or may not be having.
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The book got the response that the author wanted.

If the district would have accepted this atrocity, the author would have had to write something even more offensive.

What libs try to do with this kind of thing is to piss off "straight arrows". If they fail to do it sufficiently, they just turn up the heat.
How does art go “too far”? How is that even a question you are asking?

Authors are artists, they can write whatever they want
The kids don't have to be taught about whether the sex the family member may or may not be having.
What the Left is doing with these books and programs is to normalize the idea of "non-traditional" family structures but they also want to indoctrinate children into the idea that gay men and women are just as numerous and mainstream as heteros and it simply isn't true. I'm against discrimination against people due to their sexuality but that doesn't mean I approve of teaching elementary school kids that two men or two women sleeping together is the norm when in fact it's a VERY small minority.

These "educators" know that if they can get into a child's head before they turn 10 or so, they've got them forever.
The "Purim Superhero(s)" are Mordecai and Esther.
Yep... and as usual, the Jews had to defend themselves from the evil policies that were levied against them by others. Iran comes to mind as a modern example. Israel is facing a "go, no-go" decision today where Iran's nukes are concerned. Time is running out and they're going to have to soon choose to go to war to stop Iran, or to try to live with another Islamic bomb, this one aimed at the heart of the nation.
How could someone have two dads?
Anyways, what are you guys think, liberals and conservatives? Are conservatives going too far with these book bannings? Are liberals going too far with these books?
There’s no limit to the neo-fascist authoritarian right’s fear, bigotry, and hate.
oh come on......no republican is burning these vile books for children. They are calling attention to them and saying...they do not belong in school libraries.....and they don't. Now if you want to see actualy book banning...you've got to look at the left and their banning of classics such as Gone with the Wind, To kill a mockingbird and others.

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