Florida bans "The Outsider" by Albert Camus as unsuitable for kids

That book that was turned into a film in 1983 was put in front of me during my freshman year of high school. That was actually the last piece of reading material that I didn't hate as far as what had to be addressed in school.

God bless you and the remaining cast members of the film always!!!


P.S. May Patrick Swayze (Darryl) be with the Lord.

Its been removed from school libraries by Desantis thought police.

Now I read it about 40 years ago and I found it hard work. So I guess that it wouldnt appeal to too many teens. But there will be some who would read it and appreciate what the author was talking about.

But now they will be denied that opportunity.Florida will not be rearing any philosophers any time soon.

It seems that desantis is intent on cultivating a generation of morons.

This is a book written by one of thee major figures of the last century. Le Monde rated it the book of the century. Its been in print since 1942 and translated into every language.

It isnt teaching tots to give blow jobs. The idea that some partisan hack can just cancel it is Maoist in the extreme.

Some day a novel will be written about the Florida book burnings. Ron would ban that on day one.
Why are you concerned about American education? Shouldn't you focus on your own country?

Its been removed from school libraries by Desantis thought police.

Now I read it about 40 years ago and I found it hard work. So I guess that it wouldnt appeal to too many teens. But there will be some who would read it and appreciate what the author was talking about.

But now they will be denied that opportunity.Florida will not be rearing any philosophers any time soon.

It seems that desantis is intent on cultivating a generation of morons.

This is a book written by one of thee major figures of the last century. Le Monde rated it the book of the century. Its been in print since 1942 and translated into every language.

It isnt teaching tots to give blow jobs. The idea that some partisan hack can just cancel it is Maoist in the extreme.

Some day a novel will be written about the Florida book burnings. Ron would ban that on day one.
Maybe you should beach yourself by Miami and someone will pay attention.
A book like that could turn a kid into a socialist, or worse yet, a communist.
I don't like a lot what communist did but neither the fascist. We must teach our kids the goods and bads and work towards better. banning these books puts us at risk of repeating the same idiocy.
The Government schools ban the Holy Bible, why shouldn't this work be banned as well? Some people might find it offensive.

Should schools ban works by Levin or Limbaugh as well?
Should schools have a library? If so, what is approved?

Its been removed from school libraries by Desantis thought police.

Now I read it about 40 years ago and I found it hard work. So I guess that it wouldnt appeal to too many teens. But there will be some who would read it and appreciate what the author was talking about.

But now they will be denied that opportunity.Florida will not be rearing any philosophers any time soon.

It seems that desantis is intent on cultivating a generation of morons.

This is a book written by one of thee major figures of the last century. Le Monde rated it the book of the century. Its been in print since 1942 and translated into every language.
I haven't read the book, so I can be completely neutral as to whether it should be in a school library or not.

I can fall back on the principle that taxpayers fund public libraries and they have a right to decide what books are kept in them. To the American Library Association taxpayer and parent input into library materials is an anathema, so they write overwrought articles about "bookburning."

If the representatives of the taxpayers find "The Outsider" by Camus not worthy to be in their publicly funded library, it will not be there. That's how it works, Tommy.
It isnt teaching tots to give blow jobs.
Well praise Allah for small favors then. I'm surprised you ever read it if it wasn't about kid blow jobs.
The idea that some partisan hack can just cancel it is Maoist in the extreme.
What is the difference between a partisan hack and a duly elected public official? I'm guessing you find the two synonymous?
Some day a novel will be written about the Florida book burnings. Ron would ban that on day one.
What is the most common means of lighting the fire in these book burnings? Matches, lighters, or rubbing two sticks together?
American idiocy tends to drift over here in some form, Nobody wants to see the spread of fascism.
I never criticize your shitty country so please don't bother to criticize mine. America is the greatest nation on earth while England is fading fast.

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