Florida bans "The Outsider" by Albert Camus as unsuitable for kids

That's about as dumb as you are.
Imagine if a liberal had removed this book. They'd be called "woke".

It's funny how they do the same thing that they complain about, but don't see the problem when they do it.
It would be hilarious if it wasnt so sinister. Get shot in class and that is the price of freedom. But you must be protected from ideas that differ from your rulers.

Its been removed from school libraries by Desantis thought police.

Now I read it about 40 years ago and I found it hard work. So I guess that it wouldnt appeal to too many teens. But there will be some who would read it and appreciate what the author was talking about.

But now they will be denied that opportunity.Florida will not be rearing any philosophers any time soon.

It seems that desantis is intent on cultivating a generation of morons.

This is a book written by one of thee major figures of the last century. Le Monde rated it the book of the century. Its been in print since 1942 and translated into every language.

It isnt teaching tots to give blow jobs. The idea that some partisan hack can just cancel it is Maoist in the extreme.

Some day a novel will be written about the Florida book burnings. Ron would ban that on day one.
Stop the fucking histrionics

Kids can still get the book at the public library or online and can probably read it for free on Amazon

And you really should worry about your own country that actually criminalizes the possession of the "wrong" books"
Stop the fucking histrionics

Kids can still get the book at the public library or online and can probably read it for free on Amazon

And you really should worry about your own country that actually criminalizes the possession of the "wrong" books"
I can see that this fascism is embarressing for you. You are right to be angry.
I can see that this fascism is embarressing for you. You are right to be angry.

It's one state public school system not the entire country you TWAT.

No one is getting prison sentences in the US for reading the "wrong " books can you say the same about your little country?
It's one state public school system not the entire country you TWAT.

No one is getting prison sentences in the US for reading the "wrong " books can you say the same about your little country?
Librarians are facing jail for giving out these books.Tell me more about your freedom.
So there are no Muslim child rapists? We should never talk about child rape because it will "unfairly depict" any group as "child rapists"?

I've not read the book, though it does talk about sexual assault on the main character's friend. I'd assume this is why they banned it.
The question here is, should kids be aware of what sexual assault is, should they know if someone is doing it to them or not?
I'd say yes.
However the right have a tendency of wanting to protect kids from the real world, happens in most religions on the right. They think these kids will be protected.... same as when they don't want sex ed classes. All that happens is more cases of teenage pregnancies, more cases of teenage STDs and the like. But the right don't care. They're "Protecting" these kids..... apparently.
Yes all groups and types of people have child rapists in their numbers if the group is large enough. The Kite Runner might well be a students first novel with Muslim main characters so it could easily create a negative perception of a whole group.

Yes children certainly need to know about child rape, considering the lengths to which Democrats are going to facilitate that crime. But they don't need to read about it in a novel. They need explicit instructions on how to avoid being victims.

Obviously, an important part of that would be to never trust an adult who asks them to keep a secret or offers to keep a secret for them.
Yes all groups and types of people have child rapists in their numbers if the group is large enough. The Kite Runner might well be a students first novel with Muslim main characters so it could easily create a negative perception of a whole group.

Yes children certainly need to know about child rape, considering the lengths to which Democrats are going to facilitate that crime. But they don't need to read about it in a novel. They need explicit instructions on how to avoid being victims.

Obviously, an important part of that would be to never trust an adult who asks them to keep a secret or offers to keep a secret for them.

You think the people who will hate Muslims at a drop of a hat, are the ones protecting Muslims by stopping kids coming across such a thing? Not a chance.

And I don't see Democrats facilitating child rape either.
You think the people who will hate Muslims at a drop of a hat, are the ones protecting Muslims by stopping kids coming across such a thing? Not a chance.
I'm not sure what your evidence is that the people who decided that Kite Runner was not a book that needed to be shelved in a particular library "will hate Muslims at a drop of a hat."
And I don't see Democrats facilitating child rape either.
At least two children that we know of were raped in the girls bathroom in two different high schools by a biological male who claimed to be non-binary. Letting him into that bathroom facilitated child rape. Covering up the first child rape facilitated the second. It was Democrats who let that happen.
I'm not sure what your evidence is that the people who decided that Kite Runner was not a book that needed to be shelved in a particular library "will hate Muslims at a drop of a hat."

At least two children that we know of were raped in the girls bathroom in two different high schools by a biological male who claimed to be non-binary. Letting him into that bathroom facilitated child rape. Covering up the first child rape facilitated the second. It was Democrats who let that happen.

Let's see, shall we?

The librarians are complying with laws passed by the state of Florida. In order to pass such laws it'll go through the Florida House of Representatives. This House is majority Republican, 84 to 35. It'll also pass through the Florida Senate. This House is majority Republican, 28 to 12. It'll also have to be signed by the governor, Ron DeSantis, who happens to be REPUBLICAN.

So, if a law wants to be passed, it gets passed by the REPUBLICANS.

We can look at the support for the Iraq War in 2003. Republicans were far more likely to support the war. I remember having a Muslim friend from Michigan who was bullied for wearing a headscarf after 9/11, why? Because the Bush administration was pushing an anti-Islam sentiment in order to get people to support that war.

Republicans were the biggest supporters of Trump's "Muslim ban" which didn't ban all Muslims, it didn't ban Muslims from a single country that participated in 9/11, but targeted only Muslim countries until it got slapped down and they had to add countries like Venezuela to it so it wasn't a "Muslim ban" any more. Just a "Muslim plus some other countries we had to put on there ban"

From 2015, older people were more likely to be Islamophobic, Republicans more likely to be Islamophobic than Democrats, white people more likely to be Islamophobic than other races.
A white, male Republican who is older is more likely to be Islamophobic.

Do you think allowing genetically born males in girls bathroom suddenly turned these kids into rapists? Do you think rape wouldn't have happened if the genetically born boy had been told he couldn't go into the bathroom?
I'm going to assume that there really aren't statistics published on the number of people raped in bathrooms. But I'm also going to assume that a male can walk into a female bathroom without being tazered, or falling over from some magical force field around the door, and go in and rape someone.

Also there's a thing whereby someone takes on a cause, and they make things worse by being extreme about that cause. The more the right wing attack transgender people, the more transgender people fight back, the more support there is on the left for crazy ideas.

The right doesn't come up with sensible ideas for how to deal with transgender people. Starting with mental health issues, the right are far more likely to spend LESS MONEY on such causes. Yet they expect everyone to suddenly get over their mental health issues, and transgender people are more likely to have mental health issues, by a long, long way. You're look at at least half, if not 75% of transgender people having mental health issues that are probably quite serious. And all they get is being attacked by the right.
Let's see, shall we?

The librarians are complying with laws passed by the state of Florida. In order to pass such laws it'll go through the Florida House of Representatives. This House is majority Republican, 84 to 35. It'll also pass through the Florida Senate. This House is majority Republican, 28 to 12. It'll also have to be signed by the governor, Ron DeSantis, who happens to be REPUBLICAN.

So, if a law wants to be passed, it gets passed by the REPUBLICANS.

We can look at the support for the Iraq War in 2003. Republicans were far more likely to support the war. I remember having a Muslim friend from Michigan who was bullied for wearing a headscarf after 9/11, why? Because the Bush administration was pushing an anti-Islam sentiment in order to get people to support that war.

Republicans were the biggest supporters of Trump's "Muslim ban" which didn't ban all Muslims, it didn't ban Muslims from a single country that participated in 9/11, but targeted only Muslim countries until it got slapped down and they had to add countries like Venezuela to it so it wasn't a "Muslim ban" any more. Just a "Muslim plus some other countries we had to put on there ban"

From 2015, older people were more likely to be Islamophobic, Republicans more likely to be Islamophobic than Democrats, white people more likely to be Islamophobic than other races.
A white, male Republican who is older is more likely to be Islamophobic.
I'm glad you had the opportunity to vent your racist stereotype driven partisan anger. Back on topic: What is your evidence that the specific people who selected "The Kite Runner" for exclusion from the school library "will hate Muslims at the drop of a hat?"
Do you think allowing genetically born males in girls bathroom suddenly turned these kids into rapists? Do you think rape wouldn't have happened if the genetically born boy had been told he couldn't go into the bathroom?
It might have happened anyway, or it might not have. Letting him go into the girls bathroom facilitated those rapes. "Facilitated" means "made easier," not "caused."

Don't forget that the school district covered those rapes up, and they are still hiding the results of their tax-funded internal investigation from parents, taxpayers and other parts of the government. How many other rapes have happened that were facilitated by the "use any bathroom you feel like" policies? How can we know, if they are covered up?
I'm going to assume that there really aren't statistics published on the number of people raped in bathrooms. But I'm also going to assume that a male can walk into a female bathroom without being tazered, or falling over from some magical force field around the door, and go in and rape someone.
Yes, you have defeated that strawman well!
Also there's a thing whereby someone takes on a cause, and they make things worse by being extreme about that cause. The more the right wing attack transgender people, the more transgender people fight back, the more support there is on the left for crazy ideas.
So, the Democrats are in the thrall of the right wing? They can't help themselves, because Republicans are mean for not wanting girls to be raped and not wanting children to have healthy body parts removed?
The right doesn't come up with sensible ideas for how to deal with transgender people. Starting with mental health issues, the right are far more likely to spend LESS MONEY on such causes. Yet they expect everyone to suddenly get over their mental health issues, and transgender people are more likely to have mental health issues, by a long, long way. You're look at at least half, if not 75% of transgender people having mental health issues that are probably quite serious. And all they get is being attacked by the right.
Actually, 100% of transgender people have mental issues. Gender dysphoria is a recognized mental disorder according to the DSM-5. As sufferers of this mental disorder, they are deserving of compassion and help. But it should be real help in accepting themselves as they are, not being fed to the cash generation machine that the transgender industry has become since Obamacare made insurance paying for "gender affirming care" mandatory.

It is true that some "right wingers," are very negative in their view of people with gender dysphoria, but the attitide of the Democrats that they are going to force everyone else to play along with the mental disorder does nothing to reduce that negative attitude.

Most non-Democrat Americans would look favorably on a "leave us alone to do our thing," approach rather than the "it takes a village to raise a child and this village has decided that your so-called boy is really a girl, and you don't get a say in it," approach.

The transgender industry isn't helping people with the mental disorder of gender dsyphoria by encouraging them to chemically and surgically alter their bodies, any more than they would be helping a person with paranoia who believes that his skull has been implanted with electronics by encouraging them to have their skull replaced with a plastic plate to get rid of the imagined devices.

Best thing for a person with gender dysphoria or paranoia would be to help them understand that their body is perfectly fine, and it is their mind that is disordered.
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I'm glad you had the opportunity to vent your racist stereotype driven partisan anger. Back on topic: What is your evidence that the specific people who selected "The Kite Runner" for exclusion from the school library "will hate Muslims at the drop of a hat?"

It might have happened anyway, or it might not have. Letting him go into the girls bathroom facilitated those rapes. "Facilitated" means "made easier," not "caused."

Yes, you have defeated that strawman well!

So, the Democrats are in the thrall of the right wing? They can't help themselves, because Republicans are mean for not wanting girls to be raped not wanting children to have healthy body parts removed?

Actually, 100% of transgender people have mental issues. Gender dysphoria is a recognized mental disorder according to the DSM-5. As sufferers of this mental disorder, they are deserving of compassion and help.

It is true that some "right wingers," are very negative in their view of people with gender dysphoria, but the attitide of the Democrats that they are going to force everyone else to play along with the mental disorder does nothing to reduce that negative attitude.

Most non-Democrat Americans would look favorably on a "leave us alone to do our thing," approach rather than the "it takes a village to raise a child and this village has decided that your so-called boy is really a girl, and you don't get a say in it," approach.

The transgender industry isn't helping people with the mental disorder of gender dsyphoria by encouraging them to chemically and surgically alter their bodies, any more than they would be helping a person with paranoia who believes that his skull has been implanted with electronics by encouraging them to have their skull replaced with a plastic plate to get rid of the imagined devices.

Best thing for a person with gender dysphoria or paranoia would be to help them understand that their body is perfectly fine, and it is their mind that is disordered.

Nah, you lost me with the first comment, not bothering with the rest.
Nah, you lost me with the first comment, not bothering with the rest.
In other words, you read it two or three times, hoping to find something to dispute in my indisputable facts, impecable argument, and spot on preesentation, but failed miserably.

It happens . . .

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