Zone1 FLASHBACK: Raphael Warnock called on America to 'repent Whiteness'

Has America repented?

You're really not acting very bright. I thought I asked this question earlier, "Since he's a pastor, he would very likely mean that "Whiteness" is a sin. What sin(s) do you think he's referring to?" So, if you're asking the stupid question if America has repented, you need to answer what the sin(s) of Whiteness are first.
Reading what he is quoted to have said. Maybe you read the story and see for yourself before asking dumb questions.
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Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., is silent after a resurfaced 2016 clip shows him demanding that those who supported former President Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential run need to "repent" for their "worship of Whiteness."

"No matter what happens next month, more than a third of the nation that would go along with this, is reason to be afraid. America needs to repent for its worship of Whiteness, on full display this season," Warnock said.
And Warnock was right. Nobody needs to explain because you want to whine about something.
You're really not acting very bright. I thought I asked this question earlier, "Since he's a pastor, he would very likely mean that "Whiteness" is a sin. What sin(s) do you think he's referring to?" So, if you're asking the stupid question if America has repented, you need to answer what the sin(s) of Whiteness are first.
You know full well what those sin(s) are.
Every single one of the state senators who voted to ban abortion is white and male. Photograph: Christopher Aluka Berry/Reuters

Erin Durkin and Max Benwell
Tue 14 May 2019 22.52 EDT

Alabama’s new law mandating an almost blanket ban on abortion, the strictest in the United States, was passed by this group of exclusively white, male politicians.
The Alabama law will disproportionately affect black and poor women, because they are more likely to seek abortions, and less likely to have resources to obtain an abortion out-of-state.

Of the 27 Republicans, all white men, that dominate the 35-seat Alabama senate, 25 voted to pass the bill late on Tuesday.

Why should black women be "more likely to seek abortions" ? If they are irresponsible, that should be something THEY should be accountable for, not anybody else.

" almost blanket ban on abortion," sounds good. Good for them.
Warnock reveals his hostility toward whites AND has praised Farrakhan. He is a bigot, and his “blackness” doesn’t excuse it.

11 more days til he is kicked to the curb, Gd willing.
With all due respect (I am not being sarcastic), the Rev. Mr. Warnock should probably avoid saying things like that.

I believe that it was General Robert E. Lee who said something like: "I have noticed that White areas are always bustling with improvements while Black areas are usually deteriorating."

This is now 2022.

Yet it is still the "White areas" that many African Americans want to live in, work in, and in which they want to patronize public accommodations.

Sadly, few people -- of any ethnicity, including many African Americans themselves -- want to be in African American areas.
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With all due respect (I am not being sarcastic), the Rev. Mr. Warnock should probably avoid saying things like that.

I believe that it was General Robert E. Lee who said something like: "I have noticed that White areas are always bustling with improvements while Black areas are usually deteriorating."

This is now 2022.

Yet it is still the "White areas" that many African Americans want to live in, work in, and in which they want to patronize public accommodations.

Sadly, few people -- of any ethnicity, including many African Americans themselves -- want to be in African American areas.
That alone ought to validate the presence (and non-removal) of Robert E. Lee statues.
You know full well what those sin(s) are.
So here you are, blatantly stating that "whiteness" (a term you shouldn't even be referring to - other than to condemn it) is sinful. You are a filthy, disgusting racist of the worst kind. Trashbags like you don't even belong in a decent forum like this .

Get out of here, you racist pig.
If anybody ought to repent anything, it is the racists who have enacted, supported , and promoted Affirmative Action discrimination - the worst racial discrimination in America, victimizing, by far, the largest number of people (whites & Asians).

What a joke to hear them talk about "past discrimination", and constantly batter gullible liberals with OLD newsreels of segregation in the 1950s, so as to project that past era on to today's mentality.

Since almost nobody in 2022 has ever lived through the "past discrimination" of slavery or Jim Crow laws, but millions of people have lived through the 58 years of "past discrimination" of affirmative action, and still suffer from its consequences, that AA discrimination is the "past discrimination" that we should be concerning ourselves with.

Hopefully, on Monday, the Supreme Court will right this longstanding wrong, and rule in favor of the Asian applicants to Harvard, and shoot down this insidious racism against Asians and whites. Too little and far too late, but better late than never.
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Hopefully, on Monday, the Supreme Court will right this longstanding wrong, and rule in favor of the Asian applicants to Harvard, and shoot down this insidious racism against Asians and whites. Too little and far too late, but better late than never.
This is really a tough one.

1. Does the Court have the guts to overturn college affirmative action after its recent abortion decision drove some people to the edge of insanity?

2. And without affirmative action, will people of that particular ethnicity ever be able to enter prestigious universities?

3. They constitute about 14% of the American population. To say that they are not intelligent enough (with a few exceptions) to make it on their own is very hurtful.

4. I will bypass the cultural vs. genetic theory for their poor track record when it comes to college entrance.

5. Personally, I feel we have to be realistic. That is to say, colleges (such as Harvard) should simply establish a quota of students of that ethnicity. Anyway, many of those quota students will eventually drop out before graduation.

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