Flashback Friday. Hillary: “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out.”


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
What an odd thing to say before an election. No wonder Trump assumed the worst in mail out ballots, I know many people did, even on this forum.

Clinton conceded defeat on the night of the election in 2016 but said the shift to mail-in voting due to the coronavirus pandemic means it could take longer to know the winner in November.

She said this year’s election day results might point to Trump having a narrow advantage. But in that case, Clinton said, “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out.”

Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state, was speaking an interview on Showtime’s “The Circus,” a portion of which was released on Tuesday.
On election night, because of the length of time it is going to take to count the mail in ballets. Common sense really.

But, but, Hillary said.......

You guys really do have Hillary up yer asses don't you.
Really no surprise there -
The Democratic Media told everyone to expect President Trump to be ahead on election night but to wind up being behind the next day.

Almost as if it was scripted.
Good lord no!

The country will remain divided, and will never again be what it once was.

It's now the white wokesters and minorities vs what's left of the rest of us.

In a few more decades, minorities with their palms out to the government will be instead the majority with their palms out to the government.

This country and what made us the greatest most poweful nation ever to rise up, is over.
Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state, was speaking an interview on Showtime’s “The Circus,” a portion of which was released on Tuesday.

"Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state, was speaking an interview on Showtime’s “The Circus,” a portion of which was released on Tuesday" Don't you mean to say Clinton who cheated her way throw the primary and gave out our secrets to cover her pay to play criminal past as the democrat shit for brains let her and her husband do for 8 years in the 90's, the same thing. 11 million pages of nuclear secrets and allowing our greedy Congressional Military Industrial Complex to sell China the farm taking his cut from the pie even selling pardons to the lowest criminals. AS DEMOCRATS DROOLED ONLY WANTING TO KNOW WHO'S STAIIN WAS ON THE BLUE DRESS and what 'is' is. I WILL NEVER KNOW WHY PEOPLE TOO STUPID TO SEE OR REALIZED A TRAITOR ARE ALLOWED TO VOTE OR WIPE.

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