Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
So what now? I was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Iraq had no WMDs. I have been quoted that Bush was wrong for going into Iraq for that reason. HOWEVER, this has come to my attention. This seems to be solid proof that Iraq moved it's chemical weapons into Syria in early 2003. So, why do people believe that there were no WMD's? Because they wanted to make Bush look bad when and if the war ended during his presidency.

The media is fond of saying, without question, that there were no WMDs found in Iraq.

This has always been untrue and easily refuted, if media did anything other than parrot the party line.

The question isn’t about whether there were WMDs. The question has been how have we been letting the media get away with misstating the facts for all these years when ample evidence was there.

As the military reported, after we went into Iraq, chemical weapons, facilities and residue were in fact found, and kept being found for years afterward.

Via NY Post from 2010:

There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq after all.

The massive cache of almost 400,000 Iraq war documents released by the WikiLeaks Web site revealed that small amounts of chemical weapons were found in Iraq and continued to surface for years after the 2003 US invasion, Wired magazine reported.

The documents showed that US troops continued to find chemical weapons and labs for years after the invasion, including remnants of Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons arsenal — most of which had been destroyed following the Gulf War.

In August 2004, American troops were able to buy containers from locals of what they thought was liquid sulfur mustard, a blister agent, the documents revealed. The chemicals were triple-sealed and taken to a secure site.

Also in 2004, troops discovered a chemical lab in a house in Fallujah during a battle with insurgents. A chemical cache was also found in the city.

Note here that the present DNI James Clapper said in 2007 that much of the WMDs in Iraq had in fact been shipped to Syria.

This article notes in detail some of the shipments, that were in fact done with the assistance of Russia:

Via IBD from 2012:

War On Terror: As the regime of Bashar Assad disintegrates, the security of his chemical arsenal is in jeopardy. The No. 2 general in Saddam Hussein’s air force says they were the WMDs we didn’t find in Iraq.

King Abdullah of neighboring Jordan warned that a disintegrating Syria on the verge of civil war puts Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons at risk of falling into the hands of al-Qaeda.

“One of the worst-case scenarios as we are obviously trying to look for a political solution would be if some of those chemical stockpiles were to fall into unfriendly hands,” he said.

The irony here is that the chemical weapons stockpile of Syrian thug Assad may in large part be the legacy of weapons moved from Hussein’s Iraq into Syria before Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq | Weasel Zippers
Investors.com is a a bucket of piss poured for consumption by rubes.

Any chemical weapons that may or may not have been taken from Iraq and brought to Syria expired many years ago. Many of the WMDs found in Iraq predate the first Gulf War.

So the claims the chemical weapons Syria has today came from Iraq are bogus.

Syria is a client state of Iran. Remember Iran? "Axis of Evil"? Does it help if I remind you it's that place you all wanted to invade a short while ago? Yeah. Look there for your WMD sources.
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Investors.com is a a bucket of piss poured for consumption by rubes.

Any chemical weapons that may or may not have been taken from Iraq and brought to Syria expired many years ago. Many of the WMDs found in Iraq predate the first Gulf War.

So the claims the chemical weapons Syria has today came from Iraq are bogus.

Syria is a client state of Iran. Remember Iran? "Axis of Evil" ring a bell? It's that place you all wanted to invade a short while ago. Look there for your WMD sources.

Hmm you post no evidence to support your claim. On the other hand:

So you follow up one piss site with another? :lol:

I have posted the evidence many, many times that there is no way the sarin Syria has came from Hussein. This bullshit sarin-came-from-Hussein meme is regurgitated by rubes with memory deficits every few months.

Sarin has only a few months of shelf life. It's precursors have five years of shelf life, at best.
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So you follow up one piss site with another? :lol:

I have posted the evidence many, many times that there is no way the sarin Syria has came from Hussein. Sarin has only a few months of shelf life. It's precursors have five years of shelf life, at best.

You've "posted the evidence many, many times" yet you aren't posting it in any of the threads you are making this contention. Prove your case, troll.
If any of this nonsense were true,

it would make it all the more hypocritical of those who supported the Iraq war now opposing action in Syria.
Nations stockpiling sarin have tried to overcome the problem of its short shelf life in three ways. One way is to lengthen the shelf life of unitary (pure) sarin by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediate chemicals and refining the production process. Another way to increase shelf life is by incorporating a stabilizer chemical. Initially used was tributylamine, but later this was replaced by diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC), which allowed for sarin to be stored in aluminum casings. Finally, stockpiling of sarin can be improved by developing binary chemical weapons, where the two precursor chemicals are stored separately in the same shell, and mixed to form the agent immediately before or when the shell is in flight. This approach has the dual benefit of making the issue of shelf life irrelevant and greatly increasing the safety of sarin munitions. However, experts do not put the shelf life of this type of weapon past 5 years.

Sarin - New World Encyclopedia
And g5 I A'd in Chemistry.

You can solve the short shelf life by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediates and incorporating stabilizers such as tributylamine. This not only solves the issue of stability, it also drastically increases its shelf life. In some cases you can replace tributylamine with diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC) which allows it to be stored indefinitely in aluminum canisters. You can also solve the life and stability issues by storing two precursors separately in a shell and mixed to form while in flight. By not mixing the precursors beforehand, you can extend the shelf life of Sarin by a factor of 10.

That short shelf life crap is bullshit g5. Sorry. They solved this problem way back in the 1950's and 60's by using binary munitions.
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If any of this nonsense were true,

it would make it all the more hypocritical of those who supported the Iraq war now opposing action in Syria.

Well, the folks still crying Saddam hid his womd in Syria are hypocrites. Wolfowitz and Powell have laid it to bed long ago, and the real push on Iraq was regieme channge, and the only possible justification they could agree to was womd, and the bushii admin was flat out flabbergasted no womd existed, and they'd naively bought evidence (and in the case of cheney and ladeen) cynically fabricated to lie us into war.

However, that said, it's still possible to think that the use of chem weapons on civilians requires some punishment aimed at destroying at least part of the capability to do it again. And, yes Obama is incompetent in that he drew a line, and let Assad step over and spit on his face ... and did nothing. But, personally, I do not trust the intelligence services to tell the truth about the use of chem weapons. I don't know that the rebels used them or if Assad used them.

And the notion of regieme change is as bad here as in Iraq. Neither side has any interest in democracy. The bushii admin thought an Iraqi middle class would jump up, shower us with roses and sing Yankee Doodle. The syria folks make the Iraqis look like boy scouts. McCain is nuts.
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And g5 I A'd in Chemistry.

You can solve the short shelf life by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediates and incorporating stabilizers such as tributylamine. This not only solves the issue of stability, it also drastically increases its shelf life. In some cases you can replace tributylamine with diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC) which allows it to be stored indefinitely in aluminum canisters. You can also solve the life and stability issues by storing two precursors separately in a shell and mixed to form while in flight. By not mixing the precursors beforehand, you can extend the shelf life of Sarin by a factor of 10.

That short shelf life crap is bullshit g5. Sorry. They solved this problem way back in the 1950's and 60's by using binary munitions.

Beat you to it. See post 8, genius.

However, experts do not put the shelf life of this type of weapon past 5 years.

You get an F-.
Nations stockpiling sarin have tried to overcome the problem of its short shelf life in three ways. One way is to lengthen the shelf life of unitary (pure) sarin by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediate chemicals and refining the production process. Another way to increase shelf life is by incorporating a stabilizer chemical. Initially used was tributylamine, but later this was replaced by diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC), which allowed for sarin to be stored in aluminum casings. Finally, stockpiling of sarin can be improved by developing binary chemical weapons, where the two precursor chemicals are stored separately in the same shell, and mixed to form the agent immediately before or when the shell is in flight. This approach has the dual benefit of making the issue of shelf life irrelevant and greatly increasing the safety of sarin munitions. However, experts do not put the shelf life of this type of weapon past 5 years.

Sarin - New World Encyclopedia

I investigated that link, g5, there is no link or footnote supporting the assertion that it's shelf life is only 5 years. It is an unsupported assertion, not even telling me who these experts are, and what their qualifications are. This website on it's own isn't even a credible as a peer reviewed source!

What are you trying to pull?
Nations stockpiling sarin have tried to overcome the problem of its short shelf life in three ways. One way is to lengthen the shelf life of unitary (pure) sarin by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediate chemicals and refining the production process. Another way to increase shelf life is by incorporating a stabilizer chemical. Initially used was tributylamine, but later this was replaced by diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC), which allowed for sarin to be stored in aluminum casings. Finally, stockpiling of sarin can be improved by developing binary chemical weapons, where the two precursor chemicals are stored separately in the same shell, and mixed to form the agent immediately before or when the shell is in flight. This approach has the dual benefit of making the issue of shelf life irrelevant and greatly increasing the safety of sarin munitions. However, experts do not put the shelf life of this type of weapon past 5 years.

Sarin - New World Encyclopedia

I investigated that link, g5, there is no link or footnote supporting the assertion that it's shelf life is only 5 years. It is an unsupported assertion, not even telling me who these experts are, and what their qualifications are. This website on it's own isn't even a credible as a peer reviewed source!

What are you trying to pull?

What are YOU trying to pull? You read a Wiki site and tried to pretend you knew something about chemistry.

You get an F-.
It is funny how hard some people are trying to get Iran off the hook by making up shit about Syria's WMDs coming from Iraq.

There is ZERO evidence Syria's sarin came from Iraq.


Chemistry-boi, finding a drum of blister agent in the sand in 2005 does not magically transform Syria's sarin into Iraqi sarin.
So what now? I was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Iraq had no WMDs. I have been quoted that Bush was wrong for going into Iraq for that reason. HOWEVER, this has come to my attention. This seems to be solid proof that Iraq moved it's chemical weapons into Syria in early 2003.

Yeah, interesting point --- I actually can remember when people were saying that was going on, large truck caravans heading into Syria.

I don't think we can know what happened there.

I think it's generally assumed now that these chemical weapons are supplied and sold to the Syrians by the Russians.

Still, it's an interesting possibility.
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It is funny how hard some people are trying to get Iran off the hook by making up shit about Syria's WMDs coming from Iraq.

There is ZERO evidence Syria's sarin came from Iraq.


Chemistry-boi, finding a drum of blister agent in the sand in 2005 does not magically transform Syria's sarin into Iraqi sarin.

Then where, oh were did they get it, smartass?

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