Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for left-wing rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end in 2020.

Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos (legalinsurrection.com)
9 Jan 2021 ~~ By Stacy Matthews

On Thursday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris used their platforms as the next POTUS and VPOTUS of the United States to gaslight the American people with their dishonest comparison of Wednesday’s Capitol Hill riots to the Antifa/Black Lives Matter looting and riots that happened in Democrat-run cities for over six months in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.
Biden threw gasoline on the fire by proclaiming that “No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol.”
Harris did her part in lighting a match as well, declaring that “We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capitol, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protesters last summer.”
In reality, in most instances the radicals in BLM and Antifa were allowed to get away with their heinous actions last year, even being treated as heroes by the mainstream press and Democrats – some of whom, like Harris and the Biden campaign, promoted their bail funds.
Here’s a look back through the Legal Insurrection archives at the protest violence and other dangerous activities that occurred during an over six-month period of time here in America in 2020 courtesy of the left-wing extremists in Antifa and BLM:
MSNBC Reporter Describes Minneapolis “Protest” as “Not, Generally Speaking, Unruly” as He Stands in Front of Burning Building
Mob Throws Statue of Hans Christian Heg, Abolitionist, Into Lake Monona
It’s Going Down: Seattle Surrenders a Police Station and Four City Blocks to Antifa
America Under Attack: Riots and Looting Nationwide
Portland Rioters Set Fire to Bloody Pig’s Head With Cop’s Hat on U.S. Flag
Man Violently Attacked in Portland: “I was stabbed for being a conservative journalist”
Media, Portland Mayor Mischaracterize Assault on Federal Courthouse as “Protests”
Sen. Rand Paul and others attacked by DC mobs after leaving Trump speech
Kenosha, WI Under Siege By Antifa/BLM Rioters
Riot First, Asks Questions Later: Minneapolis Looting Sparked By False Report Of Police Shooting
DC BLM Mob Harasses White Diners, Demanding They Raise Fists In Solidarity
Portland Rioters Wheel Guillotine Through Suburbs, Execute American Flag
Report: Seattle Rioters Tried to Burn Police Officers Alive By Sealing Precinct Door Shut
Portland: BLM Mob Causes Man to Crash, Beats Him Unconscious
‘Peaceful Protesters’ in Portland Set Fire to County Government Building
Chicago Looters Attack Ronald McDonald House
Over 100 People Arrested in Chicago Overnight Amid Rampant Rioting and Looting
Louisville, Other Cities Struck by Violence, Riots for Second Night After Breonna Taylor Decision
BLM Protesters Target Georgetown CVS Because Employees Called Police on Shoplifters
Two Los Angeles County Deputies Shot; BLM Chants “We Hope They Die” Outside Hospital
Black Lives Matter Rioters Ransack Rochester, NY
‘Peaceful Protests’ Push St. Louis, Portland Mayors Out of Their Homes
National Guard Deployed to Philadelphia After Violence, Looting Explodes for the Second Night
Pro-Trump Rally Attacked In Liberal Ithaca (NY)
BLM Rioters Damage Homes, Stores in Wisconsin After DA Won’t Charge Cop in Fatal Shooting
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s unquestionably that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for BLM and Antifa rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end, took over entire city blocks and police precincts, and threw incendiary devices at federal courthouses while Democrats and the media enthusiastically eggedthem on and gaslit the country on a regular basis as the fires raged.
Democrats and the media coddled Antifa/BLM rioters at a time when stepping up and speaking out strongly against them might have made a difference. Republicans not only repeatedly condemned last year’s looting and riots, but did the same with the Capitol Hill violence that happened earlier this week.
That’s something to remember the next time anyone on the left or in the media tries to pretend they have any moral high ground here. They most certainly do not.

The dollar value of damage caused by Trump supporting mostly peaceful protestors in DC over the course of a few hours on Jan 6 — probably less than 100k to replace broken windows, at the prices government pays.
Dollar value of damage cause by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats supporting Antifa-BLM mostly "Fiery Peaceful Riots" over the course of several months in hundreds of cities accross the US — at least hundreds of billions. That does not include the stabbings and executions of bystanders and executions by Antifa memebrs.

Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for left-wing rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end in 2020.

Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos (legalinsurrection.com)
9 Jan 2021 ~~ By Stacy Matthews

On Thursday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris used their platforms as the next POTUS and VPOTUS of the United States to gaslight the American people with their dishonest comparison of Wednesday’s Capitol Hill riots to the Antifa/Black Lives Matter looting and riots that happened in Democrat-run cities for over six months in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.
Biden threw gasoline on the fire by proclaiming that “No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol.”
Harris did her part in lighting a match as well, declaring that “We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capitol, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protesters last summer.”
In reality, in most instances the radicals in BLM and Antifa were allowed to get away with their heinous actions last year, even being treated as heroes by the mainstream press and Democrats – some of whom, like Harris and the Biden campaign, promoted their bail funds.
Here’s a look back through the Legal Insurrection archives at the protest violence and other dangerous activities that occurred during an over six-month period of time here in America in 2020 courtesy of the left-wing extremists in Antifa and BLM:
MSNBC Reporter Describes Minneapolis “Protest” as “Not, Generally Speaking, Unruly” as He Stands in Front of Burning Building
Mob Throws Statue of Hans Christian Heg, Abolitionist, Into Lake Monona
It’s Going Down: Seattle Surrenders a Police Station and Four City Blocks to Antifa
America Under Attack: Riots and Looting Nationwide
Portland Rioters Set Fire to Bloody Pig’s Head With Cop’s Hat on U.S. Flag
Man Violently Attacked in Portland: “I was stabbed for being a conservative journalist”
Media, Portland Mayor Mischaracterize Assault on Federal Courthouse as “Protests”
Sen. Rand Paul and others attacked by DC mobs after leaving Trump speech
Kenosha, WI Under Siege By Antifa/BLM Rioters
Riot First, Asks Questions Later: Minneapolis Looting Sparked By False Report Of Police Shooting
DC BLM Mob Harasses White Diners, Demanding They Raise Fists In Solidarity
Portland Rioters Wheel Guillotine Through Suburbs, Execute American Flag
Report: Seattle Rioters Tried to Burn Police Officers Alive By Sealing Precinct Door Shut
Portland: BLM Mob Causes Man to Crash, Beats Him Unconscious
‘Peaceful Protesters’ in Portland Set Fire to County Government Building
Chicago Looters Attack Ronald McDonald House
Over 100 People Arrested in Chicago Overnight Amid Rampant Rioting and Looting
Louisville, Other Cities Struck by Violence, Riots for Second Night After Breonna Taylor Decision
BLM Protesters Target Georgetown CVS Because Employees Called Police on Shoplifters
Two Los Angeles County Deputies Shot; BLM Chants “We Hope They Die” Outside Hospital
Black Lives Matter Rioters Ransack Rochester, NY
‘Peaceful Protests’ Push St. Louis, Portland Mayors Out of Their Homes
National Guard Deployed to Philadelphia After Violence, Looting Explodes for the Second Night
Pro-Trump Rally Attacked In Liberal Ithaca (NY)
BLM Rioters Damage Homes, Stores in Wisconsin After DA Won’t Charge Cop in Fatal Shooting
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s unquestionably that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for BLM and Antifa rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end, took over entire city blocks and police precincts, and threw incendiary devices at federal courthouses while Democrats and the media enthusiastically eggedthem on and gaslit the country on a regular basis as the fires raged.
Democrats and the media coddled Antifa/BLM rioters at a time when stepping up and speaking out strongly against them might have made a difference. Republicans not only repeatedly condemned last year’s looting and riots, but did the same with the Capitol Hill violence that happened earlier this week.
That’s something to remember the next time anyone on the left or in the media tries to pretend they have any moral high ground here. They most certainly do not.

The dollar value of damage caused by Trump supporting mostly peaceful protestors in DC over the course of a few hours on Jan 6 — probably less than 100k to replace broken windows, at the prices government pays.
Dollar value of damage cause by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats supporting Antifa-BLM mostly "Fiery Peaceful Riots" over the course of several months in hundreds of cities accross the US — at least hundreds of billions. That does not include the stabbings and executions of bystanders and executions by Antifa memebrs.

Sad how we're constantly asked to consider irrelevancies, just so the attention can be diverted from Trump. Sorry, ain't happenin'. His actions were a whole order of magnitude more odious than anything Antifa/BLM did. While rioting and arson may be bad, sedition is much worse.
Look to the cop that kneeled on George Floyd's neck for over 9 mins for all on TV to see. All these deaths are on his hands.

It not even close to sedition is what happened at the capital and has been happening at the Democratic capitals.
Disproved argument. George Floyd would have died of a fentanyl OD, knee or no knee. The riots were arranged and condoned and supported by the DNC and YOU democrat shills.
Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for left-wing rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end in 2020.

Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos (legalinsurrection.com)
9 Jan 2021 ~~ By Stacy Matthews

On Thursday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris used their platforms as the next POTUS and VPOTUS of the United States to gaslight the American people with their dishonest comparison of Wednesday’s Capitol Hill riots to the Antifa/Black Lives Matter looting and riots that happened in Democrat-run cities for over six months in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.
Biden threw gasoline on the fire by proclaiming that “No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol.”
Harris did her part in lighting a match as well, declaring that “We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capitol, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protesters last summer.”
In reality, in most instances the radicals in BLM and Antifa were allowed to get away with their heinous actions last year, even being treated as heroes by the mainstream press and Democrats – some of whom, like Harris and the Biden campaign, promoted their bail funds.
Here’s a look back through the Legal Insurrection archives at the protest violence and other dangerous activities that occurred during an over six-month period of time here in America in 2020 courtesy of the left-wing extremists in Antifa and BLM:
MSNBC Reporter Describes Minneapolis “Protest” as “Not, Generally Speaking, Unruly” as He Stands in Front of Burning Building
Mob Throws Statue of Hans Christian Heg, Abolitionist, Into Lake Monona
It’s Going Down: Seattle Surrenders a Police Station and Four City Blocks to Antifa
America Under Attack: Riots and Looting Nationwide
Portland Rioters Set Fire to Bloody Pig’s Head With Cop’s Hat on U.S. Flag
Man Violently Attacked in Portland: “I was stabbed for being a conservative journalist”
Media, Portland Mayor Mischaracterize Assault on Federal Courthouse as “Protests”
Sen. Rand Paul and others attacked by DC mobs after leaving Trump speech
Kenosha, WI Under Siege By Antifa/BLM Rioters
Riot First, Asks Questions Later: Minneapolis Looting Sparked By False Report Of Police Shooting
DC BLM Mob Harasses White Diners, Demanding They Raise Fists In Solidarity
Portland Rioters Wheel Guillotine Through Suburbs, Execute American Flag
Report: Seattle Rioters Tried to Burn Police Officers Alive By Sealing Precinct Door Shut
Portland: BLM Mob Causes Man to Crash, Beats Him Unconscious
‘Peaceful Protesters’ in Portland Set Fire to County Government Building
Chicago Looters Attack Ronald McDonald House
Over 100 People Arrested in Chicago Overnight Amid Rampant Rioting and Looting
Louisville, Other Cities Struck by Violence, Riots for Second Night After Breonna Taylor Decision
BLM Protesters Target Georgetown CVS Because Employees Called Police on Shoplifters
Two Los Angeles County Deputies Shot; BLM Chants “We Hope They Die” Outside Hospital
Black Lives Matter Rioters Ransack Rochester, NY
‘Peaceful Protests’ Push St. Louis, Portland Mayors Out of Their Homes
National Guard Deployed to Philadelphia After Violence, Looting Explodes for the Second Night
Pro-Trump Rally Attacked In Liberal Ithaca (NY)
BLM Rioters Damage Homes, Stores in Wisconsin After DA Won’t Charge Cop in Fatal Shooting
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s unquestionably that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for BLM and Antifa rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end, took over entire city blocks and police precincts, and threw incendiary devices at federal courthouses while Democrats and the media enthusiastically eggedthem on and gaslit the country on a regular basis as the fires raged.
Democrats and the media coddled Antifa/BLM rioters at a time when stepping up and speaking out strongly against them might have made a difference. Republicans not only repeatedly condemned last year’s looting and riots, but did the same with the Capitol Hill violence that happened earlier this week.
That’s something to remember the next time anyone on the left or in the media tries to pretend they have any moral high ground here. They most certainly do not.

The dollar value of damage caused by Trump supporting mostly peaceful protestors in DC over the course of a few hours on Jan 6 — probably less than 100k to replace broken windows, at the prices government pays.
Dollar value of damage cause by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats supporting Antifa-BLM mostly "Fiery Peaceful Riots" over the course of several months in hundreds of cities accross the US — at least hundreds of billions. That does not include the stabbings and executions of bystanders and executions by Antifa memebrs.

Doing your best to divert from Jan 6th I see....
Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for left-wing rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end in 2020.

Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos (legalinsurrection.com)
9 Jan 2021 ~~ By Stacy Matthews

On Thursday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris used their platforms as the next POTUS and VPOTUS of the United States to gaslight the American people with their dishonest comparison of Wednesday’s Capitol Hill riots to the Antifa/Black Lives Matter looting and riots that happened in Democrat-run cities for over six months in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.
Biden threw gasoline on the fire by proclaiming that “No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol.”
Harris did her part in lighting a match as well, declaring that “We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capitol, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protesters last summer.”
In reality, in most instances the radicals in BLM and Antifa were allowed to get away with their heinous actions last year, even being treated as heroes by the mainstream press and Democrats – some of whom, like Harris and the Biden campaign, promoted their bail funds.
Here’s a look back through the Legal Insurrection archives at the protest violence and other dangerous activities that occurred during an over six-month period of time here in America in 2020 courtesy of the left-wing extremists in Antifa and BLM:
MSNBC Reporter Describes Minneapolis “Protest” as “Not, Generally Speaking, Unruly” as He Stands in Front of Burning Building
Mob Throws Statue of Hans Christian Heg, Abolitionist, Into Lake Monona
It’s Going Down: Seattle Surrenders a Police Station and Four City Blocks to Antifa
America Under Attack: Riots and Looting Nationwide
Portland Rioters Set Fire to Bloody Pig’s Head With Cop’s Hat on U.S. Flag
Man Violently Attacked in Portland: “I was stabbed for being a conservative journalist”
Media, Portland Mayor Mischaracterize Assault on Federal Courthouse as “Protests”
Sen. Rand Paul and others attacked by DC mobs after leaving Trump speech
Kenosha, WI Under Siege By Antifa/BLM Rioters
Riot First, Asks Questions Later: Minneapolis Looting Sparked By False Report Of Police Shooting
DC BLM Mob Harasses White Diners, Demanding They Raise Fists In Solidarity
Portland Rioters Wheel Guillotine Through Suburbs, Execute American Flag
Report: Seattle Rioters Tried to Burn Police Officers Alive By Sealing Precinct Door Shut
Portland: BLM Mob Causes Man to Crash, Beats Him Unconscious
‘Peaceful Protesters’ in Portland Set Fire to County Government Building
Chicago Looters Attack Ronald McDonald House
Over 100 People Arrested in Chicago Overnight Amid Rampant Rioting and Looting
Louisville, Other Cities Struck by Violence, Riots for Second Night After Breonna Taylor Decision
BLM Protesters Target Georgetown CVS Because Employees Called Police on Shoplifters
Two Los Angeles County Deputies Shot; BLM Chants “We Hope They Die” Outside Hospital
Black Lives Matter Rioters Ransack Rochester, NY
‘Peaceful Protests’ Push St. Louis, Portland Mayors Out of Their Homes
National Guard Deployed to Philadelphia After Violence, Looting Explodes for the Second Night
Pro-Trump Rally Attacked In Liberal Ithaca (NY)
BLM Rioters Damage Homes, Stores in Wisconsin After DA Won’t Charge Cop in Fatal Shooting
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s unquestionably that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for BLM and Antifa rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end, took over entire city blocks and police precincts, and threw incendiary devices at federal courthouses while Democrats and the media enthusiastically eggedthem on and gaslit the country on a regular basis as the fires raged.
Democrats and the media coddled Antifa/BLM rioters at a time when stepping up and speaking out strongly against them might have made a difference. Republicans not only repeatedly condemned last year’s looting and riots, but did the same with the Capitol Hill violence that happened earlier this week.
That’s something to remember the next time anyone on the left or in the media tries to pretend they have any moral high ground here. They most certainly do not.

The dollar value of damage caused by Trump supporting mostly peaceful protestors in DC over the course of a few hours on Jan 6 — probably less than 100k to replace broken windows, at the prices government pays.
Dollar value of damage cause by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats supporting Antifa-BLM mostly "Fiery Peaceful Riots" over the course of several months in hundreds of cities accross the US — at least hundreds of billions. That does not include the stabbings and executions of bystanders and executions by Antifa memebrs.

Sad how we're constantly asked to consider irrelevancies, just so the attention can be diverted from Trump. Sorry, ain't happenin'. His actions were a whole order of magnitude more odious than anything Antifa/BLM did. While rioting and arson may be bad, sedition is much worse.

Are you claiming that the insurrection, sedition, violence and burning of cities since May 2020 by Antifa and BLM are irrelevant to to what happened in Washington DC on Jan 6th?
Trump specifically called for peaceful protesting, whereas Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats including Kameltoe Harris and Pelosi urged and financed their terrorist front of Antifa/BLM to burn, loot, destroy cities and murder people across the United States.

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Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for left-wing rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end in 2020.

Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos (legalinsurrection.com)
9 Jan 2021 ~~ By Stacy Matthews

On Thursday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris used their platforms as the next POTUS and VPOTUS of the United States to gaslight the American people with their dishonest comparison of Wednesday’s Capitol Hill riots to the Antifa/Black Lives Matter looting and riots that happened in Democrat-run cities for over six months in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.
Biden threw gasoline on the fire by proclaiming that “No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol.”
Harris did her part in lighting a match as well, declaring that “We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capitol, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protesters last summer.”
In reality, in most instances the radicals in BLM and Antifa were allowed to get away with their heinous actions last year, even being treated as heroes by the mainstream press and Democrats – some of whom, like Harris and the Biden campaign, promoted their bail funds.
Here’s a look back through the Legal Insurrection archives at the protest violence and other dangerous activities that occurred during an over six-month period of time here in America in 2020 courtesy of the left-wing extremists in Antifa and BLM:
MSNBC Reporter Describes Minneapolis “Protest” as “Not, Generally Speaking, Unruly” as He Stands in Front of Burning Building
Mob Throws Statue of Hans Christian Heg, Abolitionist, Into Lake Monona
It’s Going Down: Seattle Surrenders a Police Station and Four City Blocks to Antifa
America Under Attack: Riots and Looting Nationwide
Portland Rioters Set Fire to Bloody Pig’s Head With Cop’s Hat on U.S. Flag
Man Violently Attacked in Portland: “I was stabbed for being a conservative journalist”
Media, Portland Mayor Mischaracterize Assault on Federal Courthouse as “Protests”
Sen. Rand Paul and others attacked by DC mobs after leaving Trump speech
Kenosha, WI Under Siege By Antifa/BLM Rioters
Riot First, Asks Questions Later: Minneapolis Looting Sparked By False Report Of Police Shooting
DC BLM Mob Harasses White Diners, Demanding They Raise Fists In Solidarity
Portland Rioters Wheel Guillotine Through Suburbs, Execute American Flag
Report: Seattle Rioters Tried to Burn Police Officers Alive By Sealing Precinct Door Shut
Portland: BLM Mob Causes Man to Crash, Beats Him Unconscious
‘Peaceful Protesters’ in Portland Set Fire to County Government Building
Chicago Looters Attack Ronald McDonald House
Over 100 People Arrested in Chicago Overnight Amid Rampant Rioting and Looting
Louisville, Other Cities Struck by Violence, Riots for Second Night After Breonna Taylor Decision
BLM Protesters Target Georgetown CVS Because Employees Called Police on Shoplifters
Two Los Angeles County Deputies Shot; BLM Chants “We Hope They Die” Outside Hospital
Black Lives Matter Rioters Ransack Rochester, NY
‘Peaceful Protests’ Push St. Louis, Portland Mayors Out of Their Homes
National Guard Deployed to Philadelphia After Violence, Looting Explodes for the Second Night
Pro-Trump Rally Attacked In Liberal Ithaca (NY)
BLM Rioters Damage Homes, Stores in Wisconsin After DA Won’t Charge Cop in Fatal Shooting
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s unquestionably that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for BLM and Antifa rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end, took over entire city blocks and police precincts, and threw incendiary devices at federal courthouses while Democrats and the media enthusiastically eggedthem on and gaslit the country on a regular basis as the fires raged.
Democrats and the media coddled Antifa/BLM rioters at a time when stepping up and speaking out strongly against them might have made a difference. Republicans not only repeatedly condemned last year’s looting and riots, but did the same with the Capitol Hill violence that happened earlier this week.
That’s something to remember the next time anyone on the left or in the media tries to pretend they have any moral high ground here. They most certainly do not.

The dollar value of damage caused by Trump supporting mostly peaceful protestors in DC over the course of a few hours on Jan 6 — probably less than 100k to replace broken windows, at the prices government pays.
Dollar value of damage cause by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats supporting Antifa-BLM mostly "Fiery Peaceful Riots" over the course of several months in hundreds of cities accross the US — at least hundreds of billions. That does not include the stabbings and executions of bystanders and executions by Antifa memebrs.


The violence was horrible.

What was also horrible was the indifference of the local authorities.

And what is doubly horrible is that those authorities will be reelected by the voters.

Those authorities do not care a bit about the good people in their cities, only about groups that make a lucrative living by yelling the R-word!
Look to the cop that kneeled on George Floyd's neck for over 9 mins for all on TV to see. All these deaths are on his hands.

It not even close to sedition is what happened at the capital and has been happening at the Democratic capitals.


What does that have to do with 10 months of violent insurgency by the democrats with no repercussions?
Sad how we're constantly asked to consider irrelevancies, just so the attention can be diverted from Trump. Sorry, ain't happenin'. His actions were a whole order of magnitude more odious than anything Antifa/BLM did. While rioting and arson may be bad, sedition is much worse.

Yeah, the violent 10 month insurgency by you Nazi scum is irrelevant, I mean Orange Man Bad, right?

Sedition... You mean opposing the Reich, the democrat Nazi fucks?
Look to the cop that kneeled on George Floyd's neck for over 9 mins for all on TV to see. All these deaths are on his hands.

It not even close to sedition is what happened at the capital and has been happening at the Democratic capitals.
Disproved argument. George Floyd would have died of a fentanyl OD, knee or no knee. The riots were arranged and condoned and supported by the DNC and YOU democrat shills.

Not if he didn't get arrested.
Look to the cop that kneeled on George Floyd's neck for over 9 mins for all on TV to see. All these deaths are on his hands.

It not even close to sedition is what happened at the capital and has been happening at the Democratic capitals.


What does that have to do with 10 months of violent insurgency by the democrats with no repercussions?

One about racism is not as bad as one about sedition. Imagine if you can how the congress felt at the MI capital. You can't. Besides the ones about racism were all protests, not insurrection.
One about racism is not as bad as one about sedition. Imagine if you can how the congress felt at the MI capital. You can't. Besides the ones about racism were all protests, not insurrection.

Ohh look, the hate sites have taught the Nazi drones to say "sedition."

Was it sedition when democrat Brown Shirts attacked the white house and tried to kill the president back in July?

Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for left-wing rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end in 2020.

Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos (legalinsurrection.com)
9 Jan 2021 ~~ By Stacy Matthews

On Thursday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris used their platforms as the next POTUS and VPOTUS of the United States to gaslight the American people with their dishonest comparison of Wednesday’s Capitol Hill riots to the Antifa/Black Lives Matter looting and riots that happened in Democrat-run cities for over six months in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.
Biden threw gasoline on the fire by proclaiming that “No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol.”
Harris did her part in lighting a match as well, declaring that “We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capitol, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protesters last summer.”
In reality, in most instances the radicals in BLM and Antifa were allowed to get away with their heinous actions last year, even being treated as heroes by the mainstream press and Democrats – some of whom, like Harris and the Biden campaign, promoted their bail funds.
Here’s a look back through the Legal Insurrection archives at the protest violence and other dangerous activities that occurred during an over six-month period of time here in America in 2020 courtesy of the left-wing extremists in Antifa and BLM:
MSNBC Reporter Describes Minneapolis “Protest” as “Not, Generally Speaking, Unruly” as He Stands in Front of Burning Building
Mob Throws Statue of Hans Christian Heg, Abolitionist, Into Lake Monona
It’s Going Down: Seattle Surrenders a Police Station and Four City Blocks to Antifa
America Under Attack: Riots and Looting Nationwide
Portland Rioters Set Fire to Bloody Pig’s Head With Cop’s Hat on U.S. Flag
Man Violently Attacked in Portland: “I was stabbed for being a conservative journalist”
Media, Portland Mayor Mischaracterize Assault on Federal Courthouse as “Protests”
Sen. Rand Paul and others attacked by DC mobs after leaving Trump speech
Kenosha, WI Under Siege By Antifa/BLM Rioters
Riot First, Asks Questions Later: Minneapolis Looting Sparked By False Report Of Police Shooting
DC BLM Mob Harasses White Diners, Demanding They Raise Fists In Solidarity
Portland Rioters Wheel Guillotine Through Suburbs, Execute American Flag
Report: Seattle Rioters Tried to Burn Police Officers Alive By Sealing Precinct Door Shut
Portland: BLM Mob Causes Man to Crash, Beats Him Unconscious
‘Peaceful Protesters’ in Portland Set Fire to County Government Building
Chicago Looters Attack Ronald McDonald House
Over 100 People Arrested in Chicago Overnight Amid Rampant Rioting and Looting
Louisville, Other Cities Struck by Violence, Riots for Second Night After Breonna Taylor Decision
BLM Protesters Target Georgetown CVS Because Employees Called Police on Shoplifters
Two Los Angeles County Deputies Shot; BLM Chants “We Hope They Die” Outside Hospital
Black Lives Matter Rioters Ransack Rochester, NY
‘Peaceful Protests’ Push St. Louis, Portland Mayors Out of Their Homes
National Guard Deployed to Philadelphia After Violence, Looting Explodes for the Second Night
Pro-Trump Rally Attacked In Liberal Ithaca (NY)
BLM Rioters Damage Homes, Stores in Wisconsin After DA Won’t Charge Cop in Fatal Shooting
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s unquestionably that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for BLM and Antifa rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end, took over entire city blocks and police precincts, and threw incendiary devices at federal courthouses while Democrats and the media enthusiastically eggedthem on and gaslit the country on a regular basis as the fires raged.
Democrats and the media coddled Antifa/BLM rioters at a time when stepping up and speaking out strongly against them might have made a difference. Republicans not only repeatedly condemned last year’s looting and riots, but did the same with the Capitol Hill violence that happened earlier this week.
That’s something to remember the next time anyone on the left or in the media tries to pretend they have any moral high ground here. They most certainly do not.

The dollar value of damage caused by Trump supporting mostly peaceful protestors in DC over the course of a few hours on Jan 6 — probably less than 100k to replace broken windows, at the prices government pays.
Dollar value of damage cause by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats supporting Antifa-BLM mostly "Fiery Peaceful Riots" over the course of several months in hundreds of cities accross the US — at least hundreds of billions. That does not include the stabbings and executions of bystanders and executions by Antifa memebrs.

Sad how we're constantly asked to consider irrelevancies, just so the attention can be diverted from Trump. Sorry, ain't happenin'. His actions were a whole order of magnitude more odious than anything Antifa/BLM did. While rioting and arson may be bad, sedition is much worse.
You are so completely full of shit!
Trump said nothing that incited violence. I would not be surprised if BLM and antifa and other democrats like you were among the fringe who instigated that breech of the capitol.
Democrats excused and inspired and endorsed violence all year long.
It’s only been over a few months’ time. Is your memory that god awful?
You’re a complete liar!
Look to the cop that kneeled on George Floyd's neck for over 9 mins for all on TV to see. All these deaths are on his hands.

It not even close to sedition is what happened at the capital and has been happening at the Democratic capitals.
Disproved argument. George Floyd would have died of a fentanyl OD, knee or no knee. The riots were arranged and condoned and supported by the DNC and YOU democrat shills.

Not if he didn't get arrested.
You must have ridden the short bus to school. Fentanyl doesn't care if you're arrested. IGNORANT.

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