Five Reasons Why Cats are Inferior to Dogs

we have a lot of cats.

The neighbors fuss, but the cats kill the copperheads and rattlesnakes.

The snakes are scarce around here now ,something the neighbors don't quite understand.
With cats, you don't have to constantly have hot dog turds in your hand. Case closed. Cats win.
I have American Pit (Chula) and a "Pitten" (my cat Loco) Loco thinks he's a dog, we got him when he was just 3 weeks old, yet he was eating solids and drinking milk (kitten formula) on his own...Chula mothered him and...well...he thinks he's part pit, that's where "Pitten" came from, my daughter came up with that one..LOL.
He even eats her dog food...though he has plenty of cat food served everyday.
He's nutz...sometimes, I think he's on crack the way he zips around the house in the middle of the night.
He makes "friends" with the mice that have moved in for the winter...a few weeks ago my cousin calls me into the living room and tells me the cat is chasing a, he was actually "playing" with it...and the mouse? The mouse was playing back! My phone was DEAD at the time so I could not vid it...but it was the most bizarre thing I had ever seen between a house cat and a mouse...Loco would catch it and gently hold him in his mouth...then would let the mouse go...the mouse would run off, then turn around and come back and would jump up at Loco like "come on MF.. let's go"...they did this for about an hour and then Loco just let him go...and the mouse just ran back into the old vent.
Now, he sits and waits by the old vents for the mouse to come out to play...
There is indisputable proof that CATS are smarter than dogs. Wanna know what it izzz? Well I'll tell ya.

You don't ever see a CAT eating dog shit.

LOL...why? My dog does that, and it grosses me out everytime I see her do that! WHY? Why do dogs eat cat shit? And puke for that matter?
There is an old joke...

What do you call a dog with no legs?
It doesn't matter, he is not going to come anyway

Same applies to cats
I had a dog once, it had no legs, so every morning I'd take it out for a drag.
By John Hawkins @ Rightwingnews blog

1. Dogs are smarter than cats
2. Dogs love you – cats could care less.
3. Dogs are better pets.
4. Dogs are happy and fun. Cats...
5. Cats would murder you if they could
I couldn't agree more. See what you think @ PJ Lifestyle » 5 Reasons Cats Are Inferior to Dogs In Every Way

I don't understand why people who love animals want to differentiate which animal is better. I love both cats and dogs. I don't think we can determine which is smarter, the cat or the dog. I do know my cat loved me as much as the dog did. That cat loved the dog too. They were best friends. Cats are just as good pets but in a different way. My cat was happy and fun, albeit moody too....that just made him more interesting. He seemed to have a more complex personality than the dog. No way would my cat murder me or anyone. He would not be interested in going to that much trouble over anything.

I miss them both so much. :(

:)One day, I'll have another cat and dog. They really enrich your life.
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In an urban environment people have to take their dogs out for a walk to a park or a vacant lot to let them poop and then clean up the poop with a plastic bag. No one has to provide that service for their cats.
My cats all know their names, come when they are called, if they feel like it.
two of three of my cats will fetch if the toy is small enough to put in their mouth. One of my cats has learned from the dogs to make a noise that sounds a lot like a bark......

The current cat that I have is a Russian Blue. He's the biggest cat I've ever seen outside a zoo. He can stand on his hind legs and open doors.

I had a Russian Blue 15 years ago, her name was Spriggins and was a badass. I lived on 93 acres and she would go out when she wanted. She would scratch the door every night at 12:30 to go out and would be back at 6:30 each morning, you could set your watch by her timing. She would always have a fresh kill on the doorstep. Moles, Flying Squirrels, mice and rats..... I would bag them up and throw them in the freezer. I worked with a wild bird rehab group and was raising a Barn Owl, I was successful because of Spriggs, the owl got the nutrient he needed to grow and nourish his bones. I kept him through his first molt and released him on the property. I was on the phone one day when sprigging came in with a bunny she was dragging like a lion with an antelope, it was still warm. Great cat, I had her for sixteen years until I was out of town and my parents came by to check on my Afghan Hound Sitarra, that's him in the left corner of the page. They didn't like cats and didn't notice when Spriggs snuck out. She was killed by a Copperhead that stuck her in the belly, a neighbor who was a veterinarian assistant found her and there was nothing that could be done. I think of her often.
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I have both and dogs are easier to train but I'm not sure if that makes them smarter or more eager to please than cats.

But cats you can train to use the litter box. That's really a plus for cats.

Cats instinctively know how to use a litter box, you have to train them to use a toilet.......

[ame=]Marmalade The Cat Uses The Toilet And Flushes When He Is Done!! - YouTube[/ame]

teach a dog to do that.:razz:
There is indisputable proof that CATS are smarter than dogs. Wanna know what it izzz? Well I'll tell ya.

You don't ever see a CAT eating dog shit.

LOL...why? My dog does that, and it grosses me out everytime I see her do that! WHY? Why do dogs eat cat shit? And puke for that matter?

We call it kitty rocha at my place and the dog has the nastiest stink-breath known to mankind.
When I see someone with a dog, i know they like to hold hot dog turds in their hand.

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