FISA court finds that obama illegally survielled American citizens for years....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep......this is the tip of the iceberg...we need a special prosecutor to actually follow this crime...

Report: Obama NSA Illegally Spied On Americans For Years

Since 2011, NSA’s minimization procedures have prohibited use of U.S.-person identifiers to query the results of upstream Internet collections under Section 702. T

he Oct. 26, 2016 notice informed the court that NSA analysts had been conducting such queries in violation of that prohibition, with much greater frequency than had been previously disclosed to the Court.

What does this mean in plain language? It means that the Obama administration increased the number of searches involving Americans by a factor of three, and unmasked far more Americans than before 2011.

Circa quotes the ACLU as stating that these are “some of the most serious [violations] to ever be documented and strongly call into question the US intelligence community’s ability to police itself.”

In October, just before the election, the NSA said that it told the court that it had boosted its surveillance, and even stated in April that the “NSA will no longer collect certain internet communications that merely mention a foreign intelligence target.”
Yep, and they've been admonished and told to stop by courts for years, yet it still goes on.
Trump should appoint a special prosecutor as soon as he comes back......
Been trying to tell you that dumbass. We are THE most incarcerated and surveilled population on the planet; in the history of the planet. But hey, you got your guns, so you're "free".
Been trying to tell you that dumbass. We are THE most incarcerated and surveilled population on the planet; in the history of the planet. But hey, you got your guns, so you're "free".

So much Bill of Rights abuses under Obammy - sad really.
It's utterly bipartisan shoog - really.

You read that in the OP?

link tinker bell?

You should really look into your society, it's structures, and history. The surveillance state was ramped up post 9/11 under Bush, and then put on steriods under Obama, and Don is waddling right along with the program hon.
the fake dossier they put together for "pee-gate" was commissioned by a PAC - and the obama admin presented that dossier if (admitted fake) evidence to FISA in order to get a warrant to surveil.

so make up fake news and demand a warrant to see if it's true.

yea, liberals would have no problem with this being done to them.

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